Top Items:

Deadliest Bomb in Iraq Is Made by Iran, U.S. Says — The most lethal weapon directed against American troops in Iraq is an explosive-packed cylinder that United States intelligence asserts is being supplied by Iran. — The assertion of an Iranian role in supplying the device …

Al-Qaeda Suspects Color White House Debate Over Iran — Last week, the CIA sent an urgent report to President Bush's National Security Council: Iranian authorities had arrested two al-Qaeda operatives traveling through Iran on their way from Pakistan to Iraq.

The NY Times returns to pre-Iraq-war "journalism" — Over the past few weeks, The Los Angeles Times has published several detailed and well-documented articles casting serious doubt on the administration's claims that Iran is fueling the Iraqi insurgency with weapons.

'NYT' Reporter Who Got Iraqi WMDs Wrong Now Highlights Iran Claims — NEW YORK Saturday's New York Times features an article, posted at the top of its Web site late Friday, that suggests very strongly that Iran is supplying the "deadliest weapon aimed at American troops" in Iraq.

When Petty Reporters Get Mad — Looks like the blogs are going to be busy this cycle rebutting smears against our candidates. This latest is penned by Mike Allen. … How suspicious! The answer, as both Brad Delong and The Poorman note, is that Swahili and Arabic are extremely similar languages …

Target Iran: US able to strike in the spring — Despite denials, Pentagon plans for possible attack on nuclear sites are well advanced — US preparations for an air strike against Iran are at an advanced stage, in spite of repeated public denials by the Bush administration, according to informed sources in Washington.

OBAMA: IF YOU LOOK AFRICAN-AMERICAN, YOU ARE TREATED LIKE ONE — Acknowledging that his presidential campaign has opened a racial debate, Sen. Barack Obama, who has a white mother and an African father, says if you look African-American, you are treated like one.

Democratic voters growing impatient with Congress — CHICAGO - In Washington, Democrats are blaming Republicans for the Senate's failure so far to vote on a resolution opposing a troop increase in Iraq. — But in the heartland, some voters say such excuses no longer are good enough.

Senators Debate Significance of Pentagon Report On Intelligence — Senate Democrats and Republicans disagreed yesterday over the meaning and importance of a Defense Department inspector general's conclusion that a Pentagon policy office produced and gave senior policymakers …
Booman Tribune

For Lawyers, No Clear Favorite — Litigators Backed Edwards in 2004, but He Has New Competition — In the last presidential election, John Edwards had the powerful support and deep pockets of the nation's trial lawyers behind him. But when the lawyers gather for their winter conference today …
Captain's Quarters

Poll shows Arabs dislike Bush — WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A new poll on Thursday underscored deep Arab unhappiness with the United States but said the negative image could be repaired if Washington brokered a comprehensive Arab-Israeli peace agreement. — The survey of 3,850 people …

U.S. Gives Tour of Family Detention Center That Critics Liken to a Prison — Responding to complaints about conditions at the nation's main family detention center for illegal immigrants, officials threw open the gates on Friday for a first news media tour.

Giuliani Shifts Abortion Speech Gently to Right — As he prepares for a possible run for president — a road that goes deep into the heart of conservative America — Rudolph W. Giuliani takes with him a belief in abortion rights that many think could derail his bid to capture the Republican nomination.

Best of the Web — Best of the Tube This Weekend: Watch James Taranto on "Lou Dobbs Tonight." CNN, 6-7 p.m. EST tonight, with a repeat showing at 4 a.m. EST Saturday. — Denying the Future — The Boston Globe's Ellen Goodman starts off a column about global warming on a loopy note:
Blue Crab Boulevard, The Corner, She Flies With Her Own Wings, Jay and Stop The ACLU

Balloon Juice — Wuzzadem John sends me this email: … Just so you don't have to go over there, here's the post: … You've got a weird sense of humor, John. Of course, we all know that there's no such thing as a feminist alcoholic exhibitionist. Except for Ted Kennedy. — F**k off, man.

Pretty Amusing — Goldstein's half-witted sidekick, Dan Collins …
protein wisdom

Soviet monument to make way for Reagan: report — Opponents of Poland's former communist regime reportedly want to pay a posthumous homage to US President Ronald Reagan by erecting his statue in the place of a Soviet-era monument. — In an open letter to the mayor of the southwestern city of Katowice …