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Announcement — I was hired by the Edwards campaign for the skills and talents I bring to the table, and my willingness to work hard for what's right. Unfortunately, Bill Donohue and his calvacade of right wing shills don't respect that a mere woman like me could be hired for my skills …

Edwards' blogger resigns — Amanda Marcotte has resigned from the Edwards' campaign. Of course, it's all the right wing's and Catholic activists' fault (a blame-avoidance strategy I highlighted on The O'Reilly Factor tonight before news of Marcotte's resignation broke). Writes Marcotte this evening:

Marcotte Resigns — Amanda Marcotte has resigned from the Edwards campaign (h/t Jeff G.): … I am genuinely, sincerely saddened. I have said on many occasions that I didn't want Marcotte to lose her job. I explained part of the reason I felt that way in this post:

Breaking: Marcotte Resigns (updated. And updated again) — Ms Marcotte blames the Catholic League's Bill Donohue for her troubles, but in truth, her anti-religious screeds (she calls them "anti-theocracy"—though the distinction seems rather disingenuous, given that her attacks tend …

Targeted Blogger Quits Edwards Campaign — RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — One of the chief campaign bloggers for Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards quit Monday after conservative critics raised questions about her history of provocative online messages. — Amanda Marcotte posted …

Potty mouth fembigot down — John Edwards' now former blogstress was the talk on O'Reilly tonight: — After the airing, Amanda Marcotte resigned from the Edwards campaign. She's blaming it all on Bill Donohue, and the AP is only too happy help her tote that banner:
Riehl World View

Marcotte Quits, Sun To Rise In East In The Morning

Top American General Disputes US Military Claim on Iran — The top American military officer, General Peter Pace, declined Monday to endorse the conclusions of U.S. military officers in Baghdad, who told reporters on Sunday that the Iranian government is providing high-powered roadside bombs to insurgents in Iraq.

Pace Demurs on Accusation of Iran — General Says He Knows Nothing Tying Leaders to Arms in Iraq — Marine Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said yesterday that he has no information indicating Iran's government is directing the supply of lethal weapons to Shiite insurgent groups in Iraq.

Tentative Deal in N. Korea Nuclear Talks — BEIJING (AP) — The U.S. envoy to talks on North Korea's nuclear program said Tuesday that negotiators reached a tentative agreement on initial steps for the communist nation's disarmament. — Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill …

Draft Accord Reached in North Korea Nuclear Talks — Negotiators for the six nations in the North Korean nuclear disarmament talks are poised to announce a new agreement on Tuesday, but they are first awaiting approval of the draft accord from their respective governments …

Pincus Reveals Fleischer As Leak Source — Washington Post reporter Walter Pincus testified in court this morning that then-White House press secretary Ari Fleischer, not I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, was the first person to tell him that a prominent critic of the Iraq war was married to undercover CIA officer Valerie Plame.
The Strata-Sphere, Firedoglake, PostWatch, Taylor Marsh, On Deadline, Balloon Juice, Romenesko and Wonkette

Prison Rape — I've written about this before. Here's a first-person account: … The crime this man committed for us to throw him into a jail where we know he'll be brutally assaulted, raped, and possibly contract a terminal immune system disease? Drinking and driving.

Video: Obama says lives of troops killed in Iraq were "wasted" — Now we know for sure he's not the messiah. The messiah doesn't make mistakes. — Of course he thinks their lives were wasted. Everyone on the anti-war side does; that's one of the reasons they want to end the war.

Breaking: Menendez Will Co-Sponsor Bill Banning Torture, Restoring Habeas Corpus — I rarely use "breaking" in titles but I think this deserves it. After all the uproar over Senator Menendez's vote a few months ago for the unconstitutional Military Commissions Act which eliminated habeas corpus …

First Attack by Al Qaeda in Japan? — Alexis Debat and Maddy Sauer Report: — There was a scare today at a U.S. military base outside Tokyo when two small explosions occurred shortly after 11 p.m. there. While no one was injured, investigators are looking at the possibility that it was an attempted terrorist attack.

Michael Gordon, the administration's best friend at the Times — In the lead-up to the Iraq War, Michael Gordon of The New York Times wrote one of the most discredited, journalistically irresponsible, and damaging articles of the last decade — a September 8, 2002, front-page article …
Lawyers, Guns and Money, Larisa Alexandrovna's …, Pottersville, politburo diktat 2.0 and TPMCafe blogs