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Press Conference by the President — THE PRESIDENT: Thanks for coming in on an icy day. I have just finished a conversation with General David Petraeus. He gave me his first briefing from Iraq. He talked about the Baghdad security plan. It's the plan that I described to the nation last January …
Bush: Who Cares if Iran Ordered EFP Attacks?
Associated Press, NewsHog, Talking Points Memo, Donklephant, The Anonymous Liberal, The Caucus, The Heretik and Political Animal
Fox News Channel bombs with comedy show — Jon Stewart knows how to do slashing comical commentary. He weighs in on what's happening, such as the media's bizarre coverage of Anna Nicole Smith's death. — David Letterman knows how to do slashing comical commentary.
Video: President Rush Limbaugh, Vice President Ann Coulter — Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter play President and Vice President on Fox News' new satirical television show premiering Sunday Night at 10pm Eastern: — Listen to Rush talk about his appearance here. — Blowback
Ace of Spades HQ
Barbara Starr spreads WH propaganda on Iran/ Bush will not confirm-White House Blues — What's the words in that Prince song? "Just like 1999"..This segment by Starr is amazing. — Download (1776) | Play (1443) Download (795) | Play (899) (correction) … Then what are you doing Barbara?
Skepticism Over Iraq Haunts U.S. Iran Policy — The specter of the war in Iraq — a war the Bush administration denied it was planning, supported by evidence that turned out to be false — looms large over administration policy toward Iran. — Skeptical members of Congress …
The Huffington Post
Bush Says Iran Is Supplying Weapons in Iraq — President Bush said today he has no doubt that Iran has supplied weapons used against U.S. forces in Iraq, but he stressed that he does not know whether the top leadership in Iran ordered the activity and he denied that he is using the issue as a "pretext" for war against Iran.
New York Times, Nitpicker, the talking dog, The Heretik, Liberty Street and Boston Globe
TERRORISM....A recent post from Glenn Reynolds about how we ought to be responding to Iran has been batted around quite a bit in the past few days. Here's Glenn: … I imagine a lot of people agree with Glenn, but his recommendation really demonstrates the moral knot caused by George Bush's insistence …
Protector of the free world deserves better — Anti-Americanism has a long pedigree, but that only makes it more irrational, writes Janet Albrechtsen — BY all means unfurl the banners, dust off the placards and prop up the distorted effigies of George W. Bush.
Jules Crittenden, Dr. Sanity, Gold-Plated Witch on Wheels, PrairiePundit and Blue Crab Boulevard
A Prewar Slide Show Cast Iraq in Rosy Hues — When Gen. Tommy R. Franks and his top officers gathered in August 2002 to review an invasion plan for Iraq, it reflected a decidedly upbeat vision of what the country would look like four years after Saddam Hussein was ousted from power.
Conscience and Soul — Reading through the interview with Vanderslice, who is one of the religious left political consultants, there's plenty I agree with. I do agree that Democrats should reach out to religious voters and it's something they've been bad at doing, though they've been pretty bad …
6 minutes of horror … In just six minutes, 18-year-old Sulejman Talovic left a tragic path of destruction that forever changed the lives of dozens of people. — "His intent was to shoot as many people as he possibly could," said Salt Lake City Police Chief Chris Burbank.
Classical Values, Little Green Footballs, IMAO, Blue Crab Boulevard, Jihad Watch, BizzyBlog and Daily Pundit
America's view of Republicans crumbles in Iraq — According to the latest Gallup survey, Republican self-identification has declined nationally and in almost every American state. Why? The short answer is that President Bush's war of choice in Iraq has destroyed the partisan brand Republicans spent the past four decades building.
Mahdi army commanders withdraw to Iran to lie low during security crackdown — Senior commanders of the Mahdi army, the militia loyal to the radical Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, have been spirited away to Iran to avoid being targeted in the new security push in Baghdad, a high-level Iraqi official told the Guardian yesterday.
MELLENCAMP: U.S. SHOULD NOT RESPOND TO 9/11 OR PEARL HARBOR — Singer John Mellencamp on the 'Charlie Rose Show' said the removal of the Taliban after 9/11 was wrong, but further Mellencamp stated if the United States knew exactly where Osama bin Laden was it would be wrong to drop a bomb on OBL's head.
For Liberal Bloggers, Libby Trial Is Fun and Fodder — The perjury trial of I. Lewis Libby Jr., former top aide to Vice President Dick Cheney, has drawn every major news organization in the country to the federal courthouse in Washington. But none has fielded a bigger team …
Recall drive targets McCain over Iraq — A new recall drive targets Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., a top contender for the 2008 GOP presidential nomination. — Organizers oppose McCain's continued support of the unpopular Iraq war and consider him complicit in what they perceive as the erosion …