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Al Gore's Personal Energy Use Is His Own "Inconvenient Truth" — Al Gore's Personal Energy Use Is His Own "Inconvenient Truth" — Gore's home uses more than 20 times the national average — Last night, Al Gore's global-warming documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, collected an Oscar …

Gore Responds To Drudge's Latest Hysterics — The right-wing is angry that Al Gore has won so much public attention and goodwill for his work on global warming. Determined to smear his efforts, Drudge writes in a screaming headline: — Responding to Drudge's attack, Vice President Gore's office told ThinkProgress:
Riehl World View, Reason Magazine, The Sundries Shack, Tennessee Guerilla Women and Oliver Willis

An Oscar For His Second Act — Now, somebody ought to make a movie about Al Gore. I would call it "An Uncomplaining Life." — The movie would be about a man who did not quit, who came off the canvas after a painfully close election — he won the popular vote, after all …

Dave Johnson and James Boyce: A Far Too Convenient $mear: Part One (UPDATED) — Did you honestly think that the Right Wing $mear machine was going to let Al Gore stand up with the terrific team who created and direct the movie and receive an Oscar for "An Inconvenient Truth?"

The Mote And The Beam Of Global Warming (Updated: Gore Responds)

News Bloggers Blog, LIBERTAS, Don Surber, Stop The ACLU, Power Line, Ace of Spades HQ, Flopping Aces and

Cheney OK After Afghan Blast; 19 Killed — BAGRAM, Afghanistan (AP) — A suicide bomber killed 19 people and wounded 11 outside the main U.S. military base in Afghanistan on Tuesday during a visit by Vice President Dick Cheney, officials said. The Taliban claimed responsibility and said Cheney was the target.

Taliban says targets Cheney in Afghan suicide blast — KABUL (Reuters) - A Taliban suicide bomber killed up to 12 people at the main U.S. military base in Afghanistan on Tuesday in an attack the rebels said was aimed at Dick Cheney, but the visiting U.S. vice president was not hurt.

The Assassination Attempt Misses — Dick Cheney made an unannounced visit to Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan after a stop in Pakistan to tell Pervez Musharraf that the US needs him to fight the al-Qaeda and Taliban forces organizing in Pakistani territory. As if to underscore that message …

Laura Bush: Iraq is mostly stable, it's just that "one bombing a day that discourages everyone" — Laura Bush, Iraq expert, just now on Larry King Live: … Yeah, it's such a great place that Iraq. So stable, well, except for that pesky "one bombing a day."
Crooked Timber

Democrats back away from Iraq plan — WASHINGTON (AP) — Democratic leaders backed away from aggressive plans to limit President Bush's war authority, the latest sign of divisions within their ranks over how to proceed. — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said Monday he wanted …

A Democrat on Everything but Iraq — The not-so-nice words for Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman keep coming. — Evil incarnate, according to the liberal blogosphere. — Barely a Democrat, concludes conservative columnist Robert Novak. — Glenn Close in "Fatal Attraction," a taunting lunatic who will …

Venezuela to seize foreign oil projects — CARACAS, Venezuela - President Hugo Chavez ordered by decree on Monday the takeover of oil projects run by foreign oil companies in Venezuela's Orinoco River region. — Chavez had previously announced the government's intention to take a majority stake …

Iraqi Cabinet Approves Draft of Oil Law — The Iraqi cabinet approved a draft of a law today that would set guidelines for countrywide distribution of oil revenues and foreign investment in the immense oil industry. — The endorsement marked a major agreement among the country's ethnic …
Captain's Quarters, Atlantic Free Press, FP Passport, On Deadline and Blue Crab Boulevard

Special Comment: Secretary Rice, Get Your Facts Straight! — In tonight's Special Comment, Keith took Condi to task for making the following ridiculous and historically inaccurate analogy on FOX News Sunday yesterday: … Download (3530) | Play (2607) Download (1814) | Play (1785)

Uggly truth for Pamela Anderson — FORMERBaywatch babe Pamela Anderson has taken the shears to her ugg boots. — The Hollywood pin-up credited with turning the Australian boots into a global fashion phenomenon denounced the footwear on her website. — In a truly blonde moment …