Top Items:

Al Gore's Personal Energy Use Is His Own "Inconvenient Truth" — Al Gore's Personal Energy Use Is His Own "Inconvenient Truth" — Gore's home uses more than 20 times the national average — Last night, Al Gore's global-warming documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, collected an Oscar …

Get Out A Cross and a Clove of Garlic — I was talking to a reporter the other day about Republican Presidential candidates; Newt Gingrich's name came up, and I said that whenever anyone suggests Newt as a contender, I get out a cross and a clove of garlic.
Power Line

The Mote And The Beam Of Global Warming — After last night's Oscar win, Al Gore has ridden a wave of good press about his efforts to end global warming. Having Leonardo DiCaprio try to push Gore into a Presidential run in front of a billion people worldwide has to be heady stuff for the former VP and erstwhile candidate.

The Omnipresent Vice President — President Bush has all but vanished from the national and international radar. But Vice President Cheney is everywhere and at the thick of it all. — His credibility may be shot, he and his boss may be lame ducks, his signal achievement — the war in Iraq …
Firedoglake, Right Wing Nut House, NewsHog, Talking Points Memo, Jules Crittenden, The Huffington Post and First Draft

POLL: Americans Strongly Support Murtha's Iraq Plan — The Washington Post editorial board — which four years ago called President Bush's plan for war in Iraq "an operation essential to American security" — is now harshly attacking Rep. John Murtha's (D-PA) effort to increase support …
MyDD, Washington Post,, The Huffington Post, Taylor Marsh, Daily Kos, Norwegianity, Macsmind, AMERICAblog and INSTAPUTZ

Ahmadinejad under fire in Iran for hardline nuclear stance — Robert Tait in Tehran and Ian Black — Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, came under fire from domestic critics yesterday for his uncompromising stance on the nuclear issue as the US and Britain launched a new diplomatic effort …
The Moderate Voice

Iranian Leaders Criticize President — TEHRAN, Iran — President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad faced a new round of sharp criticism at home Monday after he said Iran's nuclear program is an unstoppable train without brakes. Reformers and conservatives said such tough talk only inflames the West as it considers further sanctions.

U.S. Says Raid in Iraq Supports Claim on Iran — A raid on a Shiite weapons cache in the southern city of Hilla one week ago is providing what American officials call the best evidence yet that the deadliest roadside bombs in Iraq are manufactured in Iran, but critics contend …
Jules Crittenden, Danger Room, Needlenose, NewsHog, CJR Daily, TAPPED, Middle Earth Journal and The American Street

Hillary Holds On; Giuliani Expands Lead in National Primary Tests Obama advances, but McCain fades in partisan contests; Obama, Giuliani do best in general election match-ups — New York Sen. Hillary Clinton clings to a shrinking lead over Illinois Senator Barack Obama in a national test …

SCORN POURED ON JAMES CAMERON'S 'COFFIN OF CHRIST' THEORY — Archaeologists and biblical scholars have poured scorn on a Hollywood film director's sensational claim that he has discovered the coffin of Jesus Christ. — Oscar-winning 'Titanic' director James Cameron's assertion that the bones …
One Hand Clapping, Macsmind, Neocon Express, The Strata-Sphere, Blue Crab Boulevard, Wizbang and Winds of Change.NET

A Day in The Life of a Congressman — I just read through the charging documents against Will Heaton, ex-Rep. Bob Ney's (R-OH) former chief of staff who pled guilty today, and they contain a couple precious details about how it was being Ney's right hand man for four years.

Greenspan Warns of Likely U.S. Recession — Alan Greenspan Warns That U.S. Economy May Slip Into Recession by End of Year — HONG KONG (AP) — Former U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan warned Monday that the American economy might slip into recession by year's end.

Iraqi Cabinet Approves Draft of Oil Law — The Iraqi cabinet approved a draft of a law today that would set guidelines for countrywide distribution of oil revenues and foreign investment in the immense oil industry. — The endorsement marked a major agreement among the country's ethnic …

Fair and balanced? The conservative wiki — It may sound like a resource for fans of jam but Conservapedia is an attempt to redress the supposed liberal bias in Wikipedia. Not content with having their own news channel, America's conservatives want their own facts too.

The Washington Post's crush on right-wing bloggers — Under normal circumstances, the recent lunch at at a Filipino cafe in Washington, D.C., between Washington Post media writer Howard Kurtz and right-wing blogger Michelle Malkin would have been an awkward affair.