Top Items:
Lolita C. Baldor / Associated Press:
9/11 Mastermind Confesses in Guantanamo — WASHINGTON — Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the suspected mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks, confessed to that attack and a string of others during a military hearing at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, according to a transcript released Wednesday by the Pentagon.
Adam Liptak / New York Times:
Suspected Leader of Attacks on 9/11 Is Said to Confess — Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, long said to be the mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks, confessed to them at a military hearing held in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, on Saturday, according to a transcript released by the Pentagon yesterday.
Firedoglake, the talking dog,, Brilliant at Breakfast, Gothamist, NPR Topics and TalkLeft
Allahpundit / Hot Air:
KSM confesses to Gitmo tribunal: I planned 9/11 "from A to Z"; Update: Full transcript added; Update: KSM confesses to Daniel Pearl's murder — And much, much more. … The Beeb says he also admitted to plots against Big Ben and Heathrow. — Looking for the transcript. Standby.
Fox News, Captain's Quarters, Pajamas Media, Stop The ACLU, Hang Right Politics and Little Green Footballs
Sheryl Gay Stolberg / New York Times:
Bush Criticizes Handling of Prosecutors' Dismissals — President Bush said Wednesday that he had confidence in Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, but that he was "frankly not happy about" the way Mr. Gonzales had handled the dismissal of federal prosecutors, a move that has led …
Real Cities, Think Progress, TPMmuckraker, USA Today, MyDD, The Carpetbagger Report, Gateway Pundit, and Washington Post
William Finn Bennett / North County Times:
Issa: 'Congress was lied to' — Calls for ouster of attorney general if involved in providing false information to lawmakers — U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa said Wednesday he was "outraged" that executive branch officials recently gave a congressional hearing misleading and inaccurate testimony based …
Liberal Values
Zzaki / Political Punch:
Senator Clinton, unplugged
Senator Clinton, unplugged
Firedoglake, Daily. Gay. News. Towleroad, The Swamp,, Harry's Place, The Caucus, and The Daily Dish
New York Times:
Clinton Sees Some Troops Staying in Iraq if She Is Elected — Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton foresees a "remaining military as well as political mission" in Iraq, and says that if elected president, she would keep a reduced but significant military force there to fight Al Qaeda …
Glenn Thrush / Newsday:
Clinton, Obama skirt queries on gays in the military — WASHINGTON — If gays and lesbians were looking for a champion to dispute Gen. Peter Pace's claim that homosexuality is immoral, they might have expected Hillary Rodham Clinton or Barack Obama to leap forward. — Not quite.
Donald Lambro / Washington Times:
Waning momentum — It is the subject of increasing backroom discussion among Democratic officials and strategists on Capitol Hill and the party's rank-and-file forces at the grass roots. The "it" is Sen. Hillary Clinton's questionable electability and whether Democrats will end …
William Greider / The Nation:
Senator Inevitable — Considering the formidable advantages …
Senator Inevitable — Considering the formidable advantages …
Washington Post:
Dozens in GOP Turn Against Bush's Prized 'No Child' Act — More than 50 GOP members of the House and Senate — including the House's second-ranking Republican — will introduce legislation today that could severely undercut President Bush's signature domestic achievement, the No Child Left Behind Act …
Jonathan E. Kaplan / The Hill:
Emanuel tells freshmen to avoid Stephen Colbert — Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.), the Democratic Caucus chairman, has told new Democratic members of Congress to steer clear of Stephen Colbert, or at least his satirical Comedy Central program, "The Colbert Report."
Zogby Poll: Voters Believe Media Bias is Very Real — Institute for Politics, Democracy, and the Internet/Zogby Poll shows American voters are skeptical political motivation may be behind blogs run by mainstream news organizations — The vast majority of American voters believe media bias …
Discussion:, QandO, The Belmont Club,, Think Progress, Blue Crab Boulevard and Riehl World View
New York Times:
General Pace and Gay Soldiers — There's a good reason that military officers avoid commenting on politics, society and public policy. The results are usually bad. — Consider the offensive comments that Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, made this week about gay people.
Peter Szekely / Reuters:
House overturns Bush order on papers secrecy — WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Brushing aside a veto threat, the House of Representatives voted on Wednesday to overturn a 2001 order by President George W. Bush that lets former presidents keep their papers secret indefinitely.
Katherine Kersten / Minneapolis Star Tribune:
The real target of the 6 imams' 'discrimination' suit — The "flying imams' " federal lawsuit, filed this week in Minneapolis, has made headlines around the country. The imams are demanding unspecified damages from US Airways and the Metropolitan Airports Commission, both with deep pockets.
Jay Rosen / Wired News:
Citizen Journalism Wants You! — Welcome to Assignment Zero. It's pro-am journalism in the open style made possible by the web. This is a collaboration among NewAssignment.Net, Wired and those who choose to participate. — I hope you will. Because we're trying to figure something out here.
New York Times:
Democrats' Measure for Iraq Pullout in 2008 Nears Senate Vote; White House Threatens Veto — In the face of determined opposition from the Bush administration, the Senate on Wednesday began an impassioned debate over an exit strategy from Iraq, headed toward a vote on a Democratic resolution aimed …
Captain's Quarters
Russ Buettner / New York Times:
Hugo Chávez Is Tied to Giuliani Firm — Rudolph W. Giuliani's law firm has lobbied for years on behalf of an oil company controlled by the Venezuelan president, Hugo Chávez, a strident critic of President Bush and American-style capitalism. — Bracewell & Giuliani …
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