Top Items:

House OKs Iraq troop withdrawal bill — WASHINGTON - A sharply divided House brushed aside a veto threat Wednesday and passed legislation that would order President Bush to begin withdrawing troops from Iraq by Oct. 1. The 218-208 vote came as the top U.S. commander in Iraq told lawmakers …

Oh, man. You won't be surprised to hear that Rupert Murdoch's New York Post is willing to stoop to extraordinary depths of dishonesty to smear Dems, but this one is quite remarkable. — Check out the rewrite that The Post has done on an AP story it ran today.

The Five Myths Of Harry — These have floated in and out of the blogosphere in various forms, but I thought it would be useful to CQ readers to see the counterarguments to Harry Reid's assertions in one easy format. I asked for some research from a friend connected to Capitol Hill on rebuttals …
CNN Political Ticker

Petraeus Ex Machina — General David Petraeus went to Capitol Hill Wednesday to brief Congress behind closed doors on the progress of the surge. No word on whether he walked across the Potomac to get there. — But given the glowing terms increasingly desperate Republicans have been using …

Americans siding with Dems against Bush — NBC/WSJ poll: Skepticism on Iraq policies reflected in 2008 candidates — INTERACTIVE — A look at the democratic candidates and their performance on the campaign trail — Far-Out Americana — See photos of quirky landmarks that you sent in!

LETTING RUDY WIN....Yesterday Rudy Giuliani said the country would be safer if it elects a Republican in 2008 — especially if that Republican is him: … My reaction: Yawn. Of course Rudy thinks the country would be safer with a Republican in charge. Presumably he also thinks the economy …

Republicans equal life; Democrats equal death? — Olbermann: Rudy Giuliani exploiting fear for power and personal gain — SPECIAL COMMENT — A special comment about Rudolph Giuliani's remarks at a Lincoln Day dinner in New Hampshire: — Since some indeterminable hour between …

Blogswarm alert! — It looks as if David Broder's column tomorrow may be making the rather creative case that Harry Reid is as inept as...Alberto Gonzales. — How do I know this? Over at the Dallas Morning News, which prints Broder's column from time to time, they've done a teaser …

Joint letter issued for Gonzales — And in case Gonzales thought the worst had passed with his punishing testimony last week before the Senate Judiciary Committee, the chairman and top Republican issued a new demand: Refresh the memory that Gonzales claimed had failed him 71 times during the seven-hour session.

Fox's Gibson: U.S. invasion "unmasked" Iraqis as "knuckle-dragging savages from the 10th century" — On the April 23 broadcast of his Fox News Radio show, John Gibson argued that the Iraqi people — whom he described as "knuckle-dragging savages from the 10th century" — are at "fault" for the situation in Iraq.

Meet the Iraqi Police in Kirkuk — This is the second in a two part article. Read Part One, Where Kurdistan Meets the Red Zone, here. Scroll down for video. — KIRKUK, IRAQ - Kirkuk, like Baghdad, is one of the most dangerous places in the world. Car bombs, suicide attacks, shootings …

Harvard: How the Media Partnered With Hezbollah — During Israel's war against Hizballah, at LGF we were continually outraged by the media's uncritical promulgation of terrorist propaganda, and their overwhelming bias against Israel. The barrage of staged and manipulated disinformation culminated …
Democracy Project, Redstate, The Jawa Report, Hot Air, Ace of Spades HQ, Donklephant, and EU Referendum

Bin Laden overseeing Iraq, Afghanistan ops: Taliban — DUBAI (Reuters) - Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden is orchestrating militants' operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, a senior commander of Afghan Islamist group Taliban said in remarks broadcast on Wednesday.
Hot Air, Jules Crittenden, Redstate, The Strata-Sphere, Gateway Pundit and Middle Earth Journal

MC Bush. — Today is Africa Malaria Day. Over one million people die each year from the treatable and preventable disease; 80 percent of the deaths take place in Sub-Saharan Africa. Today, President Bush called for "a smart and sustained campaign" that involves distributing insecticide-treated bed nets …

Longer Iraq Tours Good for "Army Stress," Pentagon Says — You have got to be kidding me. Check out this pure-propaganda pronouncement, from the Pentagon's official news organ, the "American Forces Press Service": … Yeah, yeah. Water is dry, ice is warm, and up is down, too.
Unqualified Offerings, The Newshoggers, The Carpetbagger Report, AMERICAblog and toohotfortnr

MICHELLE MALKIN: Malkin's Site Now Requires Adult ID Check — For just $4.95 per month billed discreetly to your credit card, you can watch the rest of this video. — Spastic Backyard Cheerleader Video [YouTube]

JUST MAYBE, SHE MIGHT SHOW UP — Henry Waxman's Orwellian-named Oversight and Government Reform Committee served Condoleezza Rice with a subpoena today, to testify on "what she knew about administration's warnings, later proven false, that Iraq had sought uranium from Niger for nuclear arms."

Analysis: "Blackout" on campaign ads in doubt — With Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., and Justice Antonin Scalia exhibiting considerable distaste for a key provision of federal campaign finance law, Congress' latest attempt to reduce the flow of corporate and union money …
Redstate, The Volokh Conspiracy, Power Line, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, Reason Magazine and Ace of Spades HQ