Top Items:
Former President Carter Blasts Bush Administration — LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Former President Carter says President Bush's administration is "the worst in history" in international relations, taking aim at the White House's policy of pre-emptive war and its Middle East diplomacy.
US ex-president Carter blasts Bush, Blair on Iraq — Source: Reuters — Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter blasted George W. Bush's presidency as "the worst in history" in international relations and denounced British Prime Minister Tony Blair's loyal relationship with Bush in interviews released on Saturday.
U.S. Embassy in Iraq to be biggest ever — WASHINGTON - The new U.S. Embassy in Baghdad will be the world's largest and most expensive foreign mission, though it may not be large enough or secure enough to cope with the chaos in Iraq. — The Bush administration designed the 104-acre compound …
Bush gets ready for Iraq U-turn by Brown — Gordon Brown is prepared to risk the future of the "special relationship" with the United States by reversing Tony Blair's support for the Iraq war, President George W Bush has been warned. — Gordon Brown is expected to announce British troop withdrawals
Iraqi Shiite Party Leader Now in U.S. for Lung-Cancer Treatment
At DOJ, a Hard Job to Fill — McNulty's leaving, but the department's problems aren't going anywhere — Few in Washington have envied Paul McNulty over the past three months. But with the deputy attorney general's resignation last week amid the scandal over the firings of at least eight U.S. attorneys …
Talking Points Memo
Bush removes provision requiring back taxes from illegal immigrants — WASHINGTON — The Bush administration insisted on a little-noticed change in the bipartisan Senate immigration bill that would enable 12 million undocumented residents to avoid paying back taxes or associated fines to the Internal Revenue Service, officials said.
Hot Air
Immigration Thoughts — With the immigration * compromise * in the Senate, President Bush and the Senators have detonated the slow-motion trigger on a Republican debacle in 2008. Let's count the ways: — 1) The typical (median) American worker has seen his income stagnate under George W. Bush.
Power Line
Diamonds tell tale of comet that killed off the cavemen — Fireballs set half the planet ablaze, wiping out the mammoth and America's Stone Age hunters — Scientists will outline dramatic evidence this week that suggests a comet exploded over the Earth nearly 13,000 years ago …
Balloon Juice
Boos, hisses greet defense of immigration reform bill — Delegates to the state Republican convention unleashed a rare chorus of boos and hisses at U.S. Sen. Saxby Chambliss on Saturday, as he spoke up for a bipartisan immigration reform package unveiled in Washington this week.
The bigger "F**k you!" — So, open-borders sellout John McCain cursed out Sen. John Cornyn. Yawn. — I didn't get all worked up about it. You know why? — Because when it comes to "F**k yous!," no obscene utterance compares to the George W. Bush-backed, RNC-backed, Kennedy-conspired …
And if Domenici Won't Support No Confidence, Ask Him Who His First Choice Was... I noted the other day that, if you happened to be a constituent on the phone with one of the Senators deeply implicated in the USA Purge, you ought to use that to encourage them to vote no confidence in Gonzales.
Hooray for President Sarkozy — Nicholas Sarkozy strikes again — and again. Yesterday Saint Nicholas ("it's Christmas for liberty") appointed Bernard Kouchner as Foreign Minister. Touche'. Too-effin-che'. Magnifique. Kouchner supported the toppling of Saddam.
'Sicko' Shows Michael Moore's Maturity as a Filmmaker — Filmmaker Michael Moore's brilliant and uplifting new documentary, "Sicko," deals with the failings of the U.S. health care system, both real and perceived. But this time around, the controversial documentarian seems to be letting …