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Books Paint Critical Portraits of Clinton — 2 Biographies Detail Marital Strife and Driving Ambition — Two new books on Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York offer fresh and often critical portraits of the Democratic presidential candidate that depict a tortured relationship …

Clinton, Obama vote 'no' on Iraq bill — WASHINGTON - Courting the anti-war constituency, Democratic presidential rivals Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama (news, bio, voting record) both voted against legislation that pays for the Iraq war but lacks a timeline for troop withdrawal.

Congress Passes Deadline-Free War Funding Bill — Congress sent President Bush a new Iraq funding bill yesterday that lacked troop withdrawal deadlines demanded by liberal Democrats, but party leaders vowed it was only a temporary setback in their efforts to bring home American troops.

Congress approves minimum-wage increase — WASHINGTON - America's lowest-paid workers won a $2.10 raise Thursday, with Congress approving the first increase in the federal minimum wage in almost a decade. — President Bush was expected to sign the bill quickly, and workers who now make $5.15 …

A difficult day for all of us, but the fight is not over

Bush Reaffirms His Support for Gonzales — President Bush said Thursday that he would correct any problems uncovered in the investigations of last year's dismissals of federal prosecutors, but he added that nothing had undermined his support for Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales.

NBC: CIA warned of risks of war in the Mideast — Pre-war reports say agency predicted dangers of toppling Saddam's regime — Men place the coffin of an attack victim atop a vehicle in Baghdad on Friday. — NBC News Investigative Unit — In a move sure to raise even more questions …

Hyping al-Qaida — BUSH BUNGLES A PRESS CONFERENCE. — If you tuned in at the end of George W. Bush's press conference Thursday morning, just in time to watch him defend the immigration bill, you caught a glimpse of the leader he might have been, the "compassionate conservative" …

Bush In Line of Fire — ABC's Ann Compton reports: An outdoor news conference in perfect spring weather, with birds chirping loudly in the magnolia trees, is not without its hazards. — As President Bush took a question Thursday in the White House Rose Garden about scandals involving his Attorney General …
MSNBC, The Daily Whim, Hot Air, On Deadline, The Carpetbagger Report, Firedoglake, Amygdala, and The Impolitic

Immigration Bill Provisions Gain Wide Support in Poll — As opponents from the right and left challenge an immigration bill before Congress, there is broad support among Americans — Democrats, Republicans and independents alike — for the major provisions in the legislation, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.

Al Gore Appearance at the Marin Civic Center — On May 23, 2007, Al Gore made a personal appearance at the Marin Veterans' Auditorium, in the Marin Civic Center in San Rafael, California. — He was there to kick off publicity for his latest book, The Assault on Reason, which had been released just the day before.

Politics not his game, Gore says — Like an actor polished by constant interviews on a marathon movie junket, vice president turned Hollywood darling Al Gore has mastered the art of (not) answering the most obvious question: Is he running for president in 2008?

More Than Ever, It Pays to Be the Top Executive — Like most companies, Office Depot has long made sure that its chief executive was the highest-paid employee. Ten years ago, the $2.2 million pay package of its chief was more than double that of his No. 2. The fifth-ranked executive received less than one-third.
Washington Monthly

RONALD REAGAN ON IMMIGRATION: Conservative Republican have been outdoing each other in claiming the mantle of Ronald Reagan. Ironically, however, many conservatives are simultaneously outdoing each other in advocating immigration restriction - a stance Reagan would probably have abhorred.

Fred Thompson Goes Nutmeg — STAMFORD, Conn. — In his second major outing as a presidential candidate in waiting, Fred Thompson spoke last night to the Connecticut Republican Party for its annual Prescott Bush awards dinner. It was a somewhat unlikely venue for the conservative former Tennessee senator …

Pretty bad - but not Jimmy Carter bad — America is in a funk, but it needn't be — You know how bad things have got when Jimmy Carter's critique of your presidency is taken seriously. This week the former US President attacked the current one, saying that, "as far as the adverse impact …
Jules Crittenden