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See You in September — "Let's grow up, conservatives!" — Barry M. Goldwater's declaration at the 1960 Republican National Convention was designed to quell a rebellion against Richard M. Nixon, whom conservatives saw as selling out to liberals on various platform planks.

Congress Passes Deadline-Free War Funding Bill — Congress sent President Bush a new Iraq funding bill yesterday that lacked troop withdrawal deadlines demanded by liberal Democrats, but party leaders vowed it was only a temporary setback in their efforts to bring home American troops.

Clinton, Obama vote 'no' on Iraq bill
The Politico, The Carpetbagger Report, TIME, Blogs of War,, ScrappleFace, Roger L. Simon, MyDD, Brendan Nyhan and Right Wing News

Inquiry widens into Justice Department hiring — The move follows testimony by a former Gonzales aide that she had considered politics in screening applicants. — WASHINGTON — The Justice Department has broadened an internal investigation into whether aides to Atty. Gen. Alberto R. Gonzales …

Bush Reaffirms His Support for Gonzales — President Bush said Thursday that he would correct any problems uncovered in the investigations of last year's dismissals of federal prosecutors, but he added that nothing had undermined his support for Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales.
Washington Post, Firedoglake, Think Progress, The Heretik and Michael P.F. van der Galiën

The New Establishment — How Evangelicals Became Part of Washington's Fabric

Books Paint Critical Portraits of Clinton — 2 Biographies Detail Marital Strife and Driving Ambition — Two new books on Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York offer fresh and often critical portraits of the Democratic presidential candidate that depict a tortured relationship …
The Politico, New York Times, MSNBC, TIME: Swampland, Associated Press, The Caucus, CBS News, No More Mister Nice Blog, Michael P.F. van der Galiën, National Review, Whiskey Fire, Gideon Rachman,, On Deadline, Hotline On Call, Chicago Tribune, Political Mavens, Carry on America, The Atlantic Online, Sister Toldjah, Wonkette, Althouse, JammieWearingFool, Connecting.the.Dots, Macsmind, The BLT and Patterico's Pontifications

The Line: As '08 Race Heats Up, Hillary and Rudy Remain on Top — Every month that passes between installments of The Fix's Line on the 2008 presidential race seems like an eternity. With June almost here, the primary campaigns are getting close to fully engaged — several candidates …

NBC: CIA warned of risks of war in the Mideast — Pre-war reports say agency predicted dangers of toppling Saddam's regime — Men place the coffin of an attack victim atop a vehicle in Baghdad on Friday. — NBC News Investigative Unit — In a move sure to raise even more questions …

Shiite Cleric Appears in Iraq After Stay in Iran — The powerful Iraqi cleric Moktada al- Sadr surfaced in his home base of Kufa in southern Iraq today, delivering a sermon in a local mosque after what American intelligence officials called a four-month sojourn in Iran.
The Moderate Voice

Video: Boehner gets emotional during Iraq war funding debate — House minority leader John Boehner was brought to the brink of tears this evening during debate in the House over the Iraq spending bill, which eventually passed, 280-142. CNN reports: … Blowback

NY Times/CBS Poll Finds that 69% Believe Illegal Immigrants Should Be Prosecuted — A New York Times/CBS News poll released yesterday found that 69% of American adults believe illegal immigrants should "be prosecuted and deported for being in the U.S. illegally." Just 24% disagree and say they should not.

Silence on al-Qaida torture — Yesterday, Matt Drudge broke this story: … The link was to The Smoking Gun, which reported: … What was Amnesty International's reaction? … Yet Amesty International just 3 days ago called for the US to close Guantanamo Bay. — Where did USA Today play the torture book story?

Saudis arrest Christian for entering Mecca — Saudi officials have arrested a man in Mecca for being a Christian, saying that the city, which Muslims consider to be holy, is off-limits to non-Muslims. — Nirosh Kamanda, a Sri Lankan Christian, was detained by the Saudi Expatriates Monitoring Committee …

OSTRICH IS STUPID! We libs still have our heads in the sand. We've met Stupid—and Stupid is Us: — PROVING IT ALL WEEK LONG: It's obvious how it's going to go as the press corps pretends to discuss Al Gore's book. Gore has said our discourse is broken—and our pundits are going to rush out to prove it.

In the Rose Garden, It Was All Al-Qaeda — Is there no safe haven for President Bush? — It happened midway through his news conference in the Rose Garden yesterday morning, in between his 10th and 11th mentions of al-Qaeda: A bird flew over the president and deposited a wet, white dropping on the upper left sleeve of his jacket.

Fred Thompson Goes Nutmeg — STAMFORD, Conn. — In his second major outing as a presidential candidate in waiting, Fred Thompson spoke last night to the Connecticut Republican Party for its annual Prescott Bush awards dinner. It was a somewhat unlikely venue for the conservative former Tennessee senator …

Hyping al-Qaida — BUSH BUNGLES A PRESS CONFERENCE. — If you tuned in at the end of George W. Bush's press conference Thursday morning, just in time to watch him defend the immigration bill, you caught a glimpse of the leader he might have been, the "compassionate conservative" …

More Than Ever, It Pays to Be the Top Executive — Like most companies, Office Depot has long made sure that its chief executive was the highest-paid employee. Ten years ago, the $2.2 million pay package of its chief was more than double that of his No. 2. The fifth-ranked executive received less than one-third.