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I Lost My Son to a War I Oppose. We Were Both Doing Our Duty. — Parents who lose children, whether through accident or illness, inevitably wonder what they could have done to prevent their loss. When my son was killed in Iraq earlier this month at age 27, I found myself pondering my responsibility for his death.
Outside The Beltway, Prairie Weather, Taylor Marsh, Jules Crittenden, Althouse, Sisyphus and Eunomia
Al-Qaeda chief urges Iraqis to export jihad — THE deputy leader of Al-Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri, has urged supporters in Iraq to extend their "holy war" to other Middle Eastern countries. — In a letter sent to the leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq in the past few weeks, Zawahiri claims …
Police to get tough new terror powers — NEW anti-terrorism laws are to be pushed through before Tony Blair leaves office giving "wartime" powers to the police to stop and question people. — John Reid, the home secretary, who is also quitting next month, intends to extend Northern Ireland's …
Shackled in the war on terror — The absconding of three people on control orders because of suspicion of their involvement in terrorism has, once again, thrown into sharp relief the debate about terrorism and civil liberty. Within the next few weeks we will publish new proposals on anti-terror laws.
U.S. Security Contractors Open Fire in Baghdad — Blackwater Employees Were Involved in Two Shooting Incidents in Past Week — Employees of Blackwater USA, a private security firm under contract to the State Department, opened fire on the streets of Baghdad twice in two days last week …
So much news, so little sense — Item One: In Gaza, Islamic Jihad is planning to send waves of female suicide bombers into action against the Zionist Entity. Asked by an Israeli reporter whether self-detonating ladies enjoy the same 72-virgin deal as the lads, an Arab scholar said no …
U.S. deaths near grim Memorial Day mark — BAGHDAD - Americans have opened nearly 1,000 new graves to bury U.S. troops killed in Iraq since Memorial Day a year ago. The figure is telling — and expected to rise in coming months. — In the period from Memorial Day 2006 through Saturday …
Bush's Monica problem: the Gonzales mess — Gonzales, the president's lawyer and Texas buddy, is twisting slowly in the wind, facing a vote of no confidence from the Senate. — The United States Department of Justice has not always been above politics. John F. Kennedy, after all …
Angry Bear
Vice President's Remarks at the United States Military Academy Commencement — THE VICE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. General Hagenbeck; members of Congress; Military Academy faculty and staff; distinguished guests; officers, cadets, members of the Class of 2007: — Thank you all for the welcome to West Point.
Firedoglake, Associated Press, The Heretik, Daily Kos, Gateway Pundit and The Blue State
Just swap weather for terrorism — GLOBAL warming alarmists actually make a great deal of sense. That is, once you imagine that every time they open their mouths they're talking not about the environment but about Islamic terrorism. — Put that particular informational adjustment in place …
One Last Shot of 9-11 Denial on the View — Ro leads with Willie Rodriguez and the poor man with his skin falling off, as usual assuming this means explosives. But of course the man was burned by the fireball that traveled down the elevator shaft—even Willie used to admit that.
Critical Care Without Consent — Ethicists Disagree On Experimenting During Crises — The federal government is undertaking the most ambitious set of studies ever mounted under a controversial arrangement that allows researchers to conduct some kinds of medical experiments without first getting patients' permission.
Are You Better Off Than Your Parents? — American men in their 30s today are worse off than their fathers' generation, a reversal from just a decade ago, when sons generally were better off than their fathers, a new study finds. The study, which was reported on in today's Journal …
Clueless — Of all the people who deserve some blame for the debacle in Iraq, don't forget the American public. Today, about two-thirds of Americans oppose the war. But back in March 2003, when United States troops stormed into Iraq, nearly three out of four Americans supported the invasion.