Top Items:

The Structural Imbalance of Political Talk Radio — Despite the dramatic expansion of viewing and listening options for consumers today, traditional radio remains one of the most widely used media formats in America. Arbitron, the national radio ratings company, reports that more than 90 percent …

Inhofe: Clinton, Boxer Want to Squash Conservative Radio Talk Shows — Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barbara Boxer have big plans to rein in conservative radio talk shows, according to Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla. — He said Thursday on John Ziegler's evening radio show on KFI in L.A. that he overheard Clinton …
Hot Air,, Preemptive Karma, Gateway Pundit, JammieWearingFool and Michael P.F. van der Galiën

Barbara Boxer And Hillary Clinton Will Target Talk Radio: Inhofe
Bookworm Room

In Aiding Poor, Edwards Built Bridge to 2008 — John Edwards ended 2004 with a problem: how to keep alive his public profile without the benefit of a presidential campaign that could finance his travels and pay for his political staff. — Mr. Edwards, who reported this year that he had assets …

Guantanamo Splits Administration — Arguments Center on How to Handle Remaining Detainees — Senior Bush administration officials are engaged in active discussions about closing the U.S. military detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, but deep divisions remain regarding the fate …
TPMmuckraker, CNN, The Newshoggers, The Carpetbagger Report, Bradford Plumer, Salon and MSNBC

Bush Advisers Consider Closing Guantánamo Prison Sooner

'Sicko' leaves top Democrats ill at ease — Leading candidates are sidestepping direct comment on filmmaker Michael Moore's proposals for universal healthcare. — WASHINGTON — With the release of Michael Moore's "Sicko," a movie once again is adding sizzle to an issue that's a high priority …

Cheney claims a non-executive privilege — He asserts he's exempt from showing an agency how his office keeps secrets because he's not fully part of the administration. — WASHINGTON — For the last four years, Vice President Dick Cheney has made the controversial claim that his office …

Cheney Defiant on Classified Material
AMERICAblog, Outside The Beltway, The Heretik, Connecting.the.Dots, The Democratic Daily, Corrente, The Gavel and PoliBlog (TM)

White House contempt — House Judiciary Committee Democrats warned yesterday they would pursue a contempt of Congress motion if the White House fails respond to subpoenas for testimony and documents related to the firings of U.S. attorneys last year. — The deadline for a response is Thursday, June 28.

What's Not to Like — The soft side, and the underside, of Hillary Clinton's campaign. — Hillary Clinton doesn't have to prove she's a man. She has to prove she's a woman. — She doesn't have to prove to people that she's tough enough or aggressive enough to be commander in chief.

Romney aide is the focus of probe — Allegedly acted as State Police trooper — State Police are investigating one of Mitt Romney's top campaign aides for allegedly impersonating a trooper by calling a Wilmington company and threatening to cite the driver of a company van for erratic driving …
The Politico, D-Day, Talking Points Memo, The American Mind, The Atlantic Online and TIME: Swampland

Senate Adopts Energy Bill Raising Mileage for Cars — The Senate passed a broad energy bill late Thursday that would, among other things, require the first big increase in fuel mileage requirements for passenger cars in more than two decades. — The vote, 65 to 27, was a major defeat …

Senate Passes Energy Bill
The Carpetbagger Report, The Democratic Daily, Michael P.F. van der Galiën and New York Times

Dodd, Leahy Condemn Use of Delay Tactics to Prevent Passage of Emmett Till Unsolved Civil Rights Crime Act — Today Senators Chris Dodd (D-CT) and Patrick Leahy (D-VT) denounced Senator Tom Coburn's (R-OK) announcement that he would place a hold on The Emmett Till Unsolved Civil Rights Crime Act …
Crooks and Liars, The Carpetbagger Report, Daily Kos, Facing South, Iowa Independent and PBD

Why Pro-Choice Is a Bad Choice for Democrats — I KEEP reading about a universe in which social conservatives are warming to Rudy Giuliani. But this would have to be a place where his estranged children and three wives and multiple appearances in fishnets were irrelevant to the Republican base.
Hullabaloo, TalkLeft, Lawyers, Guns and Money, The Mahablog,, Wizbang, Liberal Values and The Newshoggers

Embattled Duke Rape Case Prosecutor Mike Nifong Could Get Jail Time — Beleaguered and disbarred former District Attorney Mike Nifong, who prosecuted the Duke University lacrosse rape case, could wind up in jail if a motion is granted asking that criminal charges be filed against him, FOX News has learned.

Graham's approval plunges on immigration — Sen. Lindsey Graham's (R-S.C.) approval rating is taking a pounding in his home state as a result of his strong support for a bipartisan immigration reform bill, a new poll showed Friday. — Graham's approval rating has sunk to 31 percent …

'The Left' Moves Front and Center — JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Why can't the left get any respect? — Whenever you use the word "left" in American politics, you feel almost compelled to add quotation marks. Today's left is not talking about nationalizing industry, abolishing capitalism or destroying the rich.

Research Finds Firstborns Gain the Higher I.Q. — The eldest children in families tend to develop higher I.Q.'s than their siblings, researchers are reporting today, in a large study that could settle more than a half-century of scientific debate about the relationship between I.Q. and birth order.

NANCY PELOSI IS ALL FOR INCREASING VETERAN'S FUNDING, IF THE VETS ARE CANADIAN (UPDATED) — ***UPDATE: It's been pulled from the Pelosi website. Details below. Really, this again points out how very little the Democrats know about our military. This is simply basic stuff …

Julian Beever, the greatest sidewalk artist in the world... ... finished his piece for the Charleston (WV) FestivALL today. I was lucky to be able to be there. He's a great guy to talk to and he just works like a madman. — Julian hails from the midlands of Great Britain but now resides in Belgium.