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Initial Benchmark Assessment Report — This report to Congress is submitted consistent with Section 1314 of the U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans' Care, Katrina Recovery, and Iraq Accountability Appropriations Act, 2007 (Public Law 110-28) (the "Act"). It includes an assessment …

CIA Said Instability Seemed 'Irreversible' — Early on the morning of Nov. 13, 2006, members of the bipartisan Iraq Study Group gathered around a dark wooden conference table in the windowless Roosevelt Room of the White House. — For more than an hour, they listened to President Bush give …

White House Gives Iraq Mixed Marks in Report — Assessment Identifies Positive Movement in 8 of the 18 Benchmarks — Iraqi progress on political and military goals sought by Congress has been mixed over the past several months, with slow advances toward some of the targets and paralysis …

Report on Iraq Sees Progress; Bush Rejects Troop Pullout — With the release this morning of a White House report finding some progress on political and security goals in Iraq, President Bush said today that it was premature and "not the real debate" to be talking now about a withdrawal of American troops.

Lazy, Stupid or Willfully Ignorant?
Discussion:, Michael P.F. van der Galiën, If I Ran the Zoo, Confederate Yankee and Michael Yon

IRAQ UPDATE....Non-insane conservative James Joyner has read …

U.S. Warns Of Stronger Al-Qaeda — Administration Report Cites Havens in Pakistan — Six years after the Bush administration declared war on al-Qaeda, the terrorist network is gaining strength and has established a safe haven in remote tribal areas of western Pakistan for training and planning attacks …

Fla. State Representative Accused Of Soliciting Sex In Men's Room — Police: Allen Offered To Perform Act For $20 — TITUSVILLE, Fla. — Florida state Rep. Robert "Bob" Allen, R-Merritt Island, was arrested Wednesday and charged with soliciting an undercover male officer for sex at a park in Central Florida, according to police.

Nobel laureate calls for removal of Bush — Irish peace activist's speech at Dallas event gets standing ovation — Nobel Peace Prize winner Betty Williams came from Ireland to Texas to declare that President Bush should be impeached. — In a keynote speech at the International Women's Peace Conference …
Hot Air,,, Little Green Footballs and Blue Crab Boulevard

A Bush Aide's Long Road From The White House — On a snowy evening in December 1998, Sara M. Taylor, the daughter of a former pipe fitter at a John Deere plant in Iowa, came to a meeting at the Capital Hilton. Washington had grown dark and quiet, and the hotel restaurant was empty …
TalkLeft, PoliBlog (TM), Corrente, Balkinization,, Sister Toldjah, The Heretik and New York Times

Against Claims of Executive Privilege, a Committee Comes Up Dry
Slate, Salon, New York Times, Crooks and Liars, Los Angeles Times, The Carpetbagger Report, QandO, TPMCafe blogs and TPMmuckraker

Poll: 19% Consider Troop Surge a Success — Just 19% of American voters believe that the U.S. troop surge in Iraq was a success. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 43% of voters consider the surge a failure. Twenty-four percent (24%) say it's too soon to tell while 15% are not sure.

A Consensus Waiting to Happen — The last time I remember Ambassador Ryan Crocker warning about a possible bloodbath, it was in September 1982 as the Sabra-Shatila massacre was taking place in Beirut. So when Crocker tells the New York Times that a rapid U.S. withdrawal from Iraq could produce …
The Atlantic Online, The Carpetbagger Report, If I Ran the Zoo, Ezra Klein and Washington Monthly

Slop Will Eat Itself
Total Information Awareness, Lawyers, Guns and Money, Daily Kos and Middle Earth Journal

McCain Call Raises an Ethics Question — About 3 p.m. Tuesday, Senator John McCain ducked off the Senate floor, entered the Republican cloakroom and took out his mobile phone. Just hours after accepting the resignation of his two top campaign aides, he was making a conference call …

Wishful Thinking on Iraq — IT SEEMS like just weeks ago, because it was, that Congress approved funding for the war in Iraq and instructed Gen. David H. Petraeus to report back on the war's progress in September. Now, for reasons having more to do with American politics than with Iraqi reality, September isn't soon enough.

The Presser — He's arguing he didn't decide to go to war; Saddam did. He's saying he agrees with his Republican critics. He's blaming the generals for all the combat decisions that have made this war a failure. His blaming Tommy Franks specifically for the troop levels was particularly piquant.
Watching Those We Chose

A Nuclear Ruse Uncovers Holes in U.S. Security — Undercover Congressional investigators set up a bogus company and obtained a license from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in March that would have allowed them to buy the radioactive materials needed for a so-called dirty bomb.

Nixon wanted to be seen as 'nicey-nice' — WASHINGTON - President Nixon and his 1972 re-election campaign tried to tie Democrats to the mob, gay liberation and even slavery, according to newly released papers and tapes betraying bare-knuckle tactics from the dawn of the Watergate scandal.