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6:25 PM ET, July 14, 2007


 Top Items: 
Bassem Mroue / Associated Press:
Iraq PM: Country can manage without U.S.  —  BAGHDAD - Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki shrugged off U.S. doubts of his government's military and political progress on Saturday, saying Iraqi forces are capable and American troops can leave "any time they want."
Bushra Juhi / Associated Press:
Iraq PM: Country Can Manage Without U.S.  —  BAGHDAD -  —  Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said Saturday that the Iraqi army and police are capable of keeping security in the country when American troops leave "any time they want," though he acknowledged the forces need further weapons and training.
Frederic J. Frommer / IN-FORUM:
Democrats block amendment to prevent Fairness Doctrine  —  Senate Democrats on Friday blocked an amendment that would have prevented the return of the Fairness Doctrine, a federal rule requiring broadcasters to air opposing views on issues.  —  Although no legislation has been offered …
Rasmussen Reports:
Public Divided on Fairness Doctrine  —  Americans are evenly divided as to whether or not the government should "require all radio and television stations to offer equal amounts of conservative and liberal political commentary."  The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found …
Discussion: Riehl World View
Byron York / The Corner:
Bush and the Fairness Doctrine
Discussion: Riehl World View
David Beckham / CNN:
Bin Laden in video calls for martyrdom  —  (CNN) — Osama bin Laden stresses the importance of martyrdom for Muslim causes in a videotape that purportedly contains a 50-second message from the al Qaeda leader.  —  The 40-minute videotape, whose audio was being translated from Arabic by CNN …
The Blotter:
Possible New Message From Osama Bin Laden  —  Rhonda Schwartz and Hoda Osman Report:  —  A brief clip of an older-looking Osama bin Laden is contained in a new al Qaeda videotape praising al Qaeda martyrs posted on jihadi Web sites early this morning.  —  Experts who study al Qaeda videos …
New York Times:   Contempt for Congress  —  The Bush administration's disregard …
Tim Blair /
Fear of a global 'coldening'  —  Decrease Increase -  —  Submit comment:  —  LAST month Australians endured our coldest June since 1950.  Imagine that; all those trillions of tonnes of evil carbon we've horked up into the atmosphere over six decades of rampant industrialisation …
Anne Ashworth / Times of London:
Muslim heads stuck firmly in the sand  —  Hassan Butt, a former jihadist, demands some fresh thinking  —  In the aftermath of the 7/7 bombings I remember having a passionate discussion with some friends about who was responsible for the attacks.  "It's the work of the security services; I can put my life on it!" one said.
Discussion: The Moderate Voice
Howie Klein / Firedoglake:
Blue America Welcomes Darcy Burner (What Took Us So Long?)  —  The most astounding thing about Blue America endorsing Darcy Burner is that we're just getting around to it now.  Darcy is the quintessential Blue America candidate and we missed her last year.  Let's make up for it this year …
Discussion: Crooks and Liars and HorsesAss.Org
Sheryl Gay Stolberg / New York Times:
Rove Strategy Paper Found in Nixon Archive  —  The year was 1973, and Karl Rove was looking for help — from the Nixon White House.  —  Tucked away inside 78,000 pages of documents from the Nixon administration, released by the National Archives earlier this week, is a little gem …
Think Progress:
The Ever Changing Definition of 'Mission' In Iraq  —  In June 2005, ThinkProgress noted the Bush was constantly revising the definition of our "mission" in Iraq.  —  Reporting on his escalation strategy this week, President Bush claimed "satisfactory" progress in many areas of the "new mission" in Iraq.
Discussion: The Impolitic
Matt Stoller / Open Left:
Clinton on Obama on Iraq: "But That Was Five Years Ago"  —  Well she didn't quite say that, but it's her basic retort to Obama's critique.  I just did a Google search for 'Obama antiwar', and an Obama ad tailored to an antiwar Democrat popped up.  There is no Clinton ad, no Edwards ad, and no Richardson ad.
New York Times:
The Plame Game  —  It has been four years since you were catapulted into the headlines for outing the C.I.A. officer Valerie Plame in your syndicated column, yet the story lives on, most recently in the uproar over the commutation of Scooter Libby's prison sentence.  Would you like to see him pardoned?
News and Press release service TransWorldnews:
Tom Tancredo - Only Republican at NAACP Forum  —  Tom Tancredo may be low in the polls but stood alone as the only Republican candidate at last night's NAACP forum.  —  The political issue that Tom Tancredo is known for is immigration and it is only fitting that his poll numbers are consistently the highest in California.
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 More Items: 
Stephen F. Hayes / Washington Post:
American Enigma  —  The Untold Story of America's Most Powerful …
Christopher Hitchens / Washington Post:
An Atheist Responds  —  It's uncommonly generous of Michael Gerson …
Toby Harnden / Telegraph:
Bush like Hitler, says first Muslim in Congress
Peter Slevin / Washington Post:
Midwest Towns Sour on War as Their Tolls Mount
Discussion: Daily Kos and Cliff Schecter
Washington Post:
Giuliani and Romney Put Focus on Florida
National Review Online:
Lowry: Hes Not for Turning
Kristin Roberts / Reuters:
Fewer Iraq battalions operate on own: U.S. general
Jon Hurdle / Reuters:
U.S. man convicted of pipeline, energy attack plan
Discussion: The Belmont Club
 Earlier Items: 
Media Matters for America:
"Media Matters"; by Jamison Foser
Discussion: Open Left
Logan Murphy / Crooks and Liars:
Bill Moyers' Roundtable On Impeachment Of Bush & Cheney
White House:
Press Briefing by Tony Snow
Jeff Zeleny / New York Times:
G.O.P. Senators Press to Change Strategy in Iraq
Tunku Varadarajan / Wall Street Journal:
Happy Blogiversary  —  It's been 10 years since the blog was born.
Bob Geiger:
The Saturday Cartoons  —  Oh, boy, are you all in for a good time with today's animation.
Discussion: Firedoglake
Darlene Superville / Associated Press:
AP Poll: Public gives Congress low marks
Iranians arrest 14 squirrels for spying

From Mediagazer:

Tim Marchman / Wired:
Quora-owned AI chatbot platform Poe is providing users with downloadable HTML files of paywalled articles from outlets including NYT, Forbes, and The Atlantic

Michael Schneider / Variety:
Nielsen: the Biden-Trump debate drew an average audience of 51.3M viewers across 17 networks in the US, down from 2020's first debate, with nearly 73.1M

Hanaa' Tameez / Nieman Lab:
Spain's El País launched a digital edition to cover the US in Spanish in May with 11 bilingual correspondents; as of April, the outlet had ~366K subscribers

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