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2:41 AM ET, July 15, 2007


 Top Items: 
David Beckham / CNN:
Bin Laden in video calls for martyrdom  —  (CNN) — Osama bin Laden stresses the importance of martyrdom for Muslim causes in a videotape that purportedly contains a 50-second message from the al Qaeda leader.  —  The 40-minute videotape, whose audio was being translated from Arabic by CNN …
John Follain / Times of London:
Carlos the Jackal sneers at Al-Qaeda's 'amateur' killers  —  FOR two decades until his capture in 1994, Carlos the Jackal murdered, bombed and kidnapped his way to infamy, retaining the title of world's most dangerous terrorist before Osama Bin Laden stole his crown.
Martin Samuel / Times of London:
Bin Laden's deputy behind the Red Mosque bloodbath  —  Dean Nelson, Islamabad and Ghulam Hasnain  —  AL-QAEDA'S leadership secretly directed the Islamic militants whose armed revolt at the Red Mosque in Islamabad ended last week with more than 100 deaths after it was stormed by the Pakistan army.
Discussion: Reuters
Joe Gandelman / The Moderate Voice:
Famous Terrorist Carlos The Jackal Calls Al Qaeda Terrorists "Amateurs"  —  These days EVERYONE'S a critic: … And there you have a fundamental difference, which doesn't make Carlos any more lovable (keep reading the interview with him).  In the bad "old days," terrorists targeted individuals …
Discussion: Riehl World View
Ed Morrissey / Captain's Quarters:   Maybe He's Only Mostly Dead
Mike Allen / The Politico:
Gilmore drops out of the race  —  Former Virginia Gov. James S. Gilmore III is dropping his underdog bid for the Republican presidential nomination today, he told The Politico in an interview.  —  Gilmore said he has been approached about running for Virginia governor a second time …
Michael D. Shear / Washington Post:
Gilmore Pulls Presidential Bid, Citing Financial Issues  —  Former Virginia governor James S. Gilmore III ended his long-shot Republican presidential campaign today, saying he was unable to raise enough money to communicate his conservative vision to Americans.
Thomas E. Ricks / Washington Post:
Bush Leans On Petraeus as War Dissent Deepens  —  Almost every time President Bush has defended his new strategy in Iraq this year, he has invoked the name of the top commander, Army Gen. David H. Petraeus.  —  Speaking in Cleveland on Tuesday, Bush called Petraeus his "main man" — a …
Discussion: Daniel W. Drezner
Noel Sheppard /
Ted Rall Cartoon Depicts American Soldier as a Suicide Bomber  —  Ted Rall has created some truly offensive cartoons and articles during his career.  However, this might be one of the most disgraceful statements made by a media representative since this war began (h/t Dan Gainor):
Michelle Malkin:
Ted Rall is at it again
Discussion: QandO and The Influence Peddler
Robert Pear / New York Times:
Bush Is Prepared to Veto Bill to Expand Child Insurance  —  The White House said on Saturday that President Bush would veto a bipartisan plan to expand the Children's Health Insurance Program, drafted over the last six months by senior members of the Senate Finance Committee.
Frederic J. Frommer / IN-FORUM:
Democrats block amendment to prevent Fairness Doctrine  —  Senate Democrats on Friday blocked an amendment that would have prevented the return of the Fairness Doctrine, a federal rule requiring broadcasters to air opposing views on issues.  —  Although no legislation has been offered …
Rasmussen Reports:
Americans See Liberal Media Bias on TV News
Rick Perlstein / Campaign for America's Future:
SIRIUS Satellite Radio doesn't think you're patriotic  —  I just was a guest on Mike Feder's show SIRIUS Satellite Radio show and learned something deeply, deeply offensive.  —  The liberal channel is called "SIRIUS Left."  —  The conservative channel is called "SIRIUS Patriot."
Generals' warning on Afghanistan  —  Military chiefs warn No.10 that defeat could lead to change of regime in Pakistan  —  Britain's most senior generals have issued a blunt warning to Downing Street that the military campaign in Afghanistan is facing a catastrophic failure …
Bill Moyers Journal  —  BILL MOYERS: Welcome to the Journal.  —  Impeachment...the word feared and loathed by every sitting president is back.  It's in the air and on your computer screen, a growing clamor aimed at both President Bush and Vice-President Cheney.  —  This week's news only agitated the clamor.
Mike Allen / The Politico:
Thompson delays filing as campaign ramps up  —  He has collected millions of dollars.  Aides go to work every day in a secret suite of offices in McLean, Va. He has policy briefings.  He is preparing for nationally televised Republican debates.  He just named a communications director and a political director.
The Corner:
No Fatah, no fems  —  Jonah, that Arafat-died-of-Aids story is "no shocker" to you, and pretty much an open secret in diplomatic circles.  I'm in Madrid at the moment, and it prompted many knowing chortles among political types I mentioned it to today, along with fond reminiscences …
Discussion: Power Line
Michael Hawthorne / Chicago Tribune:
BP gets break on dumping in lake  —  Refinery expansion entices Indiana  —  The massive BP oil refinery in Whiting, Ind., is planning to dump significantly more ammonia and industrial sludge into Lake Michigan, running counter to years of efforts to clean up the Great Lakes.
Gillian Flaccus / Associated Press:
L.A. archdiocese to pay $660M for abuse  —  LOS ANGELES - The nation's largest Catholic archdiocese has settled its abuse cases for $660 million, by far the largest payout in the church's sexual abuse scandal, The Associated Press has learned.  —  The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles …
Discussion: Pam's House Blend
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 More Items: 
Fausta / Fausta's blog:
The necktie dilemma  —  Jeff Jarvis is Cutting the ties that bind
Discussion: Bluey Blog
William Kristol / Weekly Standard:
Keep on Surgin'
John Solomon / Washington Post:
In Intelligence World, A Mute Watchdog
Discussion: The Next Hurrah
Joshua Partlow / Washington Post:
Sunni Insurgent Leader Paints Iran as 'Real Enemy'
Here is the news (as we want to report it)  —  This week the BBC …
John F. Burns / New York Times:
In a Baghdad Killing, Questions That Haunt Iraq
Discussion: Empire Burlesque and TigerHawk
Tim Blair /
Fear of a global 'coldening'
Howie Klein / Firedoglake:
Blue America Welcomes Darcy Burner (What Took Us So Long?)
 Earlier Items: 
Anne Ashworth / Times of London:
Muslim heads stuck firmly in the sand
Discussion: The Moderate Voice
Matt Stoller / Open Left:
Clinton on Obama on Iraq: "But That Was Five Years Ago"
New York Times:
The Plame Game  —  It has been four years since you were catapulted …
Christopher Hitchens / Washington Post:
An Atheist Responds  —  It's uncommonly generous of Michael Gerson …
Toby Harnden / Telegraph:
Bush like Hitler, says first Muslim in Congress
Washington Post:
Giuliani and Romney Put Focus on Florida
Peter Slevin / Washington Post:
Midwest Towns Sour on War as Their Tolls Mount
National Review Online:
Lowry: Hes Not for Turning

From Mediagazer:

Tim Marchman / Wired:
Quora-owned AI chatbot platform Poe is providing users with downloadable HTML files of paywalled articles from outlets including NYT, Forbes, and The Atlantic

Michael Schneider / Variety:
Nielsen: the Biden-Trump debate drew an average audience of 51.3M viewers across 17 networks in the US, down from 2020's first debate, with nearly 73.1M

Hanaa' Tameez / Nieman Lab:
Spain's El País launched a digital edition to cover the US in Spanish in May with 11 bilingual correspondents; as of April, the outlet had ~366K subscribers

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