Top Items:

Reid To Force Senate Into All-Night Session Tuesday — Forcing his Republican colleagues to put up or shut up on the notion of an up-or-down vote, Senate Majority leader Harry Reid (D-NV) just moments ago announced that he will immediately file a cloture motion on the Reed-Levin troop redeployment bill and …
Balloon Juice, Washington Monthly, Michael P.F. van der Galiën, Daily Kos, Firedoglake, About U.S. Politics, Unfogged, The Newshoggers, The Anonymous Liberal, Left in the West, Associated Press, Open Left, Taylor Marsh, MyDD, Corrente, Brian Beutler, Crooks and Liars, Unqualified Offerings,, First Draft and Cliff Schecter

BREAKING: Reid To Force All-Night Filibuster On Iraq Withdrawal — Moments ago, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) announced that in response to conservative obstructionism, he plans to force war supporters to physically remain in the Senate and filibuster Iraq withdrawal legislation.

Reid Threatens to Keep Senate Up All Night, Republicans Yawn — WASHINGTON — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has threatened to keep the Senate awake all night Tuesday to protest GOP blocking tactics on moves to compel U.S. troop withdrawals from Iraq. — Senate Republican leaders …

Reid: Republicans Must Allow Up-Or-Down Vote On Amendment To Change Course In Iraq — Washington, D.C.—Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid spoke on the floor on the U.S. Senate today, urging Republicans to allow an up-or-down vote on the Levin-Reed amendment to the Defense Authorization bill that will transition the mission in Iraq.

Dick Durbin blasts McConnell and Republicans: It's Filibuster time
The Iconic Midwest

Memo to Senate Democrats: Force Republicans To Actually Filibuster
Firedoglake, Taylor Marsh, Crooks and Liars, The Huffington Post, Campaign for America's Future, The Impolitic and TalkLeft

Sen. Reid: Do Your Job And Make Them Stand And Filibuster
Washington Monthly, The Huffington Post, DownWithTyranny!, My Left Nutmeg, Gristmill, Booman Tribune and Brian Beutler

BREAKING NEWS: Joseph Wilson Endorses Hillary Clinton — The blogs got it first. … A conference call announcing the endorsement of Hillary Clinton by Joseph Wilson was just held with bloggers to hear the breaking news. This is a huge deal for Candidate Clinton and a big endorsement for her candidacy.

BREAKING: Joseph Wilson Endorses Hillary Clinton — The blogs got it first. … A conference call announcing the endorsement of Hillary Clinton by Joseph Wilson was just held with bloggers to hear the breaking news. This is a huge deal for Candidate Clinton and a big endorsement for her candidacy.
Discussion:, Washington Post, The Fix, Liberal Values, Inside Long Island Politics, Sister Toldjah and Hot Air

How Bush Uses His Generals — President Bush says that he should be trusted on military issues because he listens to his commanders. But he has a tendency to celebrate his generals when they're providing him political cover — then stick a knife in their backs when they're no longer of any use to him.

Pace: US Weighs Larger 'Surge' in Iraq — BAGHDAD (AP) - The U.S. military is weighing new directions in Iraq, including an even bigger troop buildup if President Bush thinks his "surge" strategy needs a further boost, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said Monday.

GOP senator to Rove: Bush legacy on the line in Iraq — WASHINGTON (CNN) — A Republican senator says he warned top White House aide Karl Rove that President Bush quickly needs to craft a workable plan to withdraw U.S. troops fom Iraq in order to salvage his legacy.
Think Progress, Bad Attitudes, The Heretik, Daily Kos, The Carpetbagger Report, Gateway Pundit and No More Mister Nice Blog

Pace: Another troop buildup possible
All Spin Zone, The Newshoggers, AMERICAblog, Think Progress, Daily Kos and Middle Earth Journal

Troopers kill gunman in Capitol — State troopers shot and killed an armed man who attempted to enter Gov. Bill Ritter's office inside the state Capitol this afternoon. — The man, who claimed he was "the emperor," said he was going to take over the state government.

Military support for the republican candidates. — NAME: TOTAL [ARMY] [NAVY] [AIRFORCE] [VETERAN] — RON PAUL: 23,465 [6,975] [6,765] [4,650] [5,075] — McCain: 15,825 [6925] [6305] [1795] [800] — Units are contributions in dollars by employees of the respective military organizations.

Military Favors Ron Paul Over McCain — The US Federal Election Commission has released the Selected Presidential Reports for the 2007 July Quarterly, and there are a few surprises. No surprise, of course, is that people in the armed services and veterans overwhelmingly support the Republican Party.

Vitter emerges, asks again for forgiveness — U.S. Sen. David Vitter again asked for forgiveness for a "serious sin in my past,'' but provided few details in a brief statement to reporters Monday afternoon from a Metairie hotel, his first public appearance since revelations emerged last week …

More Departures From McCain '08 — In a widely expected move, Sen. John McCain's (R-Ariz.) press department resigned en masse today. — Communications director Brian Jones stepped down, along with deputies Matt David and Danny Diaz. Research director Brian Rogers and South Carolina …

"Ocean" — The Mitt Romney campaign has released a new television ad called "Ocean." In it, Romney criticizes the culture to which our children are exposed, and expresses a desire to clean it up. Romney's campaign has posted the video in the Candidates' Forum; go to Romney's page to watch …

Thompson Reaches to the Right
Daily Kos, TIME, Patterico's Pontifications, Heading Right, Right Wing Watch, Hot Air and Captain's Quarters

51% Say Wait Till September for Iraq Policy Change — Fifty-one percent (51%) of American voters say that the United States should wait for the September progress report before making major policy changes in Iraq. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 38% disagree.

Buying Time... ...but not much. Rasmussen's latest survey suggests …
Balloon Juice

Better Bombs: Scientists Develop Metal That Explodes on Impact — When most bombs go off, — they release a spray of deadly shards of steel. Now, imagine that those shards were themselves explosive, detonating in a massive chain reaction. It's for real: Defense contractors are harnessing …

The New New Atheism — Attacking "God" has become a lucrative book business. But there's not much substance behind the latest atheist tracts. — "There is nothing new under the sun," proclaims the Book of Ecclesiastes. The rise of the new new atheism confirms this ancient biblical wisdom.