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The 9/11 Generation — Better than the Boomers. — In the 1960s, history called the Baby Boomers. They didn't answer the phone. — Confronted with a generation-defining conflict, the cold war, the Boomers—those, at any rate, who came to be emblematic of their generation …
They Don't Really Support the Troops — The latest from the New Republic and the Nation. — Cindy Sheehan, mother of a soldier who was killed in Iraq, emerged on the American political scene two years ago. Distraught and unstable, she was shamelessly exploited by opponents of George W. Bush …
Bloggers Raise Red Flags Over New Republic's 'Baghdad Diarist' — The column in the New Republic, described as being penned by a U.S. soldier in Iraq, is filled with tales of petty, stomach-churning behavior. — The "Baghdad Diarist," writing under the pseudonym Scott Thomas, says he was …
Aside from the tragedy of the war itself, one of the more disconcerting elements of the ongoing political debate is just how little progress we've seen in nearly five years. Vapid arguments that were absurd in 2003 are still used routinely. Offensive talking points that were discredited …
The Phony Debate — THE SENATE Democratic leadership spent the past week trying to prove that Congress is deeply divided over Iraq, with Democrats pressing and Republicans resisting a change of course. In fact that's far from the truth. A large majority of senators from both parties favor …
Booman Tribune
Senate tied in knots by filibusters — WASHINGTON — This year Senate Republicans are threatening filibusters to block more legislation than ever before, a pattern that's rooted in — and could increase — the pettiness and dysfunction in Congress. — The trend has been evolving for 30 years.
The Carpetbagger Report, Obsidian Wings, Balloon Juice, MetaFilter and Talking Points Memo
Breaking: Gates Distances Himself From Edelman's Attack On Hillary Clinton — Defense Secretary Robert Gates is distancing himself from an under secretary's assertion that Senator Hillary Clinton's public questions about Pentagon troop withdrawal plans are aiding the enemy.
Gates Steps In to Defuse Clinton-Pentagon Dispute
Think Progress
Fight Over Documents May Favor Bush, Experts Say — Contempt Charge Precedents Cited in Firings Case — The Bush administration's vow this week to block contempt charges from Congress could prove to be a successful strategy for protecting White House documents about the multiple firings of U.S. attorneys …
White House Declares Bush Emperor
Burnt Orange Report
Court Tells U.S. to Reveal Data on Detainees at Guantánamo — A federal appeals court ordered the government yesterday to turn over virtually all its information on Guantánamo detainees who are challenging their detention, rejecting an effort by the Justice Department …
Hot Air, The Moderate Voice, The Corner, Norwegianity, Balloon Juice, Kiko's House, Prairie Weather and The American Street
On Why So Few Bloggers Have Endorsed In 2008 — Part One: New Establishment Rising: The End Of The Flat Blogosphere — Part Two: New Establishment Rising: Why So Few Bloggers Have Endorsed in 2008 — Taking a quick look at The Liberal Blog Advertising Network …
Public vs Private Face of Omar Bakri Mohammed: "Peace" vs. "Hooray al Qaeda!" — This IHT report, also published in the New York Times, portrays Omar Bakri Mohammed as a man who has moderated his views and who is trying to promote peace between the Lebanese government and the al Qaeda linked …
Little Green Footballs
The Pentagon Gets a Lesson From Madison Avenue — U.S. Needs to Devise a Different 'Brand' to Win Over the Iraqi People, Study Advises — In the advertising world, brand identity is everything. Volvo means safety. Colgate means clean. IPod means cool.
Think Progress, the talking dog, The Impolitic, Daily Kos, Outside The Beltway and Sadly, No!
Rudy Giuliani: Asked About HIV, He Answers With 9/11 — Rudy Giuliani gets Iowa punctuality. In fact, he may be the first presidential candidate in years to show up early at a caucus campaign stop. Razzed by the Des Moines Register for running late in his last Iowa trip …
Talking Points Memo
The Sky's Still Up There — Kathleen Sullivan, the former dean of Stanford Law School (who would be on any Democratic president's shortlist for the Supreme Court), said the other day that conservatives should be "dancing in the streets" at the end of the first full term of the Roberts Court.
Bush Approves New CIA Methods — President Bush set broad legal boundaries for the CIA's harsh interrogation of terrorism suspects yesterday, allowing the intelligence agency to resume a program that was suspended last year after criticism that it violated U.S. and international law.
Talking Points Memo, New York Times, PoliBlog (TM), The Carpetbagger Report, TalkLeft, Wonkette, White House, The Raw Story and Think Progress
Bald eagles — Our political cartoonist casts his eye towards the presidential campaign — A GROWING number of Republicans are hoping that Fred Thompson, a former senator and television actor, will throw his hat into the presidential ring. Should he do so, he'd be wise to keep his head …
Binman's St George bandana 'is racist' — A black dustman has been banned from wearing a St George's Cross bandana because council officials say it could be regarded as racist. — Matthew Carter, 35, who was born in Barbados, used the headgear to keep his dreadlocks out of the way while he was on his rounds in Burnley, Lancs.
Harry's Place