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Open thread: The CNN YouTube freak show debate; Update: Private jet show of hands video added; Update: Biden tells gun owner he "needs help"; Update: I'll meet with Castro, Chavez, Ahmadinejad, says Obama — 7 p.m. ET. God help me, this one might actually be worth watching.
Live-blogging the Democratic debate. — 1. Just waiting for this thing to kick off. I'll add to this post, numbering the paragraphs as I go. — 2. Intro, from some YouTube clip. Richardson looks terrified. Clinton, resolute. But now, it's Anderson Cooper, in the flesh.
CNN/You Tube debate transcript: Who said what — CHARLESTON, South Carolina (CNN) — The eight candidates vying to be the Democrat nominee for president in the 2008 elections answered questions submitted by CNN and YouTube users in a debate Tuesday night. Here is a full transcript of the event:
Democratic Debate IV Part II: It Hurts Worse Than Alice Cooper's …
Unqualified Offerings
Poll Finds Democrats Favored On War — But Bush, Congress Both Get Low Ratings on Iraq — Most Americans see President Bush as intransigent on Iraq and prefer that the Democratic-controlled Congress make decisions about a possible withdrawal of U.S. forces, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.
Poll: U.S. Support for Iraq Invasion Inches Up — American support for the initial invasion of Iraq has risen somewhat as the White House has continued to ask the public to reserve judgment about the war until General David Petraeus files his report in the fall.
House Panel Nears A Legal Clash With Bush Over Firings — Gonzales to Tell Senators He Will Not Quit — The House Judiciary Committee announced yesterday that it will press toward a constitutional showdown with the Bush administration over the U.S. attorney firings scandal …
Romney on 9/11: "Lighten Up" — UPDATE: I'm available for comment on my experience with Romney at — I got up late; it was a Tuesday in Cleveland and I only had early morning swim practice MWF's. Showering, I heard Steve, another guy on the third floor of the "Tyler" dorm yell from his room, "holy s**t!"
CNN Political Ticker, Crooks and Liars, Daily Kos, Corrente, Ian Schwartz, Shakespeare's Sister, Macsmind, Blue Hampshire and MyDD
Sheehan Arrested in Impeachment Protest — WASHINGTON — Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan was arrested Monday at the Capitol for disorderly conduct, shortly after saying she would run against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi over the California Democrat's refusal to try to impeach President Bush.
Discussion:, Comments From Left Field, Wake up America, Blue Crab Boulevard, Macsmind and Don Surber
Let's get away from usual party politics
QandO, The Moderate Voice, Riehl World View, Weasel Zippers, Sister Toldjah and Iowa Voice
Doubts Raised on Magazine's 'Baghdad Diarist' — Just who is the "Baghdad Diarist"? — It is a question that many people are asking The New Republic, the Washington political magazine that has been running articles attributed to an American soldier in Baghdad.
VIDEO: CNN/YouTube Debate — YouTube Debate: Most Watched Question — YouTube Debate: Will You be different? — YouTube Debate: Do you consider yourself a liberal? — YouTube Debate: Kucinich as President? — YouTube Debate: Who would your Republican runningmate be?
"With us or against us" — There has lately been an alarming rise in diaries and comments that seek to impugn (without evidence) the motives of those they disagree with on various issues. — Yes, there's the impeachment stuff, but this nasty rhetoric is also rampant in the primary war diaries.
Daily Kos Founder Issues Warning Concerning 'Nasty Rhetoric'
Discussion:, Wake up America, USA Today, Blogs 4 Brownback, rubber hose, Balloon Juice and Little Green Footballs
Christiana Hendrix, 1974-2007 — Mike's wife Christiana was killed Friday afternoon while riding her Sportster. Mike was on his own bike and wasn't injured. Stunned and heartbroken doesn't begin to cover this. Words always feel so useless and empty when someone you love dies …
protein wisdom, Winds of Change.NET, Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, Confederate Yankee and Dean's World
U.S. Seen in Iraq Until at Least '09 — While Washington is mired in political debate over the future of Iraq, the American command here has prepared a detailed plan that foresees a significant American role for the next two years. — The classified plan, which represents the coordinated strategy …
The Dems, the 'John Does' and the blogosphere — Public pressure is mounting on Capitol Hill Democrats to include the "John Doe" provision into a written conference report of the final 911 Commission bill. — The provision would protect the public for reporting suspicious behavior …
Vigilant Freedom/910 …, The Jawa Report,, Atlas Shrugs, Hot Air and Wake up America
Report Card on Prejudice in America — New Zogby/GSN Survey Reveals That: — A Racist Lives Next Door - Most Americans believe they don't make decisions based on race...but think their neighbors do — They also think most Americans believe: — Most Americans believe …
A teacher with faith and reason — DID YOU hear about the religious fundamentalist who wanted to teach physics at Cambridge University? This would-be instructor wasn't simply a Christian; he was so preoccupied with biblical prophecy that he wrote a book titled "Observations on the Prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse of St. John."