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GOPers Bail on YouTube Debate? — Over the last few hours, I'd been hearing buzz that GOP candidates were going wobbly on the CNN/YouTube debate. I was dismissive. Given the huge earned media hit the Democrats got this week, the fact that even the highly partisan questioners acquitted themselves better …
Hot Air,, TIME: Swampland, skippy the bush kangaroo and Comments From Left Field

Granite Status: Romney no fan of CNN/YouTube debate antics

The GOP and YouTube — Rudy won't bite, apparently.
Balloon Juice

It's looking like... GOP: YOUTUBE TOO SCARY FOR US

Leahy issues subpoena for Rove — Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) Thursday issued a subpoena for top White House adviser Karl Rove to compel him to testify about the firing of several U.S. attorneys. — "The evidence shows that senior White House political operatives …

F.B.I. Chief Challenges Gonzales's Testimony — The dispute over the truthfulness of Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales reached a new intensity today as the F.B.I. Director, Robert S. Mueller 3rd, contradicted Mr. Gonzales's sworn testimony before a Senate committee.

Associated Press

AP: New Details on Tillman's Death — SAN FRANCISCO - — Army medical examiners were suspicious about the close proximity of the three bullet holes in Pat Tillman's forehead and tried without success to get authorities to investigate whether the former NFL player's death amounted to a crime …

BREAKING: A Whole New Level of Horror — "This war is so f**king illegal." (Patrick Tillman) — From the AP: … In other words, Pat Tillman was most likely murdered in the field. In cold blood. By other US soldiers. — This must be what the Bush Administration was trying …

Source: TNR Is A Lot More Worried Than They're Letting On; Scott Thomas Got His Job For Plame-ish Reasons — There's actually more to this. Let's just say TNR are playing the hard guys. As a for instance, someone was searching for all of "Gracie's" posts at discarded lies last night.
The Atlantic Online, Confederate Yankee, JunkYardBlog, Dean's World, Obsidian Wings, Little Green Footballs, Jeff Emanuel, Wake up America, baldilocks,, Dr. Sanity, protein wisdom, Shakespeare's Sister, Dadmanly, Jon Swift, AMERICAblog, The Corner, Redstate,, Neptunus Lex, Betsy's Page, skippy the bush kangaroo, Gay Patriot, The Jawa Report, Riehl World View, Weekly Standard, Villainous Company, Op For, Argghhh!, Power Line, The New Republic, Sister Toldjah and Gateway Pundit

Everybody Chill Out — The issue with Scott Thomas Beauchamp isn't how he came to be published by the New Republic, or who his girlfriend-fiancee-wife might be. If TNR chose to publish his work because he had a relationship with someone on staff, so what?
Riehl World View, Weekly Standard,, The Atlantic Online and The American Mind

Hazleton Immigration Decision — Most Americans want something to be done about the illegal immigration problem we have in this country. They've been expecting the federal government to enforce the immigration laws already on the books. The federal government hasn't done that …

O'Reilly cuts Hall's mic to get the last word about's HATE comments — As O'Reilly smeared Kos and YKos yet again, Jane Hall told Bill that his own website had hate comments on it. BillO called her a liar and then they cut her mic off so he was sure to get the last word in …

Immigration. Again. — Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) said he's floating a plan that would grant legal status to the nation's 12 million illegal immigrants, but offer no path to citizenship. — "It might be the equivalent of a green card," Specter said Thursday.

Clinton calls Bush-Cheney comparison 'silly' — WASHINGTON (CNN) — Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton sharply dismissed Thursday a recent suggestion from chief rival Barack Obama that she is "Bush-Cheney light," telling CNN the comparison is "silly."

U.S. Officials Voice Frustrations With Saudis, Citing Role in Iraq — During a high-level meeting in Riyadh in January, Saudi officials confronted a top American envoy with documents that seemed to suggest that Iraq's prime minister could not be trusted. — One purported to be an early alert …

Analysis: Gonzales Testimony Part of Broader Effort to Conceal Surveillance Program — Alberto Gonzales' testimony that there was "no serious disagreement" within the Bush Administration about the NSA warrantless surveillance program has left senators sputtering and fulminating about the attorney general's apparent prevarications.
TalkLeft, The Sideshow, Balkinization, Talking Points Memo, Midtopia, The Carpetbagger Report and Salon