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Documents contradict Gonzales' testimony — WASHINGTON - Documents show that eight congressional leaders were briefed about the Bush administration's terrorist surveillance program on the eve of its expiration in 2004, contradicting sworn Senate testimony this week by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.
Washington Post, Balkinization, Shakespeare's Sister, TPMCafe blogs, Taylor Marsh and Think Progress

AP Reveals New Document Demonstrates 'Clear Case' Of Gonzales Perjury On Spying Program — The AP reports that a four-page memo sent by then-National Intelligence Director John Negroponte in May 2006 confirms that a March 2004 White House intelligence briefing for top congressional leaders was on "the Terrorist Surveillance Program."

Senator May Seek Gonzales Perjury Probe — Leahy Sets Deadline For Revised Testimony — Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick J. Leahy threatened yesterday to request a perjury investigation of Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, as Democrats said an intelligence official's statement …
Watching Those We Chose

LEAKING AGAINST GONZALES — Paul writes below about Alberto Gonzales's Senate Judiciary Committee testimony. Gonzales testified that he went to the hospital to see John Ashcroft, then the Attorney General, in part to communicate to him the consensus of Congressional leaders …
Captain's Quarters

Countdown: Leahy Doesn't Buy White House Lies
The Sideshow

The Avoidable Conclusion To Executive Privilege Tension
Washington Post, TPMmuckraker, TalkLeft, Donklephant, Wake up America, UrbanGrounds and Left in the West

Protester removed from Fred Thompson event — HOUSTON, Texas (CNN) - A woman screaming "you're not a real conservative, sir" was removed by police from a welcoming reception for likely GOP presidential candidate Fred Thompson Wednesday morning. A second protester was also taken from the room.

Fred Thompson Deals With 9/11 Conspiracy Theorist

As regular readers... IMPEACHMENT? — As regular readers of this site know, I've always been against the movement to impeach President Bush. I take this position not because he hasn't done plenty to merit it. My reasons are practical. Minor reasons are that it's late in the president's term …
Liberal Values, Fact-esque, TalkLeft, ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES, Liberty Street, The Carpetbagger Report, Whiskey Fire and Obsidian Wings

You are what you blog — A DNC apologist last night accused Bill O'Reilly of cherry-picking foul-language comments and hateful comments left at the Daily Kos web site. The DNC guy may have had a better case if Kos himself could make a point without resorting to profanity.

Exclusive First Read: Obama hits Clinton - harder — From NBC's Andrea Mitchell — Sen. Obama has ESCALATED his criticism of Hillary Clinton — taking it to political defcon three — in an exclusive on-camera interview with NBC News. — It is a lot tougher than what he said in the debate …

Fired Colo. professor sues university — DENVER - A professor who was fired after comparing some Sept. 11 victims to a Nazi sued the school Wednesday, saying officials retaliated against him for exercising his right to free speech. — Ward Churchill was ousted by the University …
USS Neverdock

While Real Bullets Fly, Movies Bring War Home — LOS ANGELES, July 25 — On a night four years ago, five soldiers back from three months in Iraq went drinking at a Hooters restaurant and a topless bar near Fort Benning, Ga. — Before the night was over, one of them, Specialist Richard R. Davis …

Newt flirts with Thompson — Newt Gingrich's long, slow striptease over whether he will seek the presidency in 2008 looks like it might come to an unexpected conclusion: a date with Fred Thompson. — Publicly, Gingrich has been sending signals making clear that a presidential candidacy for him is becoming less likely.

A STATEMENT FROM SCOTT THOMAS BEAUCHAMP: — As we've noted in this space, some have questioned details that appeared in the Diarist "Shock Troops," published under the pseudonym Scott Thomas. According to Major Kirk Luedeke, a public affairs officer at Forward Operating Base Falcon …

Edwards talks issues, borrows salve on RAGBRAI — Dumont, Ia. — Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards squeezed into a pair of Spandex bike shorts today and pedaled on the RAGBRAI route with champion cyclist Lance Armstrong. — After riding from just north of Dumont to Kesley …

The Black Trial: The human drama the jury didn't see — Had Black taken the stand, he could have shown the jury a man in full, warts and all — Just before the case went to the jury, Conrad Black's two lead attorneys sent him a demand for an additional million bucks each.
National Review Online