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A Statement on Scott Thomas Beauchamp — Scott Thomas Beauchamp is a U.S. Army private serving in Iraq. He came to THE NEW REPUBLIC's attention through Elspeth Reeve, a TNR reporter-researcher, whom he later married. Over the course of the war, we have tried to provide our readers with a sense of Iraq as it is seen by the troops.
National Review, Hot Air, Weekly Standard, JunkYardBlog, TIME: Swampland, Shakespeare's Sister, baldilocks, The Huffington Post, QandO, Op For, Volunteer Opinion Journal, Solomonia, Wake up America, Riehl World View, A Blog For All, The Corner, The Carpetbagger Report, Winds of Change.NET, Jeff Emanuel, Left in the West, protein wisdom, Say Anything, PrairiePundit and The Atlantic Online
'Net Roots' Event Becomes Democrats' Other National Convention — Last month, in a straw poll on the popular liberal blog Daily Kos, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.), the front-runner for her party's presidential nomination, won only 9 percent of the vote, lagging far behind former senator John Edwards …
House erupts in chaos — In a massive flare-up of partisan tensions, Republicans walked out on a House vote late Thursday night to protest what they believed to be Democratic maneuvers to reverse an unfavorable outcome for them. — The flap represents a complete breakdown in parliamentary procedure …
An Outrage on the House Floor — High drama on the house floor tonight. Dems brought an Agriculture appropriations bill to the floor greatly expanding government programs, yet again. Republicans moved to recommit the bill to committee, in order to add language prohibiting any taxpayer funds under …
Chris Dodd Smacks Down O'Reilly about Daily Kos: The VIDEO — Continuing on Nicole's post, I've got the video of Dodd doing a great job of sticking up for Daily Kos in an excellent way. He told the truth. And when propagandists like BillO are confronted with the truth—heads explode.
Pakistan slams 'ignorant' Obama attack warning — ISLAMABAD (AFP) - Pakistan accused Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama of "sheer ignorance" for threatening to launch US military strikes against Al-Qaeda on Pakistani soil. — Obama warned Wednesday that if he is elected president …
ABCNEWS, The Daily Whim, The Politico, The Moderate Voice, Flopping Aces and The Atlantic Online
Obama, Clinton in new flap, over nuclear weapons
In From the Cold, Counterterrorism Blog, Doug Ross, The Belmont Club, The Caucus and rubber hose
Take your pick — a. This is a brilliant idea, providing an unknown candidate with a cut-through gimmick that helps him be remembered. The campaign strategist is a genius. — b. This is a lamentable idea, making a no-hope candidate look ridiculous, diminish his effectiveness …
CAIR Executive Director Placed at HAMAS Meeting — The executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Nihad Awad, participated in a three-day summit of U.S.-based HAMAS members and supporters in 1993. — Until now, he had been identified only as Nihad LNU (last name unknown) in FBI reports and analyses.
Citing Iran, US covertly arms Gulf states — A recently disclosed US agreement with Saudi Arabia for a 10-year, $20 billion dollar arms sale is a "done deal," according to intelligence officials and experts familiar with the negotiations. — Yesterday, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice …
Human Voices
Glasgow terror suspect dies from burns — LONDON - A man critically burned after allegedly crashing an explosive-laden Jeep into Glasgow Airport died of his injuries Thursday, Strathclyde Police said. — Kafeel Ahmed, 27, had been in the hospital for a month with burns from the alleged attack on June 30 …
First Armed Robots on Patrol in Iraq (Updated) — Robots have been roaming the streets of Iraq, since shortly after the war began. Now, for the first time — the first time in any warzone — the machines are carrying guns. — After years of development, three "special weapons observation …
Senate Passes Children's Health Bill, 68-31 — The Senate defied President Bush on Thursday and passed a bipartisan bill that would provide health insurance for millions of children in low-income families. — The vote was 68 to 31. The majority was more than enough to overcome the veto repeatedly threatened by Mr. Bush.
Washington Monthly
'Egyptians killed 4 Sudanese on border' — Egyptian soldiers killed four Sudanese refugees near the Egypt-Israel border overnight Wednesday in full view of IDF troops, a shaken-sounding IDF soldier said in an interview with Channel 10, Thursday evening. — According to the soldier …
Ruling Limited Spying Efforts — Move to Amend FISA Sparked by Judge's Decision — A federal intelligence court judge earlier this year secretly declared a key element of the Bush administration's wiretapping efforts illegal, according to a lawmaker and government sources …
Migrant law blocks benefits — Prop. 300 denying college aid, child care — Nearly 5,000 people in Arizona have been denied in-state college tuition, financial aid and adult education classes this year under a new state law banning undocumented immigrants from receiving those state-funded services.