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EDWARDS IN A BIZ HATE & $WITCH — John Edwards, who yesterday demanded Democratic candidates return any campaign donations from Rupert Murdoch and News Corp., himself earned at least $800,000 for a book published by one of the media mogul's companies. — The Edwards campaign …
Captain's Quarters, Sister Toldjah, National Review,, TigerHawk, Hot Air and TVNewser
Three Top Democrats Share Lead In Iowa Poll — Less than six months before Iowa voters open the 2008 presidential nomination battles, the Democratic contest in the Hawkeye State is a deadlock, with Hillary Rodham Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards in a virtual tie for first place, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.
'Net Roots' Event Becomes Democrats' Other National Convention — Last month, in a straw poll on the popular liberal blog Daily Kos, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.), the front-runner for her party's presidential nomination, won only 9 percent of the vote, lagging far behind former senator John Edwards …
The Caucus, The Moderate Voice, QandO, The Gun Toting Liberal™, The Washington Note and D-Day
Clinton Demurs On Obama's Nuclear Stance — She Says It Is Unwise to Rule Out Using the Arms Against Terrorists — Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton drew another distinction between herself and Sen. Barack Obama yesterday, refusing to rule out the use of nuclear weapons against Osama bin Laden …
House erupts in chaos — In a massive flare-up of partisan tensions, Republicans walked out on a House vote late Thursday night to protest what they believed to be Democratic maneuvers to reverse an unfavorable outcome for them. — The flap represents a complete breakdown in parliamentary procedure …
The Influence Peddler, Balloon Juice, Comments From Left Field, Outside The Beltway and Betsy's Page
Ruling Limited Spying Efforts — Move to Amend FISA Sparked by Judge's Decision — A federal intelligence court judge earlier this year secretly declared a key element of the Bush administration's wiretapping efforts illegal, according to a lawmaker and government sources …
Stampeding Congress, Again — Since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the Bush administration has repeatedly demonstrated that it does not feel bound by the law or the Constitution when it comes to the war on terror. It cannot even be trusted to properly use the enhanced powers it was legally granted after the attacks.
Prairie Weather
Chris Dodd nails Bill O'Reilly in the latter's Daily Kos jihad — With Yearly Kos going on in Chicago right now, Bill O'Reilly is *obsessed* with Kos, ranting and raving about how it's a far left website that spews hate and all sorts of horrors hereto unknown on the internet.
The Moderate Voice, AMERICAblog, Pam's House Blend, Lawyers, Guns and Money and The Huffington Post
Chris Dodd Smacks Down O'Reilly about Daily Kos: The VIDEO
Althouse, techPresident, Hot Air, skippy the bush kangaroo, MyDD and The Huffington Post
Judge Backs C.I.A. in Suit on Memoir — Valerie Wilson may be the best known former intelligence operative in recent history, but a federal judge in New York ruled Wednesday that she was not allowed to say how long she worked for the Central Intelligence Agency in the memoir she plans to publish this fall.
JustOneMinute, The Huffington Post, Taegan Goddard's …, JammieWearingFool and Outside The Beltway
KOS: "WE ARE THE CENTER!" — Is left-wing blog entrepreneur Markos Moulitsas Zúniga, AKA "Kos," the new liberal king maker of the Democratic Party? At his opening day press conference for the annual YearlyKos Convention in Chicago, Kos told the assemblage: "There is no Jesse Jackson wing of the Democratic Party anymore.
Documents show Kyl's opposition to attorney oustings — WASHINGTON - Documents released Wednesday by the House Judiciary Committee show that Sen. Jon Kyl, a Republican, was upset with Bush administration officials who forced Arizona's top federal prosecutor to resign late last year.
BEACHAMP INVESTIGATION CONCLUDED — After a thorough investigation that lasted nearly a week the 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division has concluded that the allegation made by Private Thomas Scott Beauchamp, the "Baghdad Diarist", have been
Take your pick — a. This is a brilliant idea, providing an unknown candidate with a cut-through gimmick that helps him be remembered. The campaign strategist is a genius. — b. This is a lamentable idea, making a no-hope candidate look ridiculous, diminish his effectiveness …
Fausta's blog
Maliki's Impact Blunted By Own Party's Fears — Hussein-Era Secrecy Persists, Analysts Say — BAGHDAD — As the U.S. military attempts to pacify Iraq so its leaders can pursue political reconciliation, Iraqi and Western observers say Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and his inner circle …
CAIR Executive Director Placed at HAMAS Meeting — The executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Nihad Awad, participated in a three-day summit of U.S.-based HAMAS members and supporters in 1993. — Until now, he had been identified only as Nihad LNU (last name unknown) in FBI reports and analyses.
DNC shares oppo game plan with netroots — CHICAGO — It is not true that Democrats don't listen to Republicans. They do. — The Democrats are listening to every word the Republican presidential candidates say, writing it down and even videotaping them whenever possible.
No More Mister Nice Blog
Doesn't Sound Like A Funding Issue — MnDOT officials had concerns about the I-35W bridge over the Mississippi River last winter, focusing on the same fatigue and potential cracking that has grabbed the focus of the post-collapse coverage. Engineers debated whether to apply patches …
Middle Earth Journal, Blog of the Moderate Left, The Lede, Power Line, In From the Cold and Blue Crab Boulevard