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Petraeus 'Betray Us' ad is group's 'shock and awe' — was looking to get attention and so they have with their full-page New York Times ad in which they slam Gen. David Petraeus, rhyming his name with "betray us." It's the liberal group's version of shock and awe.
The Hill, The Politico, On Deadline, Agence France Presse, Wake up America, and baldilocks

Col. Joe Repya: The Assault on General David Petraeus — I'm fortunate to count Colonel Joe Repya among my friends in Minnesota. The retired soldier, a veteran of Vietnam, Desert Storm, and Operation Iraqi Freedom joined me as a co-host two weeks ago for my radio show at the State Fair …

Delay Decision on Cuts, General Says — The top American commander in Iraq, Gen. David H. Petraeus, has recommended that decisions on the contentious issue of reducing the main body of the American troops in Iraq be put off for six months, American officials said Sunday.
CNN Political Ticker, MoJoBlog, Gallup Poll, The Hill, Crooks and Liars, TPMmuckraker, Slate, Washington Post, Opinion Journal, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, The Gun Toting Liberal™, ePluribus Media Community, Comments From Left Field, Balloon Juice, TIME, Althouse, Needlenose, Right Wing News, CNN, MSNBC, Sister Toldjah, Happy Furry Puppy Story …, Hot Air,, Brilliant at Breakfast, Think Progress, Say Anything, Firedoglake, Agitprop, The Van Der Galiën Gazette, The Swamp, The Heretik, Gateway Pundit, The American Street and Brendan Nyhan

Will Democrats Denounce MoveOn?
protein wisdom, Redstate, New York Times, NYT, The Caucus, The Newshoggers, Captain's Quarters, The Mahablog, QandO and Wake up America Calls Petraeus a Traitor
Heading Right, The Lede, Bluey Blog, Macsmind, Comments From Left Field and Connecting.the.Dots

ARMY CHECKMATES THE NEW REPUBLIC — Last month Pajamas Media published an in-depth report on the scandal surrounding the "Baghdad Diarist" articles by Scott Thomas Beauchamp in The New Republic. — Now PJM's Bob Owens interviews Major John Cross, who led the U.S. Army's investigation into Private Beauchamp's shocking claims.
INSTAPUTZ, Balloon Juice,, QandO, Dean's World, BLACKFIVE and Roger L. Simon

New Vent: Checking up on The New Republic; Update: Foer ducks; Update An interview with the Beauchamp investigator — Michelle interviews The Weekly Standard's Michael Goldfarb about the Scott Thomas Beauchamp scandal. We also stop by The New Republic's office in Washington to see if editor Franklin Foer will talk with us.

Second Bin Laden Tape Expected — Brian Ross Reports: — A second tape from Osama bin Laden was recorded in the same location as the video released last week. — People in the intelligence community who have seen the tape feel it is directly related to the 9/11 anniversary since …

Al-Qaida promises 9/11 hijacker video — CAIRO, Egypt - Al-Qaida said Monday that it will release a new video of Osama bin Laden presenting the last testament of one of the Sept. 11 suicide hijackers, marking the sixth anniversary of the attacks. — The announcement from the terror group's media arm came …

Latest Bin Laden Video Is a Forgery: All References to Current Events …

Study finds left-wing brain, right-wing brain — Even in humdrum nonpolitical decisions, liberals and conservatives literally think differently, researchers show. — Exploring the neurobiology of politics, scientists have found that liberals tolerate ambiguity and conflict better than conservatives because of how their brains work.

Homo politicus: brain function of liberals, conservatives differs — PARIS (AFP) - The brain neurons of liberals and conservatives fire differently when confronted with tough choices, suggesting that some political divides may be hard-wired, according a study released Sunday.

Silly Iraqis. Why don't they understand just how great "scholar-warrior" Petraeus has been for them? … Okay, so let's do an unofficial tally. — In the "surge is working" corner:

Thompson climbs in GOP poll — WASHINGTON — Former Tennessee senator Fred Thompson has gotten a modest bump in support after finally announcing he's running for the Republican presidential nomination, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds. And Arizona Sen. John McCain may have started to turn around his beleaguered campaign.

IT'S CLASSIFIED? — We've been hearing a lot about improved security conditions in Iraq and Baghdad. And there's been a lot of talk about percentage declines of deaths of one sort of another. But one thing we're going to be listening for tomorrow and Tuesday is some actual data, some numbers.
Pacific Views

Activists take Al Gore to task on his diet — He may be the hero of the environmental movement for his crusade against global warming but Al Gore is about to be targeted by animal rights activists over his carnivorous contribution to greenhouse gases. — Citing United Nations research …

Prisons Purging Books on Faith From Libraries — Behind the walls of federal prisons nationwide, chaplains have been quietly carrying out a systematic purge of religious books and materials that were once available to prisoners in chapel libraries. — The chaplains were directed by the Bureau …

Anbar Awakens Part I: The Battle of Ramadi — RAMADI, IRAQ - After spending some time in and around Baghdad with the United States military I visited the city of Ramadi, the capital of Iraq's notoriously convulsive and violent Anbar Province, and breathed an unlikely sigh of relief.

Democrats on Iraq Reporting — At 12:30, General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker will testify to a joint House hearing about the coming White House report on Iraq. Reps. Jan Schakowsky and Lloyd Doggett discussed the White House's reporting this morning on the House floor: — Rep. Schakowsky: