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Petraeus, Crocker Face Skepticism on Drawdown — Army Gen. David H. Petraeus and U.S. Ambassador Ryan C. Crocker went before Congress for a second day today to deliver a progress report on the war in Iraq and explain a new military plan to withdraw the 30,000 reinforcements sent there earlier this year to improve security.
Pissed On Politics, INTEL DUMP, Think Progress, Taylor Marsh, Wonkette, The Democratic Daily, and The Huffington Post

What Crocker and Petraeus didn't say — WASHINGTON — The Bush administration's top two officials in Iraq answered questions from Congress for more than six hours on Monday, but their testimony may have been as important for what they didn't say as for what they did.

Bush policy to bequeath Iraq to successor — The president plans to end his term with a strong U.S. military in the country and leave the issue of exiting to his successor. — WASHINGTON — The talk in Washington on Monday was all about troop reductions, yet it also brought …

By Bush's Own Standard, Surge Has Failed
New York Post, Outside The Beltway, QandO, The Van Der Galiën Gazette, Washington Post, DownWithTyranny!, The Peking Duck, The Moderate Voice,, ®, Newsweek, Balloon Juice,, The Galloping Beaver, Jon Swift, RADAMISTO, Democratic Strategist, and Atlantic Free Press

Republicans introduce measure condemning MoveOn ad — House Republican leaders introduced a resolution Monday condemning a full-page newspaper ad from that criticizes the character of Gen. David Petraeus, the commanding general of U.S. troops in Iraq.

Miers, Bolten contempt filings delayed — House Democratic leaders have decided to postpone a vote on a criminal contempt resolution against White House chief of staff Joshua Bolten and former White House counsel Harriet Miers for several weeks, and possibly longer, according to top lawmakers and aides.

Bush weighs Olson to replace Gonzales — President Bush has not yet chosen a new attorney general, but conservatives say they are ecstatic to learn that former Solicitor General Theodore B. (Ted) Olson is one of five finalists. — A senior administration official tells Politico …

'America the Ugly' — Six years after 9/11, it's notable how little the politics of the left have changed. — In the immediate aftermath of the attacks on us that took place on this very day six years ago, several younger commentators proclaimed the birth of an entirely new era in American history.
Weekly Standard, Commentary, Balloon Juice, alicublog, Solomonia,, Daily Kos and Crooked Timber

WORLD WAR IV WITH THE WRONG ROSIE — Pajamas Media CEO Roger L. Simon reviews Norman Podhoretz's World War IV: The Long Struggle Against Islamofascism, published on the sixth anniversary of 9/11. — Support Pajamas Media; Visit Our Advertisers — "You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you."
No More Mister Nice Blog,, Classical Values, Power Line, Fausta's blog and Roger L. Simon

Minnesota Senate — Coleman at 46% Democrats Close Behind — Minnesota is likely to host one of the more interesting and competitive Senate races in Election 2008. — The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone poll of the race shows incumbent Senator Norm Coleman (R) attracting just 46% support …

Lieberman Decries 'Terrible, Partisan, Political Sniping,' Then Rocks Out With Hannity, Coulter — On Fox News this morning, Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) used a moment of silence commemorating 9/11 to decry the "terrible, partisan political sniping" that he says ruined the "unity that we felt after September 11″:
News Hounds

9/11: Remembrance and resistance — Update 1:30pm Eastern. Memorial photo of the day comes from Iraq, via MNF-I: — The caption reads: — Never Forget — Task Force Marne Soldiers take time on the sixth anniversary of the attacks Sept. 11, 2001, for a remembrance ceremony at the Task Force Marne Headquarters.

Keith Olbermann Admits He Is Un-American! — And reprehensible too. Don't blame's his words:

The Surge's Real Target: Iran? — That's NRO's Andy McCarthy's instructive take on the Petraeus testimony. He cites this comment from the general: … I predict an echoing chorus from the far right. In fact, I think Petraeus' testimony and the administration's agenda makes the most sense …
The Newshoggers

Dollar hits fresh 15-year low — The dollar fell to a fresh 15-year low against a basket of currencies on Tuesday as the greenback continued to suffer from the prospect of a cut in US interest rates. — Expectations that the Federal Reserve would move to lower interest rates at its meeting …

Doesn't Anyone Remember Anthrax? — What I just learned from CNN: … I've long been fascinated by the erasure of the anthrax attacks - which, in their own way, freaked out the country more than 9/11 did* - from our collective memory. — *People object when I suggest this …