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Giuliani Also Gets Liberal Discount From Times — Marketers, Take Note: 61% Price Chop for Ad in Grey Lady if You Buy Standby — NEW YORK ( — Rudy Giuliani got a lot of attention yesterday when he attacked The New York Times for giving what he called sweetheart pricing on the group's …

Elizabeth Edwards fires on MoveOn — Blog: Not sure it's really meant that way, but in any case, Elizabeth Edwards makes hers the first campaign to directly criticize's "Gener

A Meeting with President Bush — President Bush met with a group bloggers today in an almost hour-long discussion of the war on terror. Eight individuals attended the meeting in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, while Bill Roggio and I video conferenced in from Camp Victory in Baghdad.
Wake up America, Hot Air, Captain's Quarters, protein wisdom, Flopping Aces and Riehl World View

President Bush Meets with N.Z., Milbloggers — You might wonder whether the President of the United States pays any attention to blogs supporting the war effort. Is he aware of the contribution that milblogs and new media more generally are making to the effort to educate the American public …

WATCH THIS SPACE... Breaking news... Today, the Armorer and a group of milbloggers participated in a tiny bit of history. — We got to meet the President of the United States. And talk with him for an hour. — With two of us linking in courtesy of the 3rd Infantry Division in Baghdad …

Greenspan Book Criticizes Bush And Republicans — 'They Deserved to Lose'; — Former Fed Chief Defends — Pre-Bubble Rate Cuts — In a withering critique of his fellow Republicans, former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan says in his memoir that the party to which he has belonged …

CIA Bans Water-Boarding in Terror Interrogations — The controversial interrogation technique known as water-boarding, in which a suspect has water poured over his mouth and nose to stimulate a drowning reflex, has been banned by CIA director Gen. Michael Hayden, current and former CIA officials tell

What If Existed 65 Years Ago? — How NOT To Understand The Reconstruction Effort In Iraq — Comments (9) » — Had and their ilk been around 65-years ago this conversation would likely be taking place in German. — And our beer might be better.
The Mahablog, Flopping Aces, The Anchoress, Reason Magazine, Weekly Standard, Bluey Blog and Oliver Willis

Condi's "Closest Female Friend" — Yesterday on the show I had an interesting conversation with Washington Post diplomatic correspondent Glenn Kessler, whose new book is The Confidante: Condoleezza Rice and the Creation of the Bush Legacy. — There have long been questions …

Democrats Push a Tactic to Shift Iraq Plan — Now that President Bush and Gen. David H. Petraeus have charted their course for the Iraq war, Democrats in the Senate say one of their proposals aimed at shifting the president's strategy is finally close to winning enough Republican support for a real chance at being approved.

Trending Towards Inanity — SHARE Digg Reddit Newsvine — If you wanted to ruin the political career of Mark Penn, Hillary Clinton's chief pollster and strategist, here would be one way to do it: First, create some sort of artifact bearing his name that you could use to tank his reputation.

Conviction in Jena case overturned — Judges rule teen should not have been tried as adult in racially tinged case — JENA, La. - A state appeals court Friday tossed out the aggravated battery conviction that could have sent a black teenager to prison for 15 years in last year's beating …
First Draft

Fred's Strategy Revealed — As Christy pointed out (additional hat tip to Michael Whitney), Ol' Fred seems a bit mnemonically challenged, to say the least. — On the Terry Schiavo circus, he said: … On the differences between his Social Security plan and Dubya's (which he supported):

The neocon link to the ABC News scandal — As predicted yesterday, the scandal over disgraced ex-ABC News consultant Alexis Debat continues to spin out of control, with major implications for the way that Americans have been getting their news about the flashpoints that could determine war or peace in the Persian Gulf and South Asia.

Subject to Debat: What did ABC Know and When Did It Know It?
Right Wing Nut House

The politics of war — Who among American politicians is serious and unserious about the global war on terrorism? How about among commentators? How much is the war on terrorism really a stick used to hit one's own domestic opponents? … Bush: A modern-day Harry Truman — By Hugh Hewitt