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Rather Files $70 Million Lawsuit Against CBS — Dan Rather, whose career at CBS News ground to an inglorious end 15 months ago over his role in an unsubstantiated report questioning President Bush's Vietnam-era National Guard service, filed a $70 million lawsuit this afternoon against the network …
On Deadline, Little Green Footballs, Captain's Quarters,, Stop The ACLU,, TVNewser, BartBlog, The Democratic Daily, The Daily Gut, News Hounds, Connecting.the.Dots, In The Pink Texas, The Gate, Law Blog, Hot Air, Seeing the Forest, Romenesko, Washington Monthly and Neptunus Lex

U.S. May Escort Ahmadinejad to Ground Zero — Talks Underway After Iranian Requests a Visit — In a move that has stunned New York, the Bloomberg administration is in discussions to escort the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, to ground zero during his visit to New York next week, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said today.
Hot Air, Mitt Romney For President News, Melanie Phillips's Diary, Right Wing Nut House, WTF Is It Now?!?,, The Corner, Sister Toldjah, Wake up America, Stop The ACLU, Cliff Schecter, Infidels Are Cool, protein wisdom, Little Green Footballs, Gateway Pundit, Atlas Shrugs, Done With Mirrors and Wizbang

Iranian Leader Was Denied Ground Zero Visit — An advance team for the president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, asked earlier this month that he be allowed to lay a wreath at the World Trade Center site during the opening of the United Nations General Assembly next week, but the request was denied …
New York Sun, The American Pundit, Neptunus Lex,, The Impolitic and Israpundit

NYPD Rejects Iran President's Viewing Request — NEW YORK (WCBS 880) — UPDATE: NYPD is rejecting the request from the President of Iran to visit Ground Zero. — NYPD is citing security reasons for the reason of rejecting President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's request to visit the old World Trade Center.
The American Pundit

The President Goes to War Over "Betray Us" — Kate O'Beirne and I just got back from a meeting with the president in the Roosevelt Room of the White House for a small group of conservative journalists. — There was a lot of ground covered, and the president was in a serious but confident mood …
The Atlantic Online, Wake up America, Argghhh!, bustardblog, No More Mister Nice Blog and Daily Kos

War Council — Previous war-presidents have gathered opponents into their cabinets, reached out to estranged former allies, engaged in aggressive diplomacy to maximize effectiveness and rallied the whole country for the fight. What does this one do? Gets a bunch of right-wing "journalists" …

Unforgiven — My intemperate language earlier today is informed by my seeing "No End In Sight" last night. Day after day of observing the inexcusable can render one numb after a while. You can forget the trajectory of the deception and incompetence and recklessness of the last six years …

Breaking: Webb amendment fails. — The Senate just voted 56 to 44 on Sen. Jim Webb's (D-VA) amendment "requiring that active-duty troops and units have at least equal time at home as the length of their previous tour overseas." The bill failed to garner the 60 votes needed to move forward.

BREAKING: Warner, McCain To Propose Toothless, Watered-Down Version …
New York Times, TPM Election Central, The Hill, ePluribus Media Community, Wake up America, Talking Points Memo, DownWithTyranny!, Crooks and Liars, Open Left, No More Mister Nice Blog, Firedoglake, The Carpetbagger Report, Washington Post, AMERICAblog, TIME: Swampland, and Comments From Left Field

Weller's next challenge — If U.S. Rep. Jerry Weller runs for re-election, he may face two feisty gals: Debbie and Emily. — Senate Majority Leader Debbie Halvorson (D-Crete) is considering running for the 11th District congressional seat, in part because of hot pursuit from Emily's List …

Report: GOP Congressman Jerry Weller Will Retire
Swing State Project

Jackson criticizes Obama — Presidential candidate's response to Jena, La., case called too weak — The Rev. Jesse Jackson called Tuesday on Democrats seeking the 2008 nomination for president to give S.C. voters "something to vote for" when they go to the polls in January.

Ugly Alliance — Democrats are said to be keen about "connecting the dots"—so let's see if we can connect a few for them. — Dot Number One: Last week, published a full-page ad in the New York Times directed at David Petraeus, the commanding general in Iraq …

Grand Prairie state lawmaker switches sides to Democrat — He says Republican leadership had 'no tolerance' for his values — — Dallas-area Democrats are getting another Republican Party defector. — State Rep. Kirk England, R-Grand Prairie …

UPDATE: Gunmen Blow Up Iraq's North Export Pipeline -Official — AMMAN -(Dow Jones)- Unknown attackers have blown up part of an Iraqi pipeline that pumps crude oil from Kirkuk oil fields to the Turkish export terminal, Ceyhan, a senior Iraqi oil official and a shipping agent said Wednesday.

Bush or bin Laden: Who is More Evil? — It is the time of the year once again for Americans to mourn the loss of friends, family members and co-workers and to remember all who died on September 11, 2007. But while most of us hold the anniversary as a reminder of those who have passed …

DNC condemns remark — New York Rep. Peter King, a prominent House Republican, said there are "too many mosques in this country" in a recent interview with Politico. — "There are too many people sympathetic to radical Islam," King said. "We should be looking at them more carefully and finding out how we can infiltrate them."
Think Progress, Daily Kos, The Daily Background, Inside Long Island Politics and Swing State Project

Johanns to resign, run for Senate, sources say — U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Mike Johanns (R) will resign his Cabinet post and run for the Senate seat being vacated by Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.), according to local GOP sources. — The sources said Johanns plans to resign early next week …

Who bears blame for anti-war failures? — For many in Washington, the biggest unanswered question from Army. Gen. David Petraeus' high-profile, low-satisfaction testimony last week was not about military strategy but about political tactics. Why has the anti-war movement been unable …