Top Items:

Couric weighs in on Iraq, Rather — Her take on the news — Speaking at the National Press Club Tuesday evening, CBS "Evening News" anchor Katie Couric pulled back the curtain on her personal views of both the war in Iraq and former "Evening News" anchor Dan Rather.

The Nefarious "We" — Close readers may have noticed that I am increasingly vexed by cosmopolitanism, the idea that we are not citizens of a country or products of a place but rather "citizens of the world." See this old G-File, particularly the second half for a fuller explanation of my views.

Dan Rather is right — The story was true. — Dan Rather, September 20 — At first, I was wondering whose blood was boiling hotter last week when former CBS news anchor Dan Rather announced he had filed a $70 million lawsuit against his former employer in response to Rather's unceremonious …

My Dinner with Ahmadinejad — The invitation was on creamy stationery with fancy calligraphy: The Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran "requests the pleasure" of my company to dine with H.E. Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The dinner is at the Intercontinental Hotel …

Backlash Against Bollinger Hits Columbia — A backlash against the president of Columbia University, Lee Bollinger, who on Monday delivered a harsh rebuke to President Ahmadinejad, is coming from faculty members and students who said he struck an "insulting tone" and that his remarks amounted to "schoolyard taunts."
Hot Air, New York Times, Fars News Agency,, Jules Crittenden, Gateway Pundit, Take Our Country Back, The Daily Gut, Sister Toldjah, City Room, Central Sanity, Webloggin, Boker tov, Boulder!, Blue Crab Boulevard, The Van Der Galiën Gazette, Wake up America, Power Line, The Carpetbagger Report and QandO

Can She Reach Religious Voters? — During a question-and-answer session at Tufts University immediately after the 2004 election, Sen. Hillary Clinton identified the alienation of religious voters as one of the Democratic Party's main problems. And the appeal she proposed was straightforward …

Kyl-Lieberman Iran Amendment Passes By Huge Margin — The Kyl-Lieberman Iran amendment — which ratchets up the confrontation with Iran by calling for the designation of its Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization responsible for killing U.S. troops — just passed overwhelmingly, 76-22.
Talking Points Memo, The Carpetbagger Report, MyDD, My Left Nutmeg, NO QUARTER, The Politico, The Huffington Post and Think Progress

Do Not Vote for This Guy — HE DOESN'T WANT DEMOCRATS TO VOTE—UNLESS IT'S TO APPOINT HIM TO THE FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION. — Another one for you to file under "fox guards the henhouse": The Senate rules committee votes tomorrow (Wednesday) on whether to give Hans A. von Spakovsky …
Think Progress, MoJoBlog, The Carpetbagger Report, Lawyers, Guns and Money, Firedoglake, WorkingForChange and TPMmuckraker

Dem Defection Sends Voter Fraud Guru to Full Senate

NPR Rebuffs White House On Bush Talk — Radio Network Wanted To Choose Its Interviewer — The White House reached out to National Public Radio over the weekend, offering analyst Juan Williams a presidential interview to mark yesterday's 50th anniversary of school desegregation in Little Rock.
protein wisdom, Captain's Quarters,, No More Mister Nice Blog, Corrente, Outside The Beltway and Romenesko

Police Clash With Monks in Myanmar — The government of Myanmar began a violent crackdown today after tolerating more than a month of ever-larger protests in cities around the country, clubbing and tear- gassing protesters, firing shots into the air and arresting hundreds of the monks who are at the heart of the demonstrations.

Calling Rudy — For Mr. Giuliani, it's more than his wife that's on the line. — Most Americans understand it takes an extra chromosome to run for President, but there are some limits on odd behavior. Which makes us wonder what Rudy Giuliani was thinking last Friday when he accepted …
The Atlantic Online, The Swamp, Shakespeare's Sister, Corrente, The Carpetbagger Report, MSNBC, The Impolitic and New York Times

The Soros Threat To Democracy — Democracy: George Soros is known for funding groups such as that seek to manipulate public opinion. So why is the billionaire's backing of what he believes in problematic? In a word: transparency. — George Soros & Exclusive Series
protein wisdom, Clayton Cramer's BLOG, Blue Crab Boulevard,, Maggie's Farm, Lonewacko, UrbanGrounds, Macsmind and Power Line

Towns Rethink Laws Against Illegal Immigrants — A little more than a year ago, the Township Committee in this faded factory town became the first municipality in New Jersey to enact legislation penalizing anyone who employed or rented to an illegal immigrant.
Lonewacko, The Van Der Galiën Gazette, TBogg, Unqualified Offerings, Reason Magazine and Big Brass Blog

Justice in Jena — THE case of the so-called Jena Six has fired the imaginations of thousands, notably young African-Americans who, according to many of their comments, believe they will be in the vanguard of a new civil rights movement. Whether America needs a new civil rights movement …

Scoop for Spanish Daily: Transcript of Private 2003 Bush Talk Promising Iraq Invasion — NEW YORK El Pais, the highest-circulation daily in Spain, today published what it said was the transcript of a private talk between President George W. Bush and Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar on February 22 …

Bush astounds activists, supports human rights — UNITED NATIONS — President Bush implored the United Nations on Tuesday to recommit itself to restoring human decency by liberating oppressed people and ending famine and disease. — Speaking before the United Nations General Assembly …

Bush: No Child Left Behind Is Working — As a candidate, George W. Bush once asked, "Is our children learning?" — On Wednesday, he had an answer. — "Childrens do learn," he said. — The setting was, yes, an education event where the president was taking credit for rising test scores …