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What Is Wrong With You?!? — The difference between the far right wing and the far left wing: the far right will do anything — anything — so long as the ends justifies the means. The far left folks have ethical boundaries that they try very hard not to cross: things like attacking …
Ezra Klein, Washington Monthly, protein wisdom, The Huffington Post, Chuck Adkins, Sadly, No!, Daily Kos, bustardblog, Fausta's blog, Orcinus, DownWithTyranny!, The Sideshow, The Democratic Daily, Dependable Renegade, Wake up America, The Mahablog, The Carpetbagger Report, Comments from Left Field and The Impolitic

When Rhetoric Meets Reality — I was talking to Tim via AOL IM, and I decided it was probably worthwhile to bring this up for everyone. One of the things that is so surprising (for me, at least) about the whole Graeme Frost episode is that rather than make their case against this program …

Rush Smears 12-Yr Old: 'They Filled His Head With Lies Just As They Have Some Of These Soldiers' — Yesterday, ThinkProgress noted the right wing has been orchestrating a coordinated effort to smear a 12 year old recipient of SCHIP. These conservatives have been propagating baseless "facts" …

Bartlett Unleashed: On Flip-Flops, a "Dud" and the Guy With the Funny Name — Dan Bartlett, formerly one of the closest advisers to President Bush, has been offering a tough analysis of the GOP field. (White House Photo Office). — One of President Bush's closest advisers …
The Corner, Telegraph Blogs, TIME: Swampland, Conservative Belle, Daily Pundit, MSNBC and

Uh, About that "Leak" That Burned Our al Qaeda Intel — I know what the NY Sun and Washington Post are saying about a major source of intel being burned by a leak, but it just isn't so. Rita Katz and the SITE Institute do a great job, but attributing the interception of this video to them is just false.
Hot Air, Martini Revolution, Right Wing News, The Strata-Sphere, Riehl World View and At-Largely

Leak Severed a Link to Al-Qaeda's Secrets — Firm Says Administration's Handling of Video Ruined Its Spying Efforts — A small private intelligence company that monitors Islamic terrorist groups obtained a new Osama bin Laden video ahead of its official release last month …
Attytood, The Carpetbagger Report, The Huffington Post, TPMmuckraker, MoJoBlog, The Blotter,, CBS News, D-Day, Wake up America, Shakespeare's Sister, Wonkette, Danger Room, Firedoglake, Cliff Schecter, The Lede, Angry Bear, Weekly Standard, Captain's Quarters, The Liberal Avenger, AMERICAblog, The Mahablog,, Think Progress, Chuck Adkins and PrairiePundit

Qaeda Goes Dark After a U.S. Slip
Power Line, Weekly Standard,,, Macsmind, Don Surber, Take Our Country Back and Gateway Pundit

Supreme Court Rejects CIA Kidnapping Case — Khaled el-Masri, (also spelled al-Masri) the 42 year old German shoe salesman and father of five who was plucked off a street in Macedonia while on holiday, beaten and flown to a secret CIA prison in Afghanistan where he was held for 5 months until …

Hillary Clinton's American Retirement Accounts Plan: A 401(k) Plan For All Americans — Today, Hillary Clinton announced a bold new American Retirement Accounts plan with generous matching tax cuts that—alongside her efforts to strengthen defined benefit pension plans …

Diet and Fat: A Severe Case of Mistaken Consensus — In 1988, the surgeon general, C. Everett Koop, proclaimed ice cream to a be public-health menace right up there with cigarettes. Alluding to his office's famous 1964 report on the perils of smoking, Dr. Koop announced that the American diet …

Matthews on Matthews — On today's "Morning Joe," Joe Scarborough asked Chris Matthews if Republican candidates would try to get a "cheap applause line" tonight by pointing to his recent controversial comments. — Said Matthews: — I've been thinking about that....It's not my stage tonight.

DoJ Vote Chief Argues Voter ID Laws Discriminate against Whites — When Justice Department lawyers and analysts found in 2005 that a Georgia law requiring voters to have photo ID would disproportionately discriminate against African-Americans, they were overruled by John Tanner …

Anti-War Movement Stuck in a Quagmire — Over the summer, a coalition of anti-war activists racked up plenty of statistics in their drive to end the occupation of Iraq. They held 1,100 press events, by their count, planted more than 30,000 yard signs, posted 265 videos on YouTube …

Live-Blogging the Republican Debate — The Candidate Who Isn't There | 5:12 p.m.: Mr. Giuliani and Mr. Romney are thinking of their possible general election opponent. Mr. Giuliani gleefully evoked Hillary Rodham Clinton, criticizing her for having failed to say whether she would take military action against Iran.

Obama, Edwards, Richardson, Biden out of state primary — Four of the leading Democratic presidential nominees have removed their names from the Jan. 15 Michigan presidential primary. — U.S. Sen. Barack Obama and former Sen. John Edwards both earlier today filed paperwork …

Phony 'Satirical' Anti-Muslim Posters Circulated at GWU — At George Washington University, another outrageous action by the Saudi-funded radical Islamic front group calling itself the Muslim Student Association, as they circulate flyers purporting to be from a conservative campus group …

My Own Private Mid-20th Cent. Totalitarianism — Not long ago, New York Times columnist Roger Cohen unveiled a self-pitying lament about the hard-shake 'neocons' have gotten over the Iraq War and, more pointedly, how the collapse of Iraq has left little room for "liberal interventionists …

Wilson hopes Novak 'is going to confession, because otherwise he's going to hell' — Ambassador Joe Wilson said he objected to columnist Robert Novak naming his wife as a CIA operative even before Novak wrote a 2003 column that later launched a federal investigation.