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Democrat poster-child abuse, the nutroots' pushback, and the continued campaign to silence the Right — I received an e-mail from a NYTimes reporter this afternoon: … I gave him these comments: … I also told him this: … Here's the NYTimes story, which actually turned out much fairer and more balanced than I expected.
The Newshoggers, Ezra Klein, Think Progress, At-Largely, The Strata-Sphere, The Mahablog, Right Wing News, State of the Day, Shakespeare's Sister, Right Voices, QandO, Sister Toldjah, The Democratic Daily, The American Street, Sadly, No!, Ankle Biting Pundits, Balloon Juice, Riehl World View, Firedoglake, Free Republic, Daily Kos,, Dean's World, All Spin Zone and Tapscott's Copy Desk

Frost family draws ire of conservatives — Halsey and Bonnie Frost, in front of their Butchers Hill house. Critics question whether the Frosts should be eligible for a federal insurance program. (Sun photo by Barbara Haddock Taylor / October 9, 2007) — When Halsey and Bonnie Frost agreed …

Capitol Feud: A 12-Year-Old Is the Fodder — There have been moments when the fight between Congressional Democrats and President Bush over the State Children's Health Insurance Program seemed to devolve into a shouting match about who loves children more. — So when Democrats enlisted …
Think Progress, Captain's Quarters, Firedoglake, protein wisdom, The Carpetbagger Report, D-Day, No More Mister Nice Blog, TigerHawk, PrairiePundit, Whiskey Fire, Bark Bark Woof Woof, The Next Hurrah, Chuck Adkins, U.S. Politics, Dependable Renegade, Rook's Rant, The Shotgun, The Moderate Voice, Suburban Guerrilla, TBogg, Democracy Project, Hullabaloo and Ezra Klein

From Former Bush Aide, A Candid Assessment Of the GOP Candidates — A former adviser to President Bush has a brutally candid analysis of the Republican presidential nomination contest: Fred D. Thompson is the campaign's "biggest dud," Mitt Romney has "a real problem in the South" …

Romney and Giuliani Spar as New Guy Looks On
The Hill, Weekly Standard, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, The Politico, PrairiePundit and TIME

Bomb, Bomb Iran — Hillary seemed rattled. — Up until now, she has displayed remarkable imperturbability — gliding along with the help of good lighting, a hearty guffaw and a clever husband. — But on Sunday in New Hampton, Iowa, Hillary lost her cool at last.

An Israeli Strike on Syria Kindles Debate in the U.S. — A sharp debate is under way in the Bush administration about the significance of the Israeli intelligence that led to last month's Israeli strike inside Syria, according to current and former American government officials.
The Washington Note, The Swamp,, TIME: Swampland,, Israel Matzav, Atlas Shrugs and Washington Monthly

Smile, Though Your Head Is Aching — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was in a determinedly good mood when she sat down to lunch with reporters yesterday. She entered the room beaming and, over the course of an hour, smiled no fewer than 31 times and got off at least 23 laughs.

Generation Q — I just spent the past week visiting several colleges — Auburn, the University of Mississippi, Lake Forest and Williams — and I can report that the more I am around this generation of college students, the more I am both baffled and impressed.

Residents of a famously liberal city appear to be changing views — San Francisco - the liberal, left-coast city conservatives love to mock - could be undergoing a transformation when it comes to homeless people. Although the city would still be a poor choice for a pep rally for the war in Iraq …
Death, Daily Pundit, JammieWearingFool, Jules Crittenden, five feet of fury. and Moonbattery

Ups and Downs for Gore — While Al Gore is the favorite to win the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday, a British court has found that his film is both partisan and contains no fewer than eleven material inaccuracies that need to be drawn to students' attention if it is going to be shown in schools.
Jules Crittenden

4 Democrats Pull Out of Michigan Primary — Four of the Democratic presidential candidates announced today that they would not take part in the Democratic primary in Michigan, all but ceding the contest in that major battleground state to Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, who is ahead in the polls there and is staying in.

Isn't This Privatization? — Does anyone get the idea that Hillary Clinton has decided to toss out entitlements like sugared almonds at a Sicilian wedding as a campaign strategy? Fresh off the laugher "baby bonds" program she endorsed without much thought, she announced a new plan yesterday …

Blogs target jihadis online — Ordinary Americans are tracking down U.S. Web sites used by al Qaeda and jihadi sympathizers and then using the Internet to persuade the service providers to snuff out the sites. — "I do this because it has to be done," says one blogger who calls himself a …

AP Poll: More see economy as top problem — WASHINGTON - A growing number of people say the economy is the nation's top problem, with the less educated among the most worried, an Associated Press-Ipsos poll showed Tuesday. — Yet even with a credit crunch and soft housing market …
The Carpetbagger Report

Why Fight For Anyone's Freedom? — In the backlash against President Bush's democracy agenda, conservatives are increasingly taking the lead. It is inherently difficult for liberals to argue against the expansion of social and political liberalism in oppressive parts of the world — though …

President Spock — What if Barack Obama told his wife he wouldn't say "I love you" anymore? — Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said he doesn't tell his wife he loves her any more, because "I love you" has become a substitute for "true love."

It's Not Democracy. It's a Sub. — Americans Seem Willing to Vote for Everything but an Actual Candidate — What's your vote? Is America's newfangled fascination with being polled, minute by minute, on every imaginable topic, reflective of (a) a more informed electorate, (b) …