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Malkin quits The O'Reilly Factor. — Inside Cable News has obtained an e-mail written by Michelle Malkin stating that she has decided to quit appearing on Fox News's The O'Reilly Factor: … Some highlights of her time on the show HERE, HERE, and HERE.
Discussion:, TBogg, Firedoglake, The Newshoggers, Sadly, No!, The Democratic Daily, Dependable Renegade and The Mahablog

Michelle Malkin Quits O'Reilly After Nasty Three-Way — People who hate everyone also hate each other. Photo: Patrick McMullan — We guess Michelle Malkin won't be coming to town to guest-host for Bill O'Reilly anymore. She just quit forever, after a three-way conservative-pundit street fight …
Comments from Left Field

Malkin quits The Factor... ICN has obtained an email written by Michelle Malkin that states she has quit doing The O'Reilly Factor...

Did Malkin quit O'Reilly's Factor over Geraldo clash? — Geraldo apologizes to Malkin on The Factor: Then he says he fell on Bill's sword over the apology while explaining why Limbaugh should apologize over his "phony soldiers" comment... Download (520) | Play (519) (h/t Scarce and justabill for the vids)
skippy the bush kangaroo

Democrats profile another SCHIP family — Michelle Malkin, meet Bethany Wilkerson. — Bethany is the latest child being profiled by Democrats arguing for an override of President Bush's veto of the State Children's Health Insurance Program bill. — Malkin, the conservative blogger …

Universal healthcare: it's not just for Dems anymore
Central Sanity, Ezra Klein, Balloon Juice, The Moderate Voice, MoJoBlog and Washington Monthly

Simpsons SCHIP page "not a hack," say Republicans
skippy the bush kangaroo

Video: Job of U.S. soldiers is killing "mothers and sisters," says David Crosby — So self-parodic is this all the way around the horn that I can't muster the requisite outrage. Of course David Crosby thinks American soldiers are out to kill women. Of course Graham Nash thinks "dialogue" is the answer to suicidal jihadism.

GOP targeting Clinton on phone-call snooping — Republicans plan to seize on an allegation from the 1992 presidential campaign to tarnish Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) on the red-hot issue of government surveillance. — Government surveillance will be at the forefront of the political debate …

Nobel Committee Bypassed Holocaust Savior for Al Gore — As media do a victory lap over Friday's Nobel Peace Prize announcement, it seems a metaphysical certitude that few Americans are aware of the other 180 nominees for the award besides the Global Warmingist-in-Chief Al Gore.

Frost Parents Talk About The Right's Jihad Against Their Son On Countdown — In their first television interview since Michelle Malkin, Rush Limbaugh and others on the right decided to crucify their 12 year old son and swiftboat their family, the parents of Graeme Frost sat down and talked with Keith Olbermann tonight on Countdown.

Top Air Force Official Dies in Apparent Suicide — The second-highest ranking member of the Air Force's procurement office was found dead of an apparent suicide at his Virginia home Sunday, Air Force and police officials said today. — The official, Charles D. Riechers, 47 …

Orrin James Noon, Jr., 1943-2007 — After surviving nearly eight months with pancreatic cancer — the same disease that killed his own father four years ago — my dad passed away quietly at home this morning. My three siblings and I were able to spend the last few days with him …

Inshallashshaheed Outted: North Carolina Jihadi in the News (UPDATED) — Michael Moss of the New York Times has outted Inshallashaheed, the al Qaeda supporting blogger who we've been investigating for over a year. I've been sitting on his true identity for months, but in one fell swoop Samir ibn Zafar Khan …

BREAKING: Bush Dog McIntyre Flips on SCHIP — On the heels of our recorded calls to the districts of five reactionary Democrats who refused to support the override of George Bush's veto of SCHIP, two of them have now flipped their votes — last week Baron Hill, and today Mike McIntyre of North Carolina.

Edwards Gets Ten SEIU Endorsements — Here is how John Edwards's careful courtship of the Service Employees has paid off: not only will Edwards get the endorsement of the relatively small, nurse-heavy Iowa SEIU affiliate today, he'll receive the support of nine other state affiliates, Democratic sources say.

The land of optimism is in the dumps, but refuses to accept how it got there — Not since Watergate has such pessimism afflicted Americans. They want politicians to lift them without facing the cause — On April 27 1968 the vice president, Hubert Humphrey, announced his presidential candidacy.