Top Items:

Inshallashshaheed Outted: North Carolina Jihadi in the News (UPDATED) — Michael Moss of the New York Times has outted Inshallashaheed, the al Qaeda supporting blogger who we've been investigating for over a year. I've been sitting on his true identity for months, but in one fell swoop Samir ibn Zafar Khan …

Al-Qaida associates in N.J. — Osama bin Laden may be hiding in the impenetrable mountains near the Afghanistan border, but FBI counterterror officials say they have identified several of his associates in a far more accessible spot — northern New Jersey. — The FBI's elite Joint Terrorism …
Little Green Footballs, Hot Air, Wake up America, Sister Toldjah, Sweetness & Light and JammieWearingFool

An Internet Jihad Aims at U.S. Viewers
Washington Post, Gawker, The Van Der Galiën Gazette, CBS News, PrairiePundit, Jihad Watch, The Volokh Conspiracy and The Swamp

Malkin quits The O'Reilly Factor. — Inside Cable News has obtained an e-mail written by Michelle Malkin stating that she has decided to quit appearing on Fox News's The O'Reilly Factor: … Some highlights of her time on the show HERE, HERE, and HERE.
Firedoglake, The Newshoggers, Sadly, No!, Chuck Adkins, The Mahablog and Dependable Renegade

Michelle Malkin Quits O'Reilly After Nasty Three-Way — People who hate everyone also hate each other. Photo: Patrick McMullan — We guess Michelle Malkin won't be coming to town to guest-host for Bill O'Reilly anymore. She just quit forever, after a three-way conservative-pundit street fight …

Malkin quits The Factor... ICN has obtained an email written by Michelle Malkin that states she has quit doing The O'Reilly Factor...

Romney gets joint drubbing — Sensing weakness, Sen. John McCain and Rudy Giuliani have formed an unspoken alliance to try to torpedo Mitt Romney just as many voters are tuning in to the Republican presidential race. — "I'm not going to con you," McCain said Monday on ABC's "Good Morning America" when asked about Romney.

McCain is bouncing back — Republican presidential hopeful John McCain is back, two months after he was given up for dead. — For most of 2007, McCain was the prohibitive favorite among GOP voters. No one else came close. — Then, suddenly, his campaign — swollen with overhead and consultants …

'WIRE' LAW FAILED LOST GI — 10-HOUR DELAY AS FEDS SOUGHT TAP — U.S. intelligence officials got mired for nearly 10 hours seeking approval to use wiretaps against al Qaeda terrorists suspected of kidnapping Queens soldier Alex Jimenez in Iraq earlier this year, The Post has learned.

Cowboys need lawyers, too.
Firedoglake, Think Progress, The Next Hurrah,, Eschaton, The American Street and WorkingForChange

COURT SUPREMELY OBJECTS TO MEMOIR — SUPREME Court Justice Clarence Thomas' memoir "My Grandfather's Son" is doing well everyplace but in the Supreme Court. With the utmost respect, the Supremes are supreme. Yes, the president of the United States of America is commander in chief of the Army …

Democrats profile another SCHIP family — Michelle Malkin, meet Bethany Wilkerson. — Bethany is the latest child being profiled by Democrats arguing for an override of President Bush's veto of the State Children's Health Insurance Program bill. — Malkin, the conservative blogger …

Group Plans to Provide Investigative Journalism — As struggling newspapers across the country cut back on investigative reporting, a new kind of journalism venture is hoping to fill the gap. — Paul E. Steiger, who was the top editor of The Wall Street Journal for 16 years …

Universal healthcare: it's not just for Dems anymore — With the party taking a bit of a beating over its resistance to expanding access to healthcare for low-income children, Republicans on Capitol Hill apparently have a new idea: they'll introduce a universal healthcare plan of their own.
MoJoBlog, Eschaton, The Moderate Voice, Washington Monthly, Ezra Klein and Central Sanity

Top Air Force Official Dies in Apparent Suicide — The second-highest ranking member of the Air Force's procurement office was found dead of an apparent suicide at his Virginia home Sunday, Air Force and police officials said today. — The official, Charles D. Riechers, 47 …

Pelosi's Most Dangerous Ploy — Congressional Democrats anxious to force a withdrawal of American forces from Iraq are frustrated by their inability to muster a veto-proof majority for legislation that would establish a firm date for retreat. But what they cannot do directly they are now working hard to do indirectly.
CNN, Weekly Standard, Agence France Presse, BLACKFIVE, National Review, Balloon Juice, neo-neocon, Hot Air, Let Freedom Ring, The Caucus, Glasgow Herald, QandO, Redstate, Wake up America, PrairiePundit, New York Times, Jules Crittenden, Middle Earth Journal, Death and International Herald Tribune

Security and Opportunity for the Twenty-first Century — Summary: The next U.S. president will have a moment of opportunity to reintroduce America to the world and restore our leadership. To build a world that is safe, prosperous, and just, we must get out of Iraq, rediscover the value of statesmanship …

THE RESURRECTION OF IMUS: RETURNS ON NATION'S TOP TALK STATION — In a dramatic and dazzling career rebound, controversial radio host Don Imus has secured a deal returning him to the airwaves on December 3 — this time on the nation's most listened to talk station, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned!
Hot Air, New York Magazine, The Radio Equalizer,, Gawker, FanHouse, Outside The Beltway, Chuck Adkins and The Daily Gut

Orrin James Noon, Jr., 1943-2007 — After surviving nearly eight months with pancreatic cancer — the same disease that killed his own father four years ago — my dad passed away quietly at home this morning. My three siblings and I were able to spend the last few days with him …