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Air America host Randi Rhodes wasn't mugged — Air America radio host Randi Rhodes is temporarily off the air, but claims she was brutally attacked near her Manhattan apartment are bogus, her lawyer and a police source said today. — Fellow host Jon Elliott claimed on the liberal radio network …

Randi Rhodes is the Victim of a Violent Attack — Updated on October 16 at 8:50 AM PDT. Update set in bold face italics — Randi Rhodes was mugged on Sunday night on 39th Street and Park Ave, nearby her Manhattan apartment, while she was walking her dog Simon.
The Opinionator, The Newshoggers, Air America Radio, The American Street, Gawker, Wizbang, All Spin Zone, Preemptive Karma, The Sideshow, IMAO, BitsBlog, Wake up America, Shakespeare's Sister, Greatscat!,, Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, Pirate's Cove, Taylor Marsh, Macsmind, Balloon Juice, Brilliant at Breakfast, Cliff Schecter, The Van Der Galiën Gazette, Mercury Rising and Chuck Adkins

Progressive Talk Show Host Randi Rhodes Is Badly Beaten In Street Attack (UPDATED) — EDITOR'S NOTE: See our updated post above HERE since the New York Daily News is reporting that Rhodes was not mugged. We're leaving up the original post since it details the original report as well …
Crooks and Liars

Randi Rhodes wasn't mugged, Air America credibility plunges to NYTimes stock-level depths — The real story: … The nutroots are sorely disappointed.
Don Surber

Lynne Cheney: 'Dick and Barack Obama are eighth cousins.' — In an MSNBC interview today, host Norah O'Donnell asked Lynne Cheney her views on Sen. Hillary Clinton's (D-NY) presidential campaign and whether "America is ready for a woman president." Cheney replied that she actually has a "certain bias":

Rudy In 1996: "I'm Really Not" A Republican Mayor — As part of his efforts to win over GOP primary voters, Rudy Giuliani has repeatedly said that he governed New York city as Mayor by adhering to Republican and conservative principles. — Today, for instance, Rudy said that he "gave my blood" …
New York Times, Talking Points Memo, The Carpetbagger Report, Political Radar, Hot Air, Stop The ACLU, Salon, MSNBC and The Atlantic Online

TPMtv: Meet the Four Horsemen of Rudy's Apocalypse — Maybe you love Rudy or maybe you hate him. But whatever you may think of him, check out his foreign policy team, because that's the key to knowing what to expect from a Rudy presidency. Especially for candidates with little …

Democrats split on genocide resolution — Democrats are split on the value of bringing a controversial Armenian genocide resolution to a floor vote. — Five House Democrats plan to hold a news conference Wednesday to urge their leadership not to bring the resolution to the floor …
Weekly Standard, Wake up America, Sister Toldjah, The Van Der Galiën Gazette and Blue Crab Boulevard

Ending the War vs Impeachment: Following Up on the Pelosi Interview

The Real Iraq We Knew — Today marks five years since the authorization of military force in Iraq, setting Operation Iraqi Freedom in motion. Five years on, the Iraq war is as undermanned and under-resourced as it was from the start. And, five years on, Iraq is in shambles.
Jules Crittenden, Weekly Standard, The Atlantic Online, Captain's Quarters, Confederate Yankee, Chuck Adkins, BLACKFIVE, INTEL DUMP, Booman Tribune, Firedoglake, War in Context, Flopping Aces, Norwegianity, AMERICAblog, Murdoc Online, The American Street, WTF Is It Now?!?, Macsmind, Take Our Country Back, The Carpetbagger Report, Taylor Marsh, Main and Central, The BRAD BLOG,, Cato-at-liberty and Outside The Beltway

Ron Paul's America — This is Patrick Ruffini's map of where Ron Paul is getting his money. The strength in the Mountain West is impressive, if unsurprising. The hostility of the South to his message of individual liberty is also no big whup. Stuart Benjamin notices how evenly spread Paul's money-base …
The Volokh Conspiracy

McConnell Aide Acknowledges That He Tried To Spread Bogus Smear Of Graeme Frost — Check this out: An aide to GOP leader Mitch McConnell has acknowledged in an interview with Kentucky's Courier-Journal that he actively sought to alert reporters to the wingnut smearing of 12-year-old SCHIP posterkid Graeme Frost:
Courier-Journal, Death, TIME: Swampland, The Carpetbagger Report, Think Progress, Wake up America, Balloon Juice, Firedoglake and Daily Kos

Right Wing Gleefully Smears Two Yr-Old SCHIP Recipient Bethany Wilkerson — Yesterday, TrueMajorityAction released an ad of 2-year old Bethany Wilkerson, who was born with a serious heart problem and received health insurance through the SCHIP program. Today, the Wilkerson family will appear …
The Huffington Post, The Corner, Pensito Review, bustardblog, The Carpetbagger Report and Daily Kos

CBS' Logan: 'We're doing extremely badly' in Iraq. — Last night on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, CBS News' Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan was asked, "How are we doing" in Iraq? Logan responded, "It's much worse than the picture, the image we even have of Iraq": … Watch it:

The Biggest Cheney Mystery — Just what is the relationship like between President Bush and Vice President Cheney? Behind closed doors, who defers to whom? — PBS's "Frontline" documentary series tonight chronicles Cheney's relentless, secretive and smashingly successful quest to expand executive power.

3 Weeks- 3 Countries Protest US Congress... How Do They Do It? — The US Congress is working on a new motto: — "We're not just unpopular here at home." — The US Congress Does It Again... Now China Quits 5+1 Talks Over Congressional Actions! — Two weeks ago Iraqis protested the US Congress...