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Beauchamp and the Rule of Second Chances — October 25, 2007 — Beauchamp and the Rule of Second Chances: Pass it Along — I'd known that General Petraeus was once accidentally shot in the chest, but I first heard the full story this summer in Baqubah, from an eyewitness whose account I wrote about in Second Chances.
The Newshoggers, Riehl World View, Little Green Footballs, BLACKFIVE and Confederate Yankee

Army Acknowledges Leaking Beauchamp Docs To Drudge, Promises Investigation — Updated below. — There's been a very interesting turn in the saga of The New Republic's "Baghdad Diarist," the American soldier in Iraq who's been accused of fabricating negative stories about U.S. troops and publishing them in the mag.

Baghdad Diarist Was On Guard When Questioned by Editors — The soldier whose New Republic article about military cruelty in Iraq was labeled false by Army investigators refused to defend his accusations when questioned by the magazine, even after being told that the editors could no longer support him unless he cooperated.
Pajamas Media, protein wisdom, Captain's Quarters, Balloon Juice, Flopping Aces, Hot Air, Winds of Change.NET, Jon Swift, Jules Crittenden,, Neptunus Lex,, SCSUScholars, Power Line,, A Blog For All, Right Wing News,, BitsBlog, The Van Der Galiën Gazette, Little Green Footballs and Washington Monthly

In His Words: Giuliani on Torture — DAVENPORT, Iowa — At a town hall meeting here last night, Rudolph W. Giuliani expanded upon his views of torture. Here is a transcript of the exchange. — Linda Gustitus, who is the president of a group called the National Religious Campaign Against Torture …

Glenn Greenwald — Anonymous Liberal for Glenn Greenwald: Giuliani on torture — In his book, former Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin described his experience being tortured by sleep deprivation at the hands of the KGB: … Here's U.S. presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani, speaking at a town hall event in Iowa yesterday:

House Democrats Set For Vote on New Version Of Children's Health Bill — Just one week after failing to override President Bush's veto, House Democrats will put a new version of their $35 billion expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program to a vote today …

Bobby Caina Calvan Blog : the entire post with comments preserved — UPDATE: Good gracious, blogging since '97 and my first Instalanche. Thank you Mr. Reynolds! Thank you AOSHQ and the lovely and talented Michelle Malkin as well. — The entire site is 404′d, and the comments were the sweetest plum!
Riehl World View, The Jawa Report, Little Green Footballs, Ace of Spades HQ, Take Our Country Back,, At-Largely, On Deadline, The GALLIVANT, Death, Don Surber, McClatchy Watch, Althouse, Patterico's Pontifications,, BLACKFIVE,, Blue Crab Boulevard, Say Anything, Sister Toldjah and

Ted Rall: Only Idiots Die in Iraq, US IQ Soars — Here's a look into the squirmy, ugly mind of Ted Rall, whose latest cartoon about US troops in Iraq says: "Only idiots signed up; only idiots died. Back home, the average I.Q. soared." — (Hat tip: LGF readers.)

Thompson Downplays Iraq Insurgency: 'A Bunch Of Kids With Improvised Explosive Devices' — Speaking during a stop in South Carolina today, former Sen. Fred Thompson (R-TN) downplayed the Iraq insurgency as child's play. The insurgency is made up of "a bunch of kids with improvised explosive devices," Thompson said:

New Steps by U.S. Against Iranians — The Bush administration will announce a long-debated policy of new sanctions against Iran on Thursday, accusing the elite Quds division of the Revolutionary Guard Corps of supporting terrorism, administration officials said Wednesday night.
Washington Post, Counterterrorism Blog, Committee on Oversight …, Associated Press, Chuck Adkins, RealClearPolitics, The Van Der Galiën Gazette, Think Progress, Wake up America, The Gun Toting Liberal™, At-Largely, The Strata-Sphere, The American Street, Soccer Dad, Shakespeare's Sister, MSNBC, ABCNEWS, Prairie Weather and Atlas Shrugs

The Ron Paul Wars — RedState defends its decision to bar future posters from supporting Ron Paul: … I don't think I qualify as a Neo-Nazi or a Code Pink activist. Full Wired story here. But here's a simple message to Ron Paul supporters. You're welcome here.

Satellite Photos Show Cleansing of Syrian Site — New commercial satellite photos show that a Syrian site believed to have been attacked by Israel last month no longer bears any obvious traces of what some analysts said appeared to have been a partly built nuclear reactor.

Student hounds prof running for Congress — MOUNT PLEASANT, Mich. - A politically conservative student armed with a video camera and a Web site is trying to force a Democratic congressional candidate out of his teaching job at Central Michigan University. — Dennis Lennox, a 23-year-old junior …

'55 'Origin of Life' Paper Is Retracted — In January 1955, Homer Jacobson, a chemistry professor at Brooklyn College, published a paper called "Information, Reproduction and the Origin of Life" in American Scientist, the journal of Sigma Xi, the scientific honor society.

Academic Freedom? — Yesterday, the University of Delaware asked Asaf Romirowsky to step down from an academic panel at the University of Delaware because another panelist, University of Delaware political scientist Muqtedar Khan, didn't want to share the podium with anyone who served in the Israeli Defense Forces.

Real Support — A brief post, as I'm not somewhere with a dedicated internet connection at the moment. But I couldn't read this comment without (after letting my blood pressure abate) making at least a brief response. — I will note that, of course, I do not speak for all soldiers …

Could Steny Hoyer Have Seen The Light On Restoring Constitutional Government? — Republicans Vs. The Constitution - Department Of The Happy Dance - Chris Dodd - Constitution - Federalist 47 - Steny Hoyer — [Welcome, Eschatonians, and thanks to Lord Atrios for the link.