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Full Text of Email Reveals Greenwald Mischaracterizations — Welcome, fellow minions of the lgf New World Odor — Glenn Greenwald, as he had promised in his post at Salon, has forwarded the email he says he received from Colonel Steven A. Boylan, Public Affairs Officer for General Petraeus.

Abject stupidity defined — (updated below - Update II) — If there is a place with more abject stupidity swirling around than the right-wing blogosphere, I'd like to know where it is. Truly, consider what has to be going on inside their brains for this to happen:

UPDATE MCMLXVIII — The plot has thickened in Boylangate, where Greenwald at last check is up to UPDATE VII and in an advanced tizzy. As well he should be. Because it would appear the sockpuppet, a bestselling author in addition to being a highly accomplished and widely respected constitutional lawyer …

Huckabee Surges, Edwards Fades — The latest still photo from the slow motion, inter-party electoral horse race known as Iowa is in — and it looks like John Edwards is losing steam on the Democratic side while Mike Huckabee is charging at the GOP frontrunners.

UI Hawkeye Poll: Huckabee gaining; Clinton and Obama battling for top spot — Mitt Romney continues to hold a strong lead in Iowa among candidates seeking the Republican presidential nomination. But Mike Huckabee's Iowa numbers — buoyed, perhaps, by growing support among Evangelical Christians …

New York Times, Taylor Marsh, techPresident, Hot Air, Democratic Strategist and Think On These Things

Tancredo says he's leaving Congress — Even if he loses his long-shot bid for the White House, Rep. Tom Tancredo will be leaving the U.S. House of Representatives at the end of 2008. — Tancredo, 61 , waited until after the Colorado Rockies' last out of the World Series on Sunday night …

Obama campaign spokesman blasts gays at Gospel concert; white preacher and Obama say nothing — UPDATE: Per the NYT, the anti-gay activist turned the entire final half hour of the concert into an anti-gay harangue: … Surprise, surprise, surprise. Obama's anti-gay religious right activist used …
The Opinionator, CNN Political Ticker, Crooks and Liars, Firedoglake, Open Left,, TalkLeft, Corrente, Democratic Strategist, Taylor Marsh, Right Wing Nut House, Norwegianity, Hullabaloo, DownWithTyranny!, The Caucus, Main and Central, MoJoBlog, Shakespeare's Sister, Middle Earth Journal and The Van Der Galiën Gazette

Despite Protests, McClurkin's Guest Star Turn For Obama a Crowd Pleaser

Obama issues 3-page memo defending gay-basher spokesman …

Looming Catastrophe as Campaign Opportunity — If Obama is hoping for an issue to gain traction with vis a vis Hillary, he's really muffed it picking Social Security. In itself the idea of removing or significantly restructuring the 'cap' on payroll taxes is a good one, at least one with a lot to recommend it.

Sarkozy storms out of "60 minutes" interview — PARIS: "No, no. This is stupid," President Nicolas Sarkozy snorted, abruptly unplugging his microphone and calling his press secretary an "imbecile" for setting up an interview with American television network CBS on a busy day.

President Bush Announces Recipients of Presidential Medal of Freedom — President George W. Bush today announced recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the Nation's highest civil award. Established by Executive Order 11085 in 1963, the Medal may be awarded by the President …

EXCLUSIVE: FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds Will Now Tell All - and Face Charges if Necessary - to Any Major Television Network That Will Let Her — Attention CBS 60 Minutes: we've got a huge scoop for you. If you want it. — Remember the exclusive story you aired on Sibel Edmonds …

Rudy's Fuzzy Healthcare Math — ABC News' Rick Klein Reports: To hear Rudy Giuliani describe it in his new radio ad, the British medical system is a scary place. — "My chance of surviving prostate cancer — and thank God I was cured of it — in the United States: 82 percent," …

Ron Paul's Record on Economic Issues … Ron Paul: The Perfect as the Enemy of the Good — Taxes … Ron Paul's record on taxes is excellent, epitomized by his rallying cry for phasing out the IRS[1]. A strong believer in the economic benefits of tax cuts, he declared in a 2006 article …
The Van Der Galiën Gazette, The American Mind, Publius Endures, Donklephant, Reason Magazine and Suitably Flip

Record numbers go abroad for health treatment with 70,000 escaping NHS — Record numbers of Britons are travelling abroad for medical treatment to escape the NHS - with 70,000 patients expected to fly out this year. — And by the end of the decade 200,000 "health tourists" …

Authority Figure — The childhood roots of Giuliani's strange views of liberty. — At a town hall meeting in Exeter, New Hampshire, last month, local resident Bob Roughsedge introduced Rudy Giuliani as "the next mayor of the United States." No one tittered or spoke up.

Ann Coulter: On the Gay Circuit in West Hollywood — We had dinner last night at Murano, a new West Hollywood restaurant, owned by gay circuit party promoter Jeffrey Sanker, and lesbian night club owners Robin Gans and Sandy Sachs. It's a visually stunning space, straight lines …

Cindy McCain Won't Fund Husband's Bid — ABC News' Cynthia McFadden and Rick Klein Report: Sen. John McCain's wife, Cindy, is ruling out making personal financial contributions to her husband's struggling campaign for president, saying that the she and her husband are committed to funding his race via small contributions from donors.