Top Items:

New Congress at war over everything — In a closed-door meeting before the last vote on the children's health care bill, House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer appealed for the support of about 30 wavering Republican lawmakers. What he got instead was a tongue-lashing, participants said.

Another showdown in Congress; latest Field Poll results show Dems turning on Pelosi — The Republicans held the line and staved off one attempt at the Dems' massive entitlement expansion the S-CHIP program. They'll have to join the White House to kill it again soon.

Exclusive: ABC News Obtains Text of Blackwater Immunity Deal — State Department Grants Immunity to Guards Investigated for Shooting Iraqi Civilians — Members of a private security company pose on the rooftop of a house in Baghdad, Sept. 18, 2007. ABC News has learned details …
The Huffington Post, Washington Post, The Newshoggers, Comments from Left Field, Corrente and Firedoglake

Officials deny Blackwater immunity deal — WASHINGTON (CNN) — No blanket immunity deal was offered to Blackwater guards for their statements regarding a shootout in Iraq last month that left 17 Iraqi civilians dead, two senior State Department officials told CNN Tuesday.

Fineman: What Obama must do in the debate — WASHINGTON - As Sen. Barack Obama prepared for Tuesday night's crucial NBC debate in Philadelphia, his high command back in Chicago was watching a lot of old Clinton videotape — not of Hillary Clinton, but of Bill, and not of Bill as president …
Taylor Marsh, New York Times, Dick Polman's American Debate, Chicago Sun Times, Spin Cycle, The Moderate Voice and Slog

Hillary launches preemptive debate strike — Expecting rival Democrats to unload on her at tonight's debate, aides to Hillary Clinton are trying to frame the attack with a cheeky Web feature headlined "The Politics of Hope." — The posting is intended to focus viewers …
CNN Political Ticker,, Associated Press, Political Machine, Truthdig, The Opinionator, Liberal Values and TIME

How Lawmaker Rebuilt Hometown on Earmarks — Johnstown Gets Billions — With Power Broker's Aid; — FBI Questions a Contract — JOHNSTOWN, Pa. — If John Murtha were a businessman, he'd be the biggest employer in this town. — The powerful U.S. congressman has used his clout …
USA Today, The Corner, The Tribune Democrat …, Captain's Quarters, Weekly Standard, The Newshoggers, TIME: Swampland, Danger Room,, The Blotter, Outside The Beltway, UrbanGrounds, BitsBlog, Wake up America, Buck Naked Politics, Flopping Aces, Blue Crab Boulevard, CBS News, Six Meat Buffet and Sister Toldjah

CLEAR CHANNEL, REPUBLICAN PROPAGANDA NETWORK, OUT TO KILL SPRINGSTEEN'S MAGIC? — If you look for Springsteen in Google News, you get one rave review of his live sold out tour after another. Last Thursday and Friday he wowed 'em at the Oakland Coliseum. Last night he was in L.A.

Attorney General Nominee Sends Letter to Dems — Attorney general nominee Michael B. Mukasey told Senate Democrats today that a kind of simulated drowning known as waterboarding is "repugnant," but he does not know whether the interrogation technique violates U.S. laws against torture.
Prairie Weather

Col. Boylan's denial — (updated below) — As indicated last night, Editor & Publisher has published a lengthy article on the Col. Boylan email matter, which includes a discussion of an unsolicited, critical email sent to them from Col. Boylan as well. That, as I documented last night …

University of Delaware Requires Students to Undergo Ideological Reeducation — The University of Delaware subjects students in its residence halls to a shocking program of ideological reeducation that is referred to in the university's own materials as a "treatment" for students' incorrect attitudes and beliefs.

Three plead guilty in fake voter scheme — Three of seven defendants in the biggest voter-registration fraud scheme in Washington history have pleaded guilty and one has been sentenced, prosecutors said Monday. — The defendants were all temporary employees of ACORN …

The most influential US conservatives: 61-80 — As the US prepares for what is arguably the most open presidential election since 1928, the last time there was no incumbent president or vice-president on the ballot, the Daily Telegraph's Washington correspondents compile a list of the 100 …
Weekly Standard

Meyer apologizes in letter to students — Andrew Meyer has addressed an apology letter to UF students, UF President Bernie Machen and Student Government for his "failure to act calmly" during a Sept. 17 forum with Sen. John Kerry. — In a letter released to the Alligator on Monday afternoon …

Against Giuliani — "Hillary and Obama are kind of debating whether to invite [Osama bin Laden and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad] to the inauguration or the inaugural ball," says Rudy Giuliani. Andrew's right. This guy is out of his goddamn mind. — You know, a few years ago …