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A Pitched Debate: Clinton Hears It From Her Rivals — Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York came under withering attack from the rest of the Democratic presidential field last night in a pitched two-hour debate that her opponents used to challenge her candor and electability and to portray …
The Swamp,, Firedoglake, New York Post, The Atlantic Online, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Los Angeles Times, MSNBC, CNN Political Ticker, No More Mister Nice Blog, Sharoncobb, Brilliant at Breakfast, Brains and Eggs, The American Street, Spin Cycle, Boston Globe, Hot Air and Corrente

The Democratic Debate on MSNBC — The following is a transcript of the Democratic Presidential debate in Philadelphia, as provided by Federal News Service. — PARTICIPANTS: — FORMER SENATOR JOHN EDWARDS (D-NC) — SENATOR BARACK OBAMA (D-IL) — MODERATORS: — MR. WILLIAMS: Senator Obama, we'll begin with you.

Clinton's Foes Go on the Attack — Front-Runner Is Target in Season's Liveliest Democratic Debate — With just over two months until the first primary contest, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's Democratic rivals aggressively challenged their party's front-runner here Tuesday night …
The Newshoggers, The Caucus, Norwegianity, Althouse, BitsBlog, The Moderate Voice and Tennessee Guerilla Women

Obama, Edwards attack; Clinton bombs debate — PHILADELPHIA - - We now know something that we did not know before: When Hillary Clinton has a bad night, she really has a bad night. — In a debate against six Democratic opponents at Drexel University here Tuesday, Clinton gave the worst performance of her entire campaign.

Video: Hillary Clinton flip flops around Eliot Spitzer's licenses-for-illegals plan Updates and additions — Let's call this Exhibit A in the case against Hillary Clinton for president. In the following clip we see her radicalism, her shrillness, her inability to finesse a tough question, and her condescension to her opponents.

Debate Preview: All Eyes on Obama
CNN Political Ticker, Agence France Presse, MyDD, The Huffington Post, All Spin Zone,, Taylor Marsh, Slog and Hot Air

Cross-dressing state lawmaker blackmailed following late night tryst — SPOKANE — State Representative Richard Curtis says he's not gay, but police reports and court records indicate the Republican lawmaker from southwestern Washington dressed up in women's lingerie and met a Medical Lake man …

Police report sheds new light on Curtis encounter — State Rep. Richard Curtis, R-La Center, admitted to having sex with a man he met at an adult video store in Spokane last week, according to a police report released Tuesday afternoon. — The police report offers a damning and far different version …

Surveillance Sanity — Companies that help protect the U.S. against attack deserve immunity from frivolous lawsuits. — Following the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, President Bush authorized the National Security Agency to target al Qaeda communications into and out of the country.

Mukasey Losing Democrats' Backing — Nominee Unsure If Waterboarding Breaks Torture Law — Attorney general nominee Michael B. Mukasey told Senate Democrats yesterday that a kind of simulated drowning known as waterboarding is "repugnant to me," but he said he does not know whether …
The Carpetbagger Report, the talking dog, Chuck Adkins, The Atlantic Online, Obama HQ, Macsmind, The Reaction, BLACKFIVE, The RBC and Prairie Weather

UFOs and Alien Life — In the weird last minutes of the debate (the period, by the way, when The Fix made it onto the basketball court in high school) Rep. Dennis Kucinich (Ohio) gave us a highlight. — Asked about the statement by actress Shirley MacLaine that Kucinich had seen a UFO at her house, Kucinich said that he had.

Tax law: Are you eating those pumpkins? — DES MOINES, Iowa - The Iowa Department of Revenue is taxing jack-o'-lanterns this Halloween. The new department policy was implemented after officials decided that pumpkins are used primarily for Halloween decorations, not food, and should be taxed …

Supreme Court Stays Execution in a Sign of a Broader Halt — Moments before a Mississippi prisoner was scheduled to die by lethal injection Tuesday evening, the Supreme Court granted him a stay of execution and thus gave a nearly indisputable indication that a majority intends to block …
ABCNEWS, SCOTUSblog, Patterico's Pontifications, Lawyers, Guns and Money, The Van Der Galiën Gazette and TalkLeft

Post-Islamism — The future of Islamic reform lies with post-Islamism - a recognition that politics rather than religion provides for welfare in this life. — There is universal consensus that Muslim dictatorships, supported by the west, are the root of evil.

Yemen's Truce with al Qaeda — Who will be the next victims? — THE AMERICAN ATTEMPTS to rehabilitate the Yemeni regime of Ali Abdullah Saleh have not succeeded. Yemeni authorities recently pardoned Jamal Al-Badawi, convicted mastermind of the 2000 USS Cole bombing.

Live Debate Blogging — Diplomacy, diplomacy and also diplomacy. Did I mention diplomacy? — 9:25 PM ... Hillary "I will do everything I can" to prevent from Iran from getting a nuclear weapon. Good answer. — 9:26 PM ... Obama: We cannot act as if we are the weakest nation in the world when we are the strongest.

Judge Who Lost Pant Suit Loses Job — Roy L. Pearson Jr., the administrative law judge who lost his $54 million lawsuit against a Northeast Washington dry cleaner, lost his job yesterday and was ordered to vacate his office, sources said. — Pearson, 57, who had served as a judge for two years …
Blue Crab Boulevard