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Obama, Edwards attack; Clinton bombs debate — PHILADELPHIA - - We now know something that we did not know before: When Hillary Clinton has a bad night, she really has a bad night. — In a debate against six Democratic opponents at Drexel University here Tuesday, Clinton gave the worst performance of her entire campaign.

Clinton On The Ropes — One thing that strikes me about these debates: the Democrats are much more boring than the Republicans. I'm not entirely sure why. My hunch is that the Democrats actually think they may need to govern the country, and the Republicans are still just having some fun in the post-Bush wreckage.

The Democratic Debate on MSNBC — The following is a transcript of the Democratic Presidential debate in Philadelphia, as provided by Federal News Service. — PARTICIPANTS: — FORMER SENATOR JOHN EDWARDS (D-NC) — SENATOR BARACK OBAMA (D-IL) — MODERATORS: — MR. WILLIAMS: Senator Obama, we'll begin with you.
The Corner, TalkLeft, The Carpetbagger Report, CNN, The Atlantic Online and State of the Day

Going Negative on Clinton Is A Mistake — If one of the cardinal rules of progressive politics is that you never repeat the talking points by which your opponents beat up on your own party, then what are we to think of last night's Democratic debate, in which a principal tactic used …

A Pitched Debate: Clinton Hears It From Her Rivals — Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York came under withering attack from the rest of the Democratic presidential field last night in a pitched two-hour debate that her opponents used to challenge her candor and electability and to portray …
The Newshoggers, New York Post, The Hill, The Swamp, CNN Political Ticker, USA Today, Los Angeles Times, The Atlantic Online,, The American Street, Sharoncobb, Wonkette, The Van Der Galiën Gazette, Brian Beutler, MSNBC, Political Radar, No More Mister Nice Blog, Brains and Eggs, Spin Cycle, Brilliant at Breakfast, Boston Globe and The Heretik

LICENSES AND PRIVILEGE. — Several things from last night's debate stood out for me.

Longtime Bush adviser leaving State — WASHINGTON - Karen Hughes, who led efforts to improve the U.S. image abroad and was one of President Bush's last remaining advisers from the close circle of Texas aides, will leave the government at the end of the year.
The Swamp, Weekly Standard, Commentary, cab drollery, Shakespeare's Sister, Eunomia, culturekitchen, Outside The Beltway, The Heretik and Balloon Juice

Giuliani's Prostate Cancer Figure Is Disputed — In a radio advertisement playing in New Hampshire and in speeches along the campaign trail, Rudolph W. Giuliani has cited statistics to cut at the heart of his Democratic rivals' health care proposals, which he has derided as European-style …

Shocking Inside DC Scandal Rumor: A Media Ethics Dilemma — So I was down in DC this past weekend and happened to run into a well-connected media person, who told me flatly, unequivocally that "everyone knows" The LA Times was sitting on a story, all wrapped up and ready …

Police report sheds new light on Curtis encounter — State Rep. Richard Curtis, R-La Center, admitted to having sex with a man he met at an adult video store in Spokane last week, according to a police report released Tuesday afternoon. — The police report offers a damning and far different version …

Jay Rockefeller channels Dick Cheney's fear-mongering to urge telecom amnesty — Leading telecom advocate Fred Hiatt this morning turned over his Washington Post Op-Ed page today to leading telecom advocate Jay Rockefeller, the Democratic Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman …

UFOs and Alien Life — In the weird last minutes of the debate (the period, by the way, when The Fix made it onto the basketball court in high school) Rep. Dennis Kucinich (Ohio) gave us a highlight. — Asked about the statement by actress Shirley MacLaine that Kucinich had seen a UFO at her house, Kucinich said that he had.

Kucinich Questions Bush's Mental Health
Associated Press

Judge Who Lost Pant Suit Loses Job — Roy L. Pearson Jr., the administrative law judge who lost his $54 million lawsuit against a Northeast Washington dry cleaner, lost his job yesterday and was ordered to vacate his office, sources said. — Pearson, 57, who had served as a judge for two years …

House Democrats stall on FISAvote — House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) has postponed a vote to amend the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act for at least a week, and a Hoyer aide told The Hill there was no indication the bill would go back to the floor "anytime soon."

Officials: Boy With Matches Started Fire — SANTA CLARITA, Calif. (AP) - Officials blamed a wildfire that consumed more than 38,000 acres and destroyed 21 homes last week on a boy playing with matches, and said they would ask a prosecutor to consider the case.

FEC Complaint Filed Against Hillary Clinton for President Committee — How much longer are we going to let the crimes of Democrats, particularly those of the Clinton Machine, go unpunished? As the co-authors of a book about the rampant corruption in the Democratic Party …
Discussion:, TownHall Blog, The Corner, Wizbang, National Review, Say Anything and Hot Air

Navy Destroyer Battles Pirates — Sailors from the Norfolk-based destroyer James E. Williams boarded a North Korean merchant ship that had been hijacked by pirates off the coast of Somalia, while two other Navy vessels tailed a pirated Japanese ship in the same region.