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A Day Later, Clinton Embraces Spitzer's License Effort — John Edwards, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama during last night's debate. (Photo: Jessica Kourkounis for The New York Times) — A day after she appeared to struggle to give her views on the subject, Hillary Rodham Clinton …

Clinton Regroups As Rivals Pounce — After a rare night of fumbles by Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, her rivals for the Democratic presidential nomination rushed to maximize the damage yesterday, even as her advisers argued that the "piling on" engaged in by an all-male field of opponents …

Tim Russert: Stop the Inanity
The Reaction, PBS, The Debatable Land, Eschaton, BitsBlog, Ezra Klein, and The Huffington Post

Father of slain Marine wins case against funeral protesters — Pa. man awarded $2.9 million in compensatory damages — Albert Snyder of York, Pa., the father of a Westminster Marine who was killed in Iraq, today won his case in a Baltimore federal court against members of Topeka …

Jury awards father $11M in funeral case — BALTIMORE - A grieving father won a nearly $11 million verdict Wednesday against a fundamentalist Kansas church that pickets military funerals out of a belief that the war in Iraq is a punishment for the nation's tolerance of homosexuality.
Hot Air, CNN, Wake up America, JURIST, Truthdig, skippy the bush kangaroo, The American Street, Pam's House Blend and Stop The ACLU

Lawsuit May Bankrupt Phelps' "Church" — After members of Reverend Fred Phelps' Westboro Baptist Church demonstrated at the funeral of Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder his father was justifiably upset. But Albert Snyder didn't just get mad - he got even: … That's a shame. A real shame.

Nominee's Stand Avoiding Tangle of Torture Cases — In adamantly refusing to declare waterboarding illegal, Michael B. Mukasey, the nominee for attorney general, is steering clear of a potential legal quagmire for the Bush administration: criminal prosecution or lawsuits …

Nickelodeon is trying to brainwash your children in the morning, or a leftist primer — My Husband sent me this link this morning. Please watch this, in its entirety. It is imperative that you SEE what Nickelodeon is showing at 5:00am. — NICKELODEON IS BRAINWASHING YOUR CHILD

Soldier flees interrogation by exposing breasts — Officer loses concentration after soldier takes her shirt off in front of him — An IDF soldier fled an interrogation room by exposing her breasts to a stunned officer. — The soldier was interrogated at the Biranit army base …
A Blog For All

L.A. Times Refuses to Correct Clear Errors; Justifies Decision with Sophistry — Like Michael Goldfarb, I received an e-mail from the L.A. Times "Readers' Representative" today refusing to correct numerous clear errors in a recent column by Tim Rutten. (My previous correspondence …

TNR's Publisher Responds — Along with at least one other person who contacted Canwest Global CFO John McGuire as part of the letter-writing campaign, I received an email from Elisabeth Sheldon, publisher of The New Republic. … I responded to Publisher Sheldon and CC'd CFO Maguire:

GOT A STORY? TXT 63000 — A SCHOOL was yesterday accused of MAKING teachers dress up as Asians for a day - to celebrate a Muslim festival. — Kids at the 257-pupil primary have also been told to don ethnic garb even though most are Christians. — The morning assembly will be open to all parents …
Hot Air

Atlanta Urinals, Fountain Run Dry as UPS, Coke Fight Drought — Oct. 31 (Bloomberg) — Urinals without water. Fountains without water. A waterfall without water. — Dry is the goal as United Parcel Service Inc., Coca-Cola Co. and other companies in the Atlanta area rally to cut water use …

'Criminal' Botnet Stumps for Ron Paul, Researchers Allege — If Texas congressman Ron Paul is elected president in 2008, he may be the first leader of the free world put into power with the help of a global network of hacked PCs spewing spam, according to computer-security researchers who've analyzed …

Clinton would cream Giuliani, poll finds — One year before voters go to the polls to select the next president, the Republican Party is as weak as it has been in a generation, a detailed new poll suggests. — In a hypothetical matchup between Hillary Clinton and Rudy Giuliani …

Blackwater Mounts a Defense With Top Talent From Capital — Blackwater Worldwide, its reputation in tatters and its lucrative government contracts in jeopardy, is mounting an aggressive legal, political and public relations counterstrike. — It has hired a bipartisan stable of big-name Washington lawyers …

Say Hello to the Newest Member of the Vast Left Wing Conspiracy — I had meant to re-register independent (or as it is known here in West Virginia, "No Party Affiliation") for the past two weeks after I had finally had enough of the bulls**t during the Graeme Frost escapade, but never got around to it …