Top Items:

Joe for VP — Bill Kristol has a typically provocative and noteworthy editorial now posted on the website of The Weekly Standard. Bill points out that the MSM chose to ignore one of the most significant Senate speeches I can recall: Senator Joe Lieberman's critique of the Democratic party's …

Clinton Campaign Confirms Planting Town Hall Question, Says It Won't Happen Again — SIOUX CITY, Iowa — Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton's campaign admitted Friday that it planted a global warming question in Newton, Iowa, Tuesday during a town hall meeting to discuss clean energy.

Presto! CNN Edits Pelosi's Quote To Make Her Say Dem Congress "Hasn't Done Anything" — I'm not sure anyone could outdo this one in terms of, shall we say, "creative" editing of quotes. — CNN ran a report this afternoon with the headline: "Record Anger At Congress."

TPM's Ultimate Kerik Scandal List! — No rundown of Bernard Kerik's ethical shortcomings could ever hope to be comprehensive, but we've done our best. So here, without any further ado, is our grand catalogue. Thanks to TPMm research hounds Adrianne Jeffries, Will Thomas and Peter Sheehy and TPMm readers for all the help.

Feinstein backs legal immunity for telecom firms in wiretap cases — Sen. Dianne Feinstein said Thursday that she favors legal immunity for telecommunications companies that allegedly shared millions of customers' telephone and e-mail messages and records with the government …

Why is this man smiling? (Updated) — Just yesterday, Bush said (two posts back), "I've committed our troops into harm's way twice, and it's not a pleasant experience because I understand the consequences firsthand." Today he went to an army medical facility and met some people who actually …

Edwards: I'm closer to Obama than Clinton — Edwards seems to be saving his artillery for Hillary, and sought in Des Moines today to minimize the distance between himself and Obama. — "The differences between Sen. Clinton and myself are much more dramatic than the differences between …
The Trail, CNN Political Ticker, MSNBC, Hot Air, The Caucus, Prairie Weather and The Stump

Edwards: Differences with Clinton most 'dramatic'
CNN Political Ticker

LAPD defends Muslim mapping effort — PRAYERS: Worshipers arrive at the King Fahd Mosque on Friday. Skeptics of the police program say U.S. Muslims are dispersed, reject extremism, are generally satisfied with their lives and have little in common with their counterparts in Europe, where low-income enclaves can breed terrorism.

Reid Allowed Vote On Mukasey In Exchange For Military Funding Bill — Here's some more on what exactly happened in the negotiations that led up to the rushed confirmation of Michael Mukasey yesterday. — According to sources inside and outside the Democratic leadership …
Discussion: U.S. Politics, The Hill, Buck Naked Politics, The Agonist, CANNONFIRE, DownWithTyranny! and Seeing the Forest

F.C.C. Planning Rules to Open Cable Market — The Federal Communications Commission is preparing to impose significant new regulations to open the cable television market to independent programmers and rival video services after determining that cable companies have become too dominant in the industry, senior commission officials said.

Veterans' Day 2007: Our Brothers and Sisters On the Job — Here at the Iraq War Today website, there are some great "working" pictures of our brothers and sisters in Iraq and Afghanistan, very different from many 'news' pictures we see daily, especially those of soldiers ordered away …

Bush's bishops: Exit Iraq now — President Bush's church, long at odds with him on matters of public policy, called on the United States and its partners today to begin withdrawing troops from Iraq immediately. — The Bishops of the United Methodist Church approved a resolution calling on Bush …

Udall has decided to run for Senate — U.S. Rep. Tom Udall, D-N.M., has decided that he will run for the Senate seat being vacated by Pete Domenici next year. — Udall has called a number of Democratic Party insiders this week, including at least some county party chairs, to inform them of his decision, reliable sources confirmed.

Mukasey Sworn In as Attorney General — Michael B. Mukasey was sworn in as attorney general this afternoon, less than a day after winning Senate confirmation despite Democratic criticism that he had failed to take an unequivocal stance against the torture of terror detainees.

Hamas says it will seize West Bank if Israel withdraws — JABALIYA, Gaza Strip (AFP) - A top Hamas leader in the Gaza Strip warned on Friday that the Islamist movement would seize control of the West Bank if Israel withdrew from the occupied territory. — "Israel says the party in power in Ramallah …

Ex-Gov. Symington: I saw a UFO — Former Arizona Governor Fife Symington will be moderating a November 12 event at the National Press Club where he will discuss the Phoenix Lights incident. He says he will be joined by 14 former high ranking military and government officials from 7 countries …