Top Items:

Clinton Campaign Confirms Planting Town Hall Question, Says It Won't Happen Again — SIOUX CITY, Iowa — Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton's campaign admitted Friday that it planted a global warming question in Newton, Iowa, Tuesday during a town hall meeting to discuss clean energy.
Captain's Quarters, The Swamp, CNN Political Ticker, MSNBC, Don Surber, New York Post, Wake up America, Althouse, Fausta's blog, Political Machine, Say Anything, Taylor Marsh, Macsmind, Redstate, Hotline On Call, BitsBlog, Blogs for Bush, TigerHawk, Patterico's Pontifications, Blue Crab Boulevard, Connecting.the.Dots, ScrappleFace, Riehl World View, Spin Cycle, Donklephant, QandO,, GINA COBB and Lonewacko

Clinton admits planting questions in public forum — Hillary Clinton stopped at a bio-diesel plant in Newton, Iowa earlier this week to see alternative fuels in the making and drive home the week's campaign theme of her energy plan. After a tour, the candidate took questions from the crowd.

Hillary's control freak campaign: The politics of planting questions — Looks like FEMA crapweasels aren't the only ones faking questions for the public. — Remember when Hillary launched her presidential campaign by touting her folksy bid to start a "conversation-with you, with America?"

Norman Mailer, Outspoken Novelist, Dies at 84 — Norman Mailer, the combative, controversial and often outspoken novelist who loomed over American letters longer and larger than any writer of his generation, died today at Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York. He was 84.
The Cabal, The American Street, Commentary, Lawyers, Guns and Money and JammieWearingFool

Rice's Management at Issue — Critics Cite Blackwater, Baghdad Embassy and Passports — Shortly after Condoleezza Rice took charge of the 57,000-person State Department in 2005, she said she relished the challenge of "line responsibility" in leading a large organization.

AL-DURA AND THE "PUBLIC SECRET" OF MIDDLE EAST JOURNALISM — The evidence emerging from the ongoing Al Dura trial in France indicates that Western journalists are fully aware that some of the footage they use in their reports on the Mideast conflict is staged, charges Richard Landes.
Power Line

Play of the Day: McCain's Mom on Mormons — MEREDITH, N.H. (AP) - John McCain's 95-year-old mother, in a swipe at her son's rival Mitt Romney, said Friday that Mormons were to blame for the scandal that rocked the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics. — During an appearance on MSNBC …

Recession? What Recession? — If it looks like a recession and feels like a recession ... "Quite frankly," said Senator Charles Schumer, peering over his glasses at the Fed chairman, Ben Bernanke, "I think we are at a moment of economic crisis, stemming from four key areas …

Edwards @ John Mellencamp concert — It was 7 p.m. on a Friday night in Des Moines and I was driving to meet friends L, M and S at Wells Fargo Arena where I would see one of my favorite bands, Los Lobos, open for John Mellencamp. The sound of my phone ringing pierced the interior of my car.

Veterans Day 2007: Our Brothers and Sisters On the Job — Here at the Iraq War Today website, there are some great "working" pictures of our brothers and sisters in Iraq and Afghanistan, very different from many 'news' pictures we see daily, especially those of soldiers ordered away …

A STORY YOU MIGHT HAVE MISSED, AS THE REGULAR PRESS DOESN'T COVER GOOD NEWS MUCH. — This post will be up top all day. New stuff will come in below. — The BlogWorld Expo has been fun and useful. And today's big post was going to be about that. — But not now.

F.C.C. Planning Rules to Open Cable Market — The Federal Communications Commission is preparing to impose significant new regulations to open the cable television market to independent programmers and rival video services after determining that cable companies have become too dominant in the industry, senior commission officials said.

TPM's Ultimate Kerik Scandal List! — No rundown of Bernard Kerik's ethical shortcomings could ever hope to be comprehensive, but we've done our best. So here, without any further ado, is our grand catalogue. Thanks to TPMm research hounds Adrianne Jeffries, Will Thomas and Peter Sheehy and TPMm readers for all the help.

Feel the Pajamamentum! — It's a little-known fact that Pajamas Media—the ambitious blog news site launched by Roger Simon and Charles Johnson—still exists. In one week it'll celebrate its second anniversary, actually. I was reminded of this when I clicked an Instapundit blog ad promising me …
Dennis The Peasant