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Surprise: Muslim YouTube questioner was former CAIR Intern — CAIR brags: — They taught her well: — See what others have said — Note from Michelle: This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that I agree with or endorse …
Discussion:, No Runny Eggs, BitsBlog, The Trail, The American Pundit and Daily Pundit

CNN Admits Holes in Screening of Questioners — CNN expressed regret yesterday for allowing a Hillary Clinton adviser to ask a question at Wednesday's Republican presidential debate, even as controversy swirled about two other questioners who have declared their support for Democratic candidates.
Power Line, Captain's Quarters, New York Times, Wizbang, and The Van Der Galiën Gazette

CNN's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy — I wrote a piece for the NYPost published today on CNN's horticultural journalism (reprinted below). Filed it before we learned about the CAIR intern. CNN host Howard Kurtz quotes CNN senior veep David Bohrman bleating that they "bent over backwards to be fair."
Discussion:, New York Post, Leaning Straight Up, Beltway Blogroll and JammieWearingFool

CNN defends vetting of debate questioners
Discussion: US Politics, protein wisdom, The Caucus, Riehl World View, Think Progress,, Redstate, Hot Air and Salon

CNN Defends Its Use of Democratic Supporters in Republican YouTube Debate
Buzz Blog, Blue Crab Boulevard, Gateway Pundit, BitsBlog, Viking Pundit and Crooks and Liars

Murtha finds military progress in trip to Iraq — Warns that Iraqis must do more for their own security — WASHINGTON - U.S. Rep. John Murtha today said he saw signs of military progress during a brief trip to Iraq last week, but he warned that Iraqis need to play a larger role in providing …

Murtha's surge comments a problem for Dems
The Strata-Sphere

Murtha Says He's `Optimistic' About Deal on War Money
The Huffington Post

Citing Statistics, Giuliani Misses Time and Again — In almost every appearance as he campaigns for the Republican presidential nomination, Rudolph W. Giuliani cites a fusillade of statistics and facts to make his arguments about his successes in running New York City and the merits of his views.

Rudy calls billing 'perfectly appropriate'
Buck Naked Politics, Daily Kos, Cameron's Corner, The Reaction, The Atlantic Online and Talking Points Memo

Giuliani's Mistress Used N.Y. Police as Taxi Service
All Spin Zone, The Van Der Galiën Gazette, No More Mister Nice Blog, TalkLeft, JunkYardBlog, CBS News, Booman Tribune, Street Prophets, Eschaton,, Stop The ACLU, BitsBlog, Ben Smith's Blogs, Betsy's Page, Washington Monthly, Talking Points Memo, The Atlantic Online, Crooks and Liars, DownWithTyranny!, Left in the West, Group News Blog, Hot Air, Daily Kos, CNN and Roger Ailes

Mandates and Mudslinging — From the beginning, advocates of universal health care were troubled by the incompleteness of Barack Obama's plan, which unlike those of his Democratic rivals wouldn't cover everyone. But they were willing to cut Mr. Obama slack on the issue, assuming that in the end he would do the right thing.

Study: Canadian Beer Drinkers Threaten Planet — Scientists have found a new threat to the planet: Canadian beer drinkers. — The government-commissioned study says the old, inefficient "beer fridges" that one in three Canadian households use to store their Molson and Labatt's contribute significantly …
Fausta's blog, Blue Crab Boulevard, Moonbattery, GraniteGrok, Jules Crittenden, small dead animals, No Runny Eggs and Tim Blair

The Candidate's 'Catch Me if You Can' — Reporters Following Hillary Clinton on the Campaign Trail Are Covered in Dust — CONCORD, N.H. — ABC correspondent Kate Snow was ready to push through the crowd and ask Hillary Clinton a question until an aide blocked the path of Snow's sound man …

A New Push to Roll Back 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' — Marking the 14th anniversary of legislation that allowed gay men and lesbians to serve in the military but only if they kept their orientation secret, 28 retired generals and admirals plan to release a letter on Friday urging Congress to repeal the law.

Iraq Lacks Plan on the Return of Refugees, Military Says — As Iraqi refugees begin to stream back to Baghdad, American military officials say the Iraqi government has yet to develop a plan to absorb the influx and prevent it from setting off a new round of sectarian violence.

Mercurio: The Three Kings of the Democrats — Candidates await Gore, Kennedy and Kerry endorsements — WASHINGTON - Forget about Oprah and Barbra. When it comes to moving votes in the Democratic primary and shaping the race for the White House, there are only three Democrats left …
The Democratic Daily

U.S., Banks Near A Plan to Freeze Subprime Rates — WASHINGTON — The Bush administration and major financial institutions are close to agreeing on a plan that would temporarily freeze interest rates on certain troubled subprime home loans, according to people familiar with the negotiations.

Immigration group: Huckabee a 'disaster' — Groups that support a crackdown on illegal aliens haven't settled on their champion in the race for the White House, but there's little doubt which Republican scares them most — former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee.

GOP YouTube Debate Flubs — Falsehoods, exaggerations and stumbles — The CNN/YouTube debate among Republicans lacked any talking snowmen, but we did note a few false and misleading statements by the candidates. — Romney claimed New York called itself a "sanctuary city" for illegal aliens.

Obama Campaign Worker Discussed PAC Donations — Democratic Sen. Barack Obama's presidential campaign helped recommend several of the donations his political action committee made in recent months to politicians in key primary states as the campaign was working to secure endorsements, campaign officials said yesterday.
Lynn Sweet

The Year of Governing Dangerously — Many thought Eliot Spitzer was the guy who could clean up Albany—until he went to war with almost every politician, of either party, in New York State. Interviewing the governor, the author tries to make sense of Spitzer's troubling, tantrum-filled year.