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U.S. Says Iran Ended Atomic Arms Work — A new assessment by American intelligence agencies concludes that Iran halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003 and that the program remains on hold, contradicting an assessment two years ago that Tehran was working inexorably toward building a bomb.
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WHY WAS THE NIE RELEASED?....A couple of random thoughts on the newly released NIE concluding that Iran halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003: — This NIE was apparently finished a year ago, and its basic parameters were almost certainly common knowledge in the White House well before that.

NIE Report: Iran Halted Nuclear Weapons Program Years Ago — ABC News' Martha Raddatz, Jonathan Karl, Luis Martinez, Kirit Radia and Jennifer Duck Report: In a stunning reversal of Bush administration conventional wisdom, a new assessment by U.S. intelligence agencies concludes Iran shelved …

Revisionism and The Iranian Non-Bomb — The latest news from Iran about the supposed abandonment in 2003 of the effort to produce a Bomb — if even remotely accurate — presents somewhat of a dilemma for liberal Democrats. — Are they now to suggest that Republicans have been warmongering …
The New Republic

NIE: Iran 'Halted' Nuclear Weapons Program In 2003, Unlikely …
The Huffington Post

WELL, THAT'S CONVENIENT: "A new assessment by American intelligence …
The Corner, The Atlantic Online, Riehl World View, Clayton Cramer's BLOG, Truthdig and INSTAPUTZ

Beginning of the End of the Clinton Campaign (Ron Christie) — To be honest, I never thought in the first few days of December I would proffer that the Hillary Campaign for President is near the end. To wit, her national poll numbers have been plummeting since she seemed unable to answer …

Losing Ground In Iowa, Clinton Assails Obama — With a new poll showing her losing ground in the Iowa caucus race, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) mounted a new, more aggressive attack against Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) on Sunday, raising direct questions about his character …

Democratic Primary Preview: Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina — Summary of Findings — Democrats enter the presidential primary campaign upbeat about their candidates and united in their views on major issues. Sen. Hillary Clinton is the clear frontrunner in New Hampshire and South Carolina …
The Page, RealClearPolitics, MoJoBlog, Taegan Goddard's …,, Los Angeles Times, Open Left, Democratic Strategist and MSNBC

Why is HRC stooping So Low? — I'm becoming increasingly concerned about the stridency and inaccuracy of charges in Iowa — especially coming from my old friend. While I'm as hard-boiled as they come about what's said in campaigns, I just don't think Dems should stoop to this.

A Non-Story Remakes the Race — Last month, Katharine Q. Seelye of the New York Times live-blogged the Democratic presidential debate in Las Vegas. As the discussion bounced from subject to subject, she marked the topic and the time, then gave her thoughts.

Pro-Huckabee group revealed — Mike Huckabee's campaign is being aided by an independent group run by a former top aide at the NRSC and funded in part by a group of retired Procter & Gamble executives in Ohio. — "Trust Huckabee," whose website went live last week, was responsible …

Franken: I Have Iraq Surrounded — The Norm Coleman campaign takes Al Franken seriously, at least seriously enough to do their homework on the former comedian, author, and talk-radio host. If Franken wins the nomination from Michael Cerisi to challenge Coleman in the general election, he will not find Coleman unprepared.

Bush blasts Senate over pro forma sessions — President Bush Monday welcomed back Congress by criticizing Democrats for their priorities and blasting the Senate for using a procedural maneuver to prevent him from making recess appointments. — "In a political maneuver designed to block …

Reid pushes back on Iraq optimism — Democrats are increasingly bailing on their previously held view that the troop surge in Iraq has been a "failure," but Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid isn't ready to jump on the bandwagon with other Democrats who say the surge has worked.

Citizenship in sight, but then she voted — Immigrant says registering, then casting ballot were innocent errors, not reason for deportation — BLOOMINGTON, Ill. - Beth Keathley was so close to becoming a permanent U.S. resident that she could already feel its benefits showering over her …