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Hersh: Bush Told Olmert Of NIE Two Days Before President Was Allegedly First Briefed On It — Yesterday, National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley told reporters that President Bush was first briefed on the National Intelligence Estimate's conclusions on Wednesday, Nov. 28.
Chuck Adkins, My Two Sense, The Atlantic Online, Haaretz, Emptywheel and The Carpetbagger Report

Huckabee not aware of NIE report on Iran — My colleague David Paul Kuhn attended an on-the-record dinner with Mike Huckabee and a group of reporters tonight in Des Moines. — The transcript speaks for itself:

Bush: DNI Told Me 'We Have Some New Information, He Didn't Tell …
The Hill, Harper's, Talking Points Memo, The Reaction, The American Street, Booman Tribune, Buck Naked Politics, Liberty Street,, CNN, AMERICAblog, Political Machine, Scholars and Rogues, American Power, The Sideshow, The Impolitic, Shakespeare's Sister, The Carpetbagger Report, Danger Room, Middle Earth Journal and Daily. Gay. News.

Press Conference by the President
Think Progress, Washington Wire, Talking Points Memo, Washington Post, Foreign Policy Watch, The Carpetbagger Report, New York Times, War in Context, The BRAD BLOG, Israel Matzav, Shakespeare's Sister, First Draft, Daily Kos, Crooks and Liars, Dr. Sanity, Angry Bear, Commentary, Weekly Standard, The Newshoggers, Salon, The Heretik and New York Times

Lawn work at Romney's home still done by illegal immigrants — Ricardo Saenz, owner of the company that employed illegal immigrants, worked on Romney's lawn recently. — By Maria Cramer and Maria Sacchetti, Globe Staff; and Connie Paige, Globe Correspondent

Democrats Set to Debate in Iowa as Race Tightens — Listen Live Here Beginning at 2 p.m. EST — · All of the major Democratic presidential candidates will meet in Iowa on Tuesday for a two-hour debate, as an extremely close race is shaping up in the first-in-the-nation caucuses.
The Caucus, The Glittering Eye, The New Republic, Lonewacko, Daily Kos, Why Now?, Reason Magazine, MyDD and Hotline On Call

NPR's Democratic Debate: Winners and Losers — Seven of the eight Democratic presidential candidates gathered in Des Moines this afternoon for a radio debate sponsored by National Public Radio. — The debate focused exclusively on three issues: Iran (and the echoes of Iraq), China and immigration.
Daily Kos

MIKE HUCKABEE — TOO MORALISTIC TO PROTECT OUR NATIONAL SECURITY — I have defended Mike Huckabee from charges that he's not a conservative. As with nearly all of the Republican candidates, there are some important conservative positions to which Huckabee has not closely adhered …
ABCNEWS, New York Post, PoliBlog (TM), The Right's Field, Stop The ACLU, Taylor Marsh, The New Republic, No More Mister Nice Blog, Outside The Beltway, IMAO.US, Hot Air, JammieWearingFool, Liberal Values, The Opinionator, The American Street, Balloon Juice, Blogometer, Redstate, Free Frank Warner, Unqualified Offerings, The Newshoggers, TPM Election Central, National Review and Reason Magazine

Huckabee-ing and Nothingness — Bill Kristol says flatly …

'Green Hanukkia' campaign sparks ire — In a campaign that has spread like wildfire across the Internet, a group of Israeli environmentalists is encouraging Jews around the world to light at least one less candle this Hanukka to help the environment. — The founders of the Green Hanukkia campaign found …
Blue Crab Boulevard, Moonbattery, Daily Pundit, The Anchoress, Political Machine, Atlas Shrugs and Brutally Honest

Sweet Neocons — I have been writing for years that the neocons are always wrong about everything and this new NIE basically stating that the Iran threat has been vastly overstated drives that home once more. It would be funny if it weren't so dangerous. — The crux of their argument …

Mom: 'Carol Sue Would Be Alive Today' If Not for Huckabee — Brian Ross and Anna Schecter Report: — A Missouri mother says she will do "whatever it takes" to stop former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee from becoming president, because he freed the man who went on to rape and murder her daughter, Carol Sue Shields (pictured).

Pakistan to deport Code Pink protesters — Pakistan authorities today ordered the deportation of the leader of the feminist U.S. antiwar group Code Pink, who was in Lahore to join protests against the emergency rule imposed by President Pervez Musharraf, according to a spokeswoman for the group.
Jules Crittenden, Gateway Pundit, Sweetness & Light, Blue Crab Boulevard and JammieWearingFool

NURSES TOLD TO TURN MUSLIMS' BEDS TO MECCA — OVERWORKED nurses have been ordered to stop all medical work five times every day to move Muslim patients' beds so they face towards Mecca. — The lengthy procedure, which also includes providing fresh bathing water, is creating turmoil among overstretched staff on bustling NHS wards.
The Jawa Report

The 2nd Annual Worst Quotes From The Daily Kos (2007 Edition) — America's most influential blog is the Daily Kos. Democratic members of Congress post on the blog, Democratic presidential contenders cater to them, and Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas is considered to be a mainstream figure amongst Democrats.
Althouse, Wizbang, UrbanGrounds, Moonbattery, Whiskey Fire, Club for Growth, The Sundries Shack and Blue Crab Boulevard

Played for Fools Yet Again: About that Iran "Intelligence" Report — The opening paragraph of my essay, "The United States as Cho Seung-Hui: How the State Sanctifies Murder," reads as follows: … With full justification and comprehensive accuracy, the same can be said with regard to …
Too Sense, Patterico's Pontifications, Israel Matzav, A Tiny Revolution and Classical Values

Democratic Rep. Alcee Hastings Resigns From House Intelligence Panel — WASHINGTON — Florida Democratic Rep. Alcee L. Hastings resigned from the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on Tuesday. — Hastings submitted his resignation to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi after seven years on the panel.

Wicked Idiots — I used the phrase a few months back when Ron Paul supporters jeered Giuliani on the Mackinac ferry, asking him what he did with the gold that was in the World Trade towers, before the U.S. government destroyed them. That is both wicked and idiotic.