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Dark Suspicions about the NIE — A new National Intelligence Estimate (NIE), entitled "Iran: Nuclear Intentions and Capabilities," has just dealt a serious blow to the argument some of us have been making that Iran is intent on building nuclear weapons and that neither diplomacy nor sanctions can prevent it from succeeding.
Jerusalem Post, Pajamas Media, Sadly, No!, New York Sun, Captain's Quarters, Weekly Standard, New York Times, Brilliant at Breakfast, National Review Online, Dr. Sanity, Taylor Marsh, Althouse, New York Times, The Strata-Sphere, Booman Tribune, Outside The Beltway, Buck Naked Politics,, The Newshoggers, Washington Post, Think Progress, Wake up America, Free Frank Warner, USA Today, rubber hose and Comments from Left Field

Bush: DNI Told Me 'We Have Some New Information, He Didn't Tell Me What The Information Was' — At a press briefing this morning, President Bush said he was told by his Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell "in August" that "we have some new information" regarding Iran's nuclear program.
Horses Mouth, The American Street, The Newshoggers, ArmsControlWonk, Weekly Standard, The Impolitic, White House, Shakespeare's Sister, AMERICAblog, The Carpetbagger Report, Talking Points Memo, Danger Room, Dick Polman's American Debate, Right Wing Nut House,, Daily. Gay. News., and My Two Sense

The Roll-Out Goes Flat — Ken Silverstein and I have been pointing for the better part of the year to the very strange goings-on surrounding the preparation and issuance of a vital intelligence report on the state of Iran's nuclear project. The White House, and particularly Vice President Cheney …

Crazy People — About 13 months to go. … It must be understood that since our intelligence agencies don't believe Iran has a nuclear weapons program, it also means that they don't know where such a program would be physically located if it did exist. This means that any desires …
American Footprints

GIULIANI ADVISOR PODHORETZ: IT'S A CIA PLOT TO PROTECT IRAN — Yep, Rudy's Mideast Advisor Norman Podhoretz says the CIA is fibbing about the Iranian nuclear program to protect the Iranians from an attack by Bush or Rudy.

Podhoretz's 'Dark Suspicion': Intel Community Trying To Sabotage Bush With NIE

Debunking Iran's Nuclear Program: Another 'Intelligence Failure' …
Daily Kos

Our serious foreign policy geniuses strike again
The Atlantic Online,, Eschaton, New York Times, The Lede and Daily Kos

Bush Says Iran Still a Danger Despite Report on Weapons
The Swamp

Hillary Pollster: "Kindergarten Attack" On Obama Was Just A Gag! — Now this is interesting. Yesterday the Hillary Clinton campaign was pilloried in the press after it issued a press release that attacked Barack Obama for claiming he wasn't running for President in order to fulfill a life-long ambition.

The Dirty Tricks Are Starting — Campaign manager Patti Solis Doyle just sent the following message out to Hillary supporters in key early states.

MIKE HUCKABEE — TOO MORALISTIC TO PROTECT OUR NATIONAL SECURITY — I have defended Mike Huckabee from charges that he's not a conservative. As with nearly all of the Republican candidates, there are some important conservative positions to which Huckabee has not closely adhered …

Mysterious Group Attacks Huckabee — Third Party Group Distributed Flier in Iowa Claiming He's Not a True Conservative, Christian — Dirty tricks? A mysterious third party group has made controversial claims against Republican 2008 presidential candidate Mike Huckabee. (Tim Sloan, AFP/Getty Images)

Democrats Set to Debate in Iowa as Race Tightens — Listen Live Here Beginning at 2 p.m. EST — · All of the major Democratic presidential candidates will meet in Iowa on Tuesday for a two-hour debate, as an extremely close race is shaping up in the first-in-the-nation caucuses.
The New Republic, Daily Kos, The Caucus, The Glittering Eye, Reason Magazine and Hotline On Call

Colorado 2008 Presidential Election — Colorado: Schaffer, Udall Tie for Senate; Clinton Trails Giuliani, Leads Romney — Former Congressman Bob Schaffer (R) and Congressman Mark Udall (D)—vying for the open seat vacated by retiring Senator Wayne Allard, a Republican …

The 2nd Annual Worst Quotes From The Daily Kos (2007 Edition) — America's most influential blog is the Daily Kos. Democratic members of Congress post on the blog, Democratic presidential contenders cater to them, and Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas is considered to be a mainstream figure amongst Democrats.

Norman Hsu indicted in NY; indictment added; feds want Billy Boy's sax back, plus "bottles of wine and champagne" — Just in from AP: … The Hillary Clinton campaign was too busy digging through Barack Obama's homework to respond. — More: Here's the indictment (PDF).

WATCH'M SQUIRM — Look at the expressions on Bush's face and the evident discomfort as he gets ready to fib and weave about when he knew the intel on Iran. — Pay particular attention to when he says he was told there was new information back in August but supposedly didn't ask what the 'new information' was.

A Lurid Aftermath to a Hedge Fund Manager's Life — JUPITER, Fla. — A life of private jets and black-tie balls ended with Seth Tobias, a wealthy investment manager and a familiar presence on CNBC, floating face down in the swimming pool of his mansion here.