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Gore: I'd only consider White House bid — WASHINGTON (CNN) — Former Vice President Al Gore denied again that there were any campaign plans in his immediate future, but told CNN Monday that he hadn't "ruled out getting back into the political process at some point" — and that if he did return …

Libby to drop appeal in CIA leak case — WASHINGTON - Former White House aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby is no longer appealing his conviction in the CIA leak case, a tacit recognition that continuing his legal fight might only make things worse. — Libby, the former chief of staff …

Report Describes Systematic White House Effort to Manipulate Climate Change Science — For the past 16 months, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has been investigating allegations of political interference with government climate change science under the Bush Administration.

Did Iceland Teen Call Secret White House Phone? — Icelandic Boy, 16, 'Wanted to ... Have a Chat, Invite Him to Iceland and See What He'd Say' — When Vífill Atlason, a 16-year-old high school student from Iceland, decided to call the White House, he could not imagine the kind of publicity it would bring.

Tension in Hillaryland Grows as Plan Goes Awry: Albert R. Hunt — Dec. 10 (Bloomberg) — To appreciate Hillary Clinton's fundamental political problem, consider the 11 Democrats from Philadelphia who gathered last week to discuss the U.S. presidential race, almost all of whom would vote for her in a general election.
MSNBC, Outside The Beltway, The Atlantic Online, The Opinionator, National Review, Open Left, PrairiePundit, AMERICAblog, PoliGazette, Taylor Marsh, The Strata-Sphere, Booman Tribune, Hot Air, Middle Earth Journal, The New Republic, TPM Election Central, New York Post and Los Angeles Times

Victim: Gang-Rape Cover-Up by U.S., Halliburton/KBR — KBR Told Victim She Could Lose Her Job If She Sought Help After Being Raped, She Says — A Houston, Texas woman says she was gang-raped by Halliburton/KBR coworkers in Baghdad, and the company and the U.S. government are covering up the incident.

New NYTimes/CBS Poll: Explain, Don't Attack — The latest New York Times/CBS News poll finds voters give the presidential candidates positive marks on at least one score at this stage in their campaigns: They credit them with spending more time explaining what they would do as president rather than attacking their opponents.

The Paygo Farce — Democrats admit it was all a big confidence game. … Well, as Emily Littela, the half-witted Gilder Radner character on Saturday Night Live, would have put it: "Never mind." Last week Congressional Democrats formally renounced their ballyhooed budget pledge to offset …
Heading Right, PoliGazette, Say Anything, PrairiePundit, Right Voices, The Opinionator, Captain's Quarters, The Strata-Sphere and Betsy's Page

MoveOn calls for spending filibuster
Weekly Standard,, Wall Street Journal, Wake up America, Daily Kos and Redstate

Mike McConnell Is Flat Wrong — Mike McConnell, Director of National Intelligence, has written a misleading op-ed in today's New York Times. Mr. McConnell's piece is a plea for Congress to renew the Protect America Act. I and other Democrats in Congress have been working to correct problems …

EXCLUSIVE IPT INVESTIGATION UNCOVERS HLF JURY ROOM BULLYING — DALLAS - She felt the men were guilty and tried to explain why to the 11 other jurors. When she finished, one juror spoke up in an angry tone. — "If you're going by the evidence in this room," she recalls him snapping, "then you need to go home."
Counterterrorism Blog

DROPPING THE KNOWLEGE. — One of the still unanswered questions on the Iran NIE issue is just what President Bush knew and when he knew it. To hear the White House tell it, intelligence chief Michael McConnell came into the Oval Office, performed some sort of interpretive dance while mumbling the words …

Huckabee Hides His Full Gospel? — WASHINGTON DISPATCH: Is Mike Huckabee the presidential candidate shunning Mike Huckabee the preacher? Before entering politics, he was a pastor at two Baptist churches. Now his campaign tells Mother Jones it won't make his sermons available to the media and the public.

Henry Paulson's Priorities — By Bush administration standards, Henry Paulson, the Treasury secretary, is a good guy. He isn't conspicuously incompetent; and he isn't trying to mislead us into war, justify torture or protect corrupt contractors. — But Mr. Paulson's actions reflect the priorities of the administration he serves.
EconLog, DownWithTyranny!, Calculated Risk, The Mahablog, Marginal Revolution, Norwegianity, Corrente and Crooks and Liars

Rudy Self-Destructs on Russert — I have been watching Meet The Press since, I don't know, Estes Kefauver days and, I'm sad to say, Rudy Giuliani provided the worst performance I've ever seen by a major Presidential candidate. — Okay, I am not sad to say. I am delighted.

Students stone police in Iran riot — Students defied a clampdown on protests in Iran yesterday by tearing down the gates of Tehran university. — They chanted slogans against President Ahmadinejad and carried placards saying "Live free or die", "No war, no fascism" and "Women must decide their fate, not the state."
RealClearPolitics, Wake up America, The American Street, Gateway Pundit, PrairiePundit, Hot Air, The Newshoggers, QandO and Jihad Watch

Cynthia McKinney '08 — "The time for confrontation has come for me," Cynthia McKinney told about 60 supporters on December 4. Launching her quest for the Green Party Presidential nomination, McKinney compared her "revolution" to Haiti, Venezuela, and war-torn Cote d'Ivoire.

Coming in From the Cold: CIA Spy Calls Waterboarding Necessary But Torture — Former Agent Says the Enhanced Technique Was Used on Al Qaeda Chief Abu Zubaydah — A leader of the CIA team that captured and interrogated the first major al Qaeda figure, Abu Zubaydah, says subjecting him to waterboarding was torture but necessary.

Source: One gunman responsible for Colorado shootings — COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado (CNN) — The shooter at both a missionary center and a church Sunday in Colorado was a man who once worked on a mission with the center, a source familiar with the events said Monday.