Top Items:

Destruction of C.I.A. Tapes Cleared by Lawyers — Lawyers within the clandestine branch of the Central Intelligence Agency gave written approval in advance to the destruction in 2005 of hundreds of hours of videotapes documenting interrogations of two lieutenants from Al Qaeda …

Waterboarding Recounted — Ex-CIA Officer Says It 'Probably Saved Lives' but Is Torture — A former CIA officer who participated in the capture and questioning of the first al-Qaeda terrorist suspect to be waterboarded said yesterday that the harsh technique provided an intelligence breakthrough that …

This Will Ruin Ted Kennedy's Day — From The New York Times: … Me: Let's see. Ted Kennedy said the tapes were destroyed in response to the Democratic victory in 2006 in order to cover administration tracks in a Watergate-like cover-up. The tapes were actually destroyed in 2005 …

WHO KNEW?....A "former senior intelligence official with direct knowledge …
Talking Points Memo

Analysis: How McCain Could Still Win — Political Watchers Say John McCain May Be Down, but a Comeback Is Possible — A year ago, he was the odds-on favorite to be the Republican presidential nominee in 2008. Today, he's considered a long shot. — His campaign has rebounded …
The Hill

Poll Finds G.O.P. Field Isn't Touching Voters — Three weeks before the Iowa caucuses, Republican voters across the country appear uninspired by their field of presidential candidates, with a vast majority saying they have not made a final decision about whom to support, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.
MSNBC, Outside The Beltway, TIME, Oliver Willis, Cliff Schecter, TalkLeft, TPM Election Central and Prairie Weather

In New Ad, Romney Attacks Huckabee on Immigration
The Hill, MSNBC, Captain's Quarters, Heading Right, New York Sun, TIME, The Politico and ImmigrationProf Blog

Security Guard: 'God Guided Me And Protected Me' — Jeanne Assam Stopped Gunman At New Life Church — COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — Jeanne Assam appeared before the news media for the first time Monday and said she "did not think for a minute to run away" when a gunman entered the New Life Church …
Captain's Quarters, TownHall Blog, UrbanGrounds, Fausta's blog, Of Arms and the Law, No More Mister Nice Blog, Shakespeare's Sister, Denver Post, Power Line, Slapstick Politics, PoliGazette, GINA COBB, Rocky Mountain News, The Moderate Voice, QandO, Blue Crab Boulevard, TBogg, Sadly, No!, Gateway Pundit, Jules Crittenden, Vox Popoli, The World Wide Rant, BLACKFIVE,, Patterico's Pontifications, Whiskey Fire,, KUSA-TV and Right Voices

House Democrats Pull Budget Offer — The GOP Is Negotiating In Bad Faith, Obey Says — A Democratic deal to give President Bush some war funding in exchange for additional domestic spending appeared to collapse last night after House Appropriations Committee Chairman David R. Obey (D-Wis.) …

Hayden to Testify About CIA Videotapes — CIA's Hayden Goes to Capitol Hill to Testify Tuesday About Interrogation Videotapes — CIA Director Gen. Michael Hayden faces two days of testimony behind closed doors at the Senate and House intelligence committees to answer questions …
Think Progress

Coming in From the Cold: CIA Spy Calls Waterboarding Necessary But Torture
The Opinionator, Matthew Yglesias, The Strata-Sphere, BAGnewsNotes, Taylor Marsh, TBogg, The Sundries Shack, US Politics, TPMmuckraker, On Deadline, All Spin Zone, Jules Crittenden, Macsmind, JammieWearingFool, Captain's Quarters, Majikthise, Hot Air, Comments from Left Field, PoliGazette, Booman Tribune, TVNewser, The Heretik, Daily Kos, TalkLeft and The Atlantic Online

Liberal views could haunt Obama — When Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) was seeking state office a dozen years ago, he took unabashedly liberal positions: flatly opposed to capital punishment, in support of a federal single-payer health plan, against any restrictions on abortion …

Teen girl in critical condition after alleged dispute over hijab — A 16-year-old girl is in critical condition after being choked by a man believed to be her father, apparently after a dispute with her family over her refusal to wear the hijab, the Islamic headscarf worn by some Muslim women.

Group Says Iran Resumed Weapon Program — The Iranian opposition group that first exposed Iran's nuclear-fuel program said a U.S. intelligence analysis is correct that Tehran shut down its weaponization program in 2003, but claims that the program was relocated and restarted in 2004.

NRCC props up its pummeled Ohio candidate — Republicans are facing a surprisingly fierce fight in a Tuesday special election to hold on to a conservative northwestern Ohio seat that has been under the party's control for the past 70 years. — The GOP expects to win another special election set …

Obama, Under the Clinton Microscope — DES MOINES - Presidential campaigns have unlimited appetites for information about their rivals. They track their whereabouts, they study their records and they obsessively follow nearly every movement. By this point in the race, though …

MORTGAGE MELTDOWN — Interest rate 'freeze' - the real story is fraud — Bankers pay lip service to families while scurrying to avert suits, prison — New proposals to ease our great mortgage meltdown keep rolling in. First the Treasury Department urged the creation of a new fund …

Abolish the CIA — DESTROYING THE INTERROGATION TAPES AMOUNTS TO MUTINY AND TREASON. — It seems flabbergastingly improbable that President George W. Bush learned of the National Intelligence Estimate concerning Iranian nuclear ambitions only a few days before the rest of us did …