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DEMS HOLD FIRE ON HUCKABEE; SEE 'EASY KILL' IN GENERAL ELECTION — Democrat party officials are avoiding any and all criticism of Republican presidential contender Mike Huckabee, insiders reveal. — The Democratic National Committee has told staffers to hold all fire, until he secures the party's nomination.

Poll: Huckabee would lose to top Democrats — WASHINGTON (CNN) — While presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee is surging in new polls of GOP candidates, a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll released Tuesday shows he would lose to all three leading Democratic candidates by double digits in hypothetical contests.
The Swamp, Ross Douthat, The Moderate Voice, The New Republic, The Opinionator,, Hot Air,, Left in the West, The American Street, Booman Tribune, MyDD, PoliBlog (TM), Flopping Aces, The Strata-Sphere, Outside The Beltway, Middle Earth Journal, RealClearPolitics, Cogitamus, Riehl World View and Balloon Juice

Wallace: Dems are 'fools' to boycott Fox — When Chris Wallace replaced Tony Snow as the host of "Fox News Sunday" in December 2003, the network appeared to take a more moderate approach to Sunday talk. — Unlike Snow, a former Republican speechwriter, Wallace's broadcasting résumé …

Romney mailer hits rivals on immigration in South Carolina
The Swamp

Edwards the Conqueror — Forgive me for thinking this new CNN poll is a little weird.
CNN Political Ticker

McConnell moves to crack budget stalemate — Sensing that Democrats are in a compromising mode, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is pitching a budget amendment that Democrats would have laughed off just a few weeks ago. — McConnell on Tuesday called for $70 billion for Iraq …

Freedom's Watch delivers petition on Capitol Hill
Weekly Standard

Liberal views could haunt Obama — When Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) was seeking state office a dozen years ago, he took unabashedly liberal positions: flatly opposed to capital punishment, in support of a federal single-payer health plan, against any restrictions on abortion …
Megan McArdle, The Huffington Post, Cameron's Corner, MyDD, Tom Watson, The Caucus, Matthew Yglesias,, Spin Cycle, Hot Air, Taylor Marsh, QandO, Obsidian Wings, Deadline USA, Say Anything, TIME and MSNBC

Road to Damascus — Jonah: I have pretty much decided for Ron Paul myself. I am sympathetic to many of the reservations you have posted, but every piece of serious policy analysis I read confirms to me that our country has gone too far down a wrong path—a path that leads to nothing I recognize as conservatism.

Teen girl in critical condition after alleged dispute over hijab — A 16-year-old girl is in critical condition after being choked by a man believed to be her father, apparently after a dispute with her family over her refusal to wear the hijab, the Islamic headscarf worn by some Muslim women.

Huckabee to Romney: Grow Up, This Isn't Third Grade — (And even if it was, no one would like you...) — Just to pick up on what I wrote about last night and earlier today, Huckabee held a longish press conference here this morning after canceling some local events due to weather.

Clinton camp bludgeons Obama on WH readiness — Today's New York Times/CBS News poll might as well be a big stick, the way Sen. Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign is trying to bludgeon Sen. Barack Obama with it. — The poll found more than double the voters—83 percent …

Dropping Oppo, 2 — Political Punch has gotten a copy …
Cameron's Corner

House Democrats Pull Budget Offer — The GOP Is Negotiating In Bad Faith, Obey Says — A Democratic deal to give President Bush some war funding in exchange for additional domestic spending appeared to collapse last night after House Appropriations Committee Chairman David R. Obey (D-Wis.) …

Group Says Iran Resumed Weapon Program — The Iranian opposition group that first exposed Iran's nuclear-fuel program said a U.S. intelligence analysis is correct that Tehran shut down its weaponization program in 2003, but claims that the program was relocated and restarted in 2004.
Associated Press, The Newshoggers, Pat Dollard, At-Largely, Captain's Quarters and Jules Crittenden

U of I prof heckles Clinton — Iowa City, Ia. — A University of Iowa professor dressed as a robot interrupted Bill Clinton at a campaign stop here late Monday, screaming for an apology before security escorted him from the building. — The professor, Kembrew McLeod …

NBC refunds advertisers as ratings plunge — NEW YORK (Media Week) - Fourth-ranked broadcaster NBC has quietly begun reimbursing advertisers an average of $500,000 each for failing to reach guaranteed ratings levels, the first time a network has taken such a step in years, media buyers said.

Bush: I Didn't Know About CIA Tape Destruction — ABC News' Martha Raddatz Reports: In an exclusive interview with ABC News President Bush said Tuesday he did not know about the destruction of CIA videotapes of detainee interrogations. — The President said he was told just a few days ago.
TPMmuckraker, Think Progress, New York Times, The Carpetbagger Report, Buck Naked Politics and Cliff Schecter

Abolish the CIA — DESTROYING THE INTERROGATION TAPES AMOUNTS TO MUTINY AND TREASON. — It seems flabbergastingly improbable that President George W. Bush learned of the National Intelligence Estimate concerning Iranian nuclear ambitions only a few days before the rest of us did …
Captain's Quarters, The Newshoggers, Outside The Beltway, QandO, The Strata-Sphere, Neptunus Lex, Macsmind, The Corner and Eric Black Ink

GOP Tries to Avoid Unpleasant Surprise in Ohio — The reliably Republican nature of Ohio's 5th district would seem to make it an unlikely target for Democrats, but a target it is in Tuesday's special election. — And while political operatives from both parties scramble to downplay expectations …

Bush to tap Glassman to shape US image — WASHINGTON - President Bush intends to name a well-known conservative commentator and journalist to lead the State Department's struggling efforts to improve the U.S.'s image abroad, replacing long-time confidante Karen Hughes, who is leaving government …

Ex-Pentagon Aide Says U.S. Abandoned Quick Iraq Transition — A former top Pentagon official blamed the Bush administration's top official in Iraq for abandoning a plan for a quick transition to Iraqi leadership in the summer of 2003 and instead keeping the U.S. government in control of the country for more than a year.