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Rush Limbaugh's First Shots at Huckabee — So everybody and their brother is listening to Rush today, wondering if he'll take a shot at Huckabee after an unnamed Huckabee aide in DC criticized Limbaugh... The first comment, moments into the show: “You want to whine like Mike Huckabee's whining …
Chuck Adkins, QandO, Right Voices, RADAMISTO, Daily Pundit, Riehl World View and PoliGazette
RE: Bye, Bye Mike — Regarding that Huckabee advisor's soon-to-be-regretted comments about Limbaugh, Huckabee actually encourages people in his book From Hope to Higher Ground: 12 STOPs to Restoring America's Greatness to “listen to less talk radio” as part of his “12 Action Steps to STOP Being Cynical.”
Matthew Yglesias
Rush goes nuclear on Huckabee? Update: Audio added — Bryan's headline yesterday said it all. Geraghty has a list of choice quotes from today's tirade — “McCain's starting to look better to than this guy, and that's saying something” jumps out — but the partial transcript suggests …
Bringing A Water Pistol To A Firefight — The title has the most apt analogy, because while going after Rush Limbaugh makes sense for the Democratic presidential candidates, “bringing a knife to a gunfight” doesn't begin to describe the foolishness of a Republican candidate trying the same strategy.
Right Wing Nut House
The impact of Rush's attack on Huck — I sadly didn't catch it, but apparently El Rushbo unloaded on Huck today. — Jim Geraghty has lots of the highlights here. (My favorite line: “I'm part of the Cape Girardeau-Middle America Axis.") — The bad news for Huck:
Huckabee Forces Attack El Rushbo — BEGIN TRANSCRIPT — RUSH: Huckabee forces are attacking me, ladies and gentlemen. Yes siree, Bob, the Hucksters are on the warpath! From the Atlantic magazine, this is from their blog. The author is Marc Ambinder.
The Campaign Spot
Witnesses recall Romney-MLK march — Shirley Basore, 72, says she was sitting in the hairdresser's chair in wealthy Grosse Pointe, Mich., back in 1963 when a rumpus started and she discovered that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and her governor, George Romney, were marching for civil rights — right past the window.
Romney Learns That ‘Facts Are Stubborn Things’ — FORT DODGE, Iowa — There was the period last spring when Mitt Romney claimed while campaigning in Iowa and New Hampshire that he had been a hunter “pretty much all my life,” only to have to admit later he had seriously hunted on only two occasions.
THE “SCANDAL” THAT'S RIDICULOUS … That claim is incontestable. … The AP story is titled: Romney backpedals on statements — again. … Via Hugh Hewitt.
Two Polls: Obama Tied In New Hampshire And Would Outpoll Clinton Nationally — Is it a sign that direct and apparent “surrogate” attacks from New York Senator Hillary Clinton's camp have backfired? Perhaps... Two new polls bring continued good news for Illinois Senator Barack Obama …
Huckabee: Gitmo Is “Too Nice” — From CBS News' Joy Lin and Mary Hood: — DAVENPORT, IA - Asked about Guantanamo, Mike Huckabee said he had visited the facility and said it was “disappointing” that military personnel were eating meals that averaged $1.60 while the detainees were eating Halal meals that cost over $4 each.
Daily Kos, Wonkette, The Carpetbagger Report, Riehl World View, The Heretik and Weasel Zippers
Pimp My Ride — On the road with Ron Paul's merry band of misfits and his hooker fan club. — The first thing I learned from driving around Nevada with Ron Paul for a couple of days: People really hate the Federal Reserve. This became clear midway through a speech Paul was giving …
Banks Abandon Effort to Set Up Big Rescue Fund — Treasury Backed Idea As Response to Crisis; Boost From Foreigners — One of the federal government's signature efforts to ease financial instability caused by the subprime-mortgage crisis collapsed as the nation's three biggest banks gave …
Angry Bear
Gay voters are right to feel reluctant about Clinton's bid, but she represents best chance to rid White House of GOP's anti-gay agenda — ANY GAY VOTERS, this one included, are reluctant to trust Bill and Hillary Clinton's promises on our issues after the euphoria of 1993 turned …