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RE: Bye, Bye Mike — Regarding that Huckabee advisor's soon-to-be-regretted comments about Limbaugh, Huckabee actually encourages people in his book From Hope to Higher Ground: 12 STOPs to Restoring America's Greatness to “listen to less talk radio” as part of his “12 Action Steps to STOP Being Cynical.”
Matthew Yglesias

Rush Limbaugh's First Shots at Huckabee — So everybody and their brother is listening to Rush today, wondering if he'll take a shot at Huckabee after an unnamed Huckabee aide in DC criticized Limbaugh... The first comment, moments into the show: “You want to whine like Mike Huckabee's whining …
Whiskey Fire, Chuck Adkins, QandO, Right Voices, RADAMISTO, Daily Pundit, Riehl World View and PoliGazette

Rush goes nuclear on Huckabee? Update: Audio added — Bryan's headline yesterday said it all. Geraghty has a list of choice quotes from today's tirade — “McCain's starting to look better to than this guy, and that's saying something” jumps out — but the partial transcript suggests …

Bringing A Water Pistol To A Firefight — The title has the most apt analogy, because while going after Rush Limbaugh makes sense for the Democratic presidential candidates, “bringing a knife to a gunfight” doesn't begin to describe the foolishness of a Republican candidate trying the same strategy.
Right Wing Nut House

Witnesses recall Romney-MLK march — Shirley Basore, 72, says she was sitting in the hairdresser's chair in wealthy Grosse Pointe, Mich., back in 1963 when a rumpus started and she discovered that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and her governor, George Romney, were marching for civil rights — right past the window.

Romney Learns That ‘Facts Are Stubborn Things’ — FORT DODGE, Iowa — There was the period last spring when Mitt Romney claimed while campaigning in Iowa and New Hampshire that he had been a hunter “pretty much all my life,” only to have to admit later he had seriously hunted on only two occasions.

THE “SCANDAL” THAT'S RIDICULOUS … That claim is incontestable. … The AP story is titled: Romney backpedals on statements — again. … Via Hugh Hewitt.

It Gets Better — Here's the latest on Mitt and MLK.
The Corner, Alas, a blog, Tammy Bruce, Redstate, MSNBC, TBogg, Dick Polman's American Debate, Balloon Juice, Firedoglake, Chuck Adkins, Talking Points Memo and The Heretik

Two Polls: Obama Tied In New Hampshire And Would Outpoll Clinton Nationally — Is it a sign that direct and apparent “surrogate” attacks from New York Senator Hillary Clinton's camp have backfired? Perhaps... Two new polls bring continued good news for Illinois Senator Barack Obama …

Persuasive Huckabee Changed a State, His Way — LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — In more than a decade of presiding over this state, Mike Huckabee produced a legacy like few other Republican governors in the South, surprising even liberal Democrats with his willingness to upend some of Arkansas's more parochial traditions.

Pimp My Ride — On the road with Ron Paul's merry band of misfits and his hooker fan club. — The first thing I learned from driving around Nevada with Ron Paul for a couple of days: People really hate the Federal Reserve. This became clear midway through a speech Paul was giving …

Banks Abandon Effort to Set Up Big Rescue Fund — Treasury Backed Idea As Response to Crisis; Boost From Foreigners — One of the federal government's signature efforts to ease financial instability caused by the subprime-mortgage crisis collapsed as the nation's three biggest banks gave …
Angry Bear

Huckabee: Gitmo Is “Too Nice” — From CBS News' Joy Lin and Mary Hood: — DAVENPORT, IA - Asked about Guantanamo, Mike Huckabee said he had visited the facility and said it was “disappointing” that military personnel were eating meals that averaged $1.60 while the detainees were eating Halal meals that cost over $4 each.
The Carpetbagger Report, Think Progress, Daily Kos, Wonkette, TPMCafe blogs, Riehl World View, The Heretik and Weasel Zippers

Huck talks religion, tolerance, morality — From NBC/NJ's Adam Aigner-Treworgy — ON THE ROAD, IA — In a gaggle with reporters aboard his campaign bus, Huckabee elaborated on his response to a man from Marshalltown, IA, who had expressed concern that only Christians would be attended to by a Huckabee White House.
Los Angeles Times

Senate Majority Leader Reid Weighs Partisan Divides, Security in Iraq — JIM LEHRER: Now, our Newsmaker interview with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Democrat of Nevada. And to Ray Suarez. — RAY SUAREZ: Senator Reid, welcome to the program. — SEN. HARRY REID (D-NV) …

IMUS RIPS NOT-SO-BRAVE BROKAW — THE friendship between Don Imus and Tom Brokaw is over. — “He [Brokaw] is not the most courageous person I've ever met in my life,” Imus told his listeners on Wednesday. “He's not the guy I'd want to be in a foxhole with.”