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Poll: Obama makes gains, is even with Clinton in N.H. — PELHAM, N.H. — Democratic presidential hopefuls Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama are locked in a dead heat among New Hampshire voters in a statewide USA TODAY/Gallup Poll, underscoring the volatility of the race less than three weeks before the nation's first primary.
The Caucus, Blue Crab Boulevard, TPM Election Central, Riehl World View, MSNBC and AMERICAblog

Obama hits Clinton on electability — (CNN) — Barack Obama took direct aim Thursday night at Hillary Clinton's claim that she is the most electable Democrat in the presidential field, telling a New Hampshire crowd that the argument that “is being pushed, by the way, by a candidate who starts off with a 47 percent disapproval ratings.”

Richardson Accuses Clinton of ‘Flip-Flop’ on Iraq Pullout — MUSCATINE, Iowa — I just got a phone call — unprompted — from Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico, a Democratic candidate for president, blasting Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton for saying she would withdraw nearly all American troops …
The Glittering Eye, Open Left, Comments from Left Field, MyDD, TPM Election Central and

A Problem Like Bill — Hillary Clinton tells audiences that having lived in the White House for eight eventful years, she's eager to take charge as president on “day one." Apparently, though, so is Bill. — Before the Clinton campaign's recent shift to themes of warmth and approachability …

Hasta La Vista — Tom Tancredo is an angry man. — We know this because he has proposed dropping bombs on Mecca. We know this because he sang “Dixie” at a South Carolina gathering full of Confederate flags and white supremacists. And we know this because he wants to expel 12 million people now living in the United States.

Bush boxed in his congressional foes — HALCYON DAY: Incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) at the opening of the 110th Congress in January. Over the course of a year, President Bush used his veto and a core of loyal Republicans to substantially limit gains by the Democratic majorities in the House and Senate.

Stewart and Colbert to Return Without Writers — Comedy Central's pair of popular news satirists, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, will return to their late-night television shows on Jan. 7, two months after production was suspended because of a writers' strike.

An Interview With Fred Thompson's Wife, Jeri Thompson — Yesterday, I got together with Fred Thompson's wife, Jeri Thompson, for a phone interview as she traveled around Iowa. Unfortunately, near the end of the interview, while she was running low on time, she hit a bad cell.

Huckabee Surges, Giuliani Plummets — By The Associated Press - 13 hours ago — THE RACE: The presidential race for Republicans in Michigan. — ___ — THE NUMBERS — REPUBLICANS — Mitt Romney, 21 percent — Mike Huckabee, 19 percent — Rudy Giuliani, 12 percent — John McCain, 10 percent

Putin ‘has secret $40bn fortune’ — An unprecedented battle is taking place inside the Kremlin in advance of Vladimir Putin's departure from office, the Guardian has learned, with claims that the president presides over a secret multibillion-dollar fortune.

Belgium arrests 14 in terrorist plot — BRUSSELS, Belgium - Belgian police Friday arrested 14 Muslim extremists suspected of planning to free an al-Qaida sympathizer imprisoned for planning a terrorist attack on U.S. air base personnel, officials said. — Security was heightened at airports …
Blue Crab Boulevard

McCain Campaign Calls Allegations ‘Gutter Politics’ — Sen. John McCain said today that he has “never done any favors for anybody — lobbyist or special-interest group” as his presidential campaign rushed out a statement denouncing allegations that he did anything to benefit a specific Washington lobbyist as “gutter politics.”

Business As Usual On The Border — The reliably thoughtful Andrew Sullivan delivers his perspective on the awful story of a Nordic would-be tourist: … Matt Yglesias joins in: … So, this incident from Cheney's America reads like an Eastern European country in the 70's?

Circuit City Loss Widens; Shares Plunge on Forecast — Dec. 21 (Bloomberg) — Circuit City Stores Inc., the second-largest U.S. consumer-electronics retailer, reported a fifth straight loss and said it won't make money this quarter, when it typically generates most of its annual profit.

Reid and company target the true enemy: “Dodd and his allies” — (updated below - Update II) — During yesterday's chat with Washington Post Congressional reporter Paul Kane, this extremely revealing exchange occurred, regarding the view of Harry Reid and other anonymous Democrats …
Brian Beutler